I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 616 - Inquiries by Various Nations

After the Antarctic expedition team was escorted by the military out of the area, the aircraft that had flown in from Antarctica was immediately surrounded by soldiers in biohazard suits. They began a thorough search, not leaving any corner of the aircraft unchecked. They also carried out decontamination procedures, although it was uncertain whether human disinfection measures would be effective against any potential extraterrestrial life.

Apart from routine precautions related to viruses, the U.S. biological warfare unit's task was to search for any hidden items on the plane that might have been collected by members of the Antarctic exploration team. This team was composed of individuals from multiple nations, and some had connections with their respective governments. For instance, Gui Bin from China, Oshima from Japan, and others.

It was uncertain whether these individuals had obtained mysterious items beneath the Antarctic continent. Some might have hidden things, wishing to research them by themselves before turning them in later. Such occurrences were too common in movies, and the Americans couldn't afford to be careless.

This was why the US President had insisted on the plane arriving in his country. He felt more at ease on his home turf.

While the world had entered a quasi-mythological era, starting to believe in gods and supernatural beings, natural science was something humanity couldn't afford to abandon. The study of the supernatural could offer individuals a path to immortality, but natural science had the potential to bring happiness to the entire human race. Humanity wouldn't forsake it.

As long as oil remained the world's most critical energy source, the United States' position as the world's foremost superpower would remain unshaken. The United States' financial and economic interests were intertwined across the globe. A slight disturbance in one place could send ripples through the entire world. Other nations had no choice but to heed the United States' interests.

"Sir, there were no findings on the aircraft."

A soldier from the U.S. biological warfare unit reported to their commanding officer.

"Put the aircraft in storage. We might need it later."


The U.S. military quickly took action, storing the aircraft in a military base warehouse. Perhaps, in a few decades, this aircraft would be displayed in a museum, serving as a relic of the mysterious events in Antarctica.

However, the U.S. biological warfare unit failed to notice that in a tiny, concealed corner inside the aircraft, a creature resembling an octopus with numerous tentacles was swiftly moving about. It had a sticky, gel-like texture and a twisted, grotesque appearance. It was a juvenile Shoggoth!

Seizing the moment when the U.S. troops weren't paying attention, this Shoggoth escaped from the aircraft, slipping into the underbrush within the military base, and heading toward New York.

The meticulous caution of the Americans was entirely justified, but they had underestimated the intelligence of these creatures, created by the Elder Things.

Speaking of the film "Alien," one might wonder if it drew inspiration from the relationship between the Elder Things and the Shoggoth.


Unbeknownst to anyone, a time bomb was hidden within New York, ready to explode. After Gui Bin, Oshima, Smith, and M13 from England were taken away, they were swiftly examined by U.S. military personnel. In addition to checking their physical condition, they were thoroughly searched for hidden items.

In this age of mysterious occurrences, many individuals harbored dreams of achieving instant success and becoming the protagonist. Nobody could guarantee that there weren't individuals among them who had decided to keep some things secret, not turning over what they had acquired beneath the Antarctic continent.

However, the Americans didn't find anything. The only item taken from the underground expedition was the glowing sphere retrieved by Major Becker from the Elder Thing’s spacecraft. Apart from that, nothing useful was found. Instead, the expedition had turned into a terrifying adventure that had cost many lives.

Before long, these individuals were escorted to the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The area was heavily guarded by the military, with no journalists present. This gathering of people had full authority over 99 percent of the world!

Click– click— click—

The lights from above illuminated the central open space, where Major Becker and his Antarctic expedition team, led by Becker himself, were gathered. All who could still move were brought here, under the scrutiny of the world's leaders.

Major Becker and his team shielded their eyes from the bright light, and once their vision adjusted, they found themselves in an unusual scene.

The assembly hall was circular, with seats rising in tiers, surrounding them in the center. It resembled a theater where a multitude of people were watching a dramatic performance. Each seat was occupied by a person often seen on television. These individuals were world leaders, dressed in various styles, from traditional clothing like Chinese and Japanese attire to Western suits, and even tribal outfits adorned with various ornaments. Leaders from the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council sat alongside leaders of small African nations. It was as if the leaders of nearly every recognized nation in the world had gathered here.

Major Becker and his team found themselves shocked by the grandeur of the assembly. They had narrowly escaped death at the hands of the Shoggoths, only to be thrust into this awe-inspiring meeting. Gui Bin, who had a fondness for anime and science fiction, couldn't help but think that the setting resembled something out of ‘Neon Genesis Evangelion’ with its mysterious aura or the galactic council scenes from ‘Star Wars’.

Near the leaders, there were numerous soldiers armed with real weapons. This place was entirely sealed off. Combined, those in attendance held almost 99% of the world's power!

At the front of the assembly, naturally, were the leaders of the five major powers, and they were satisfied with the grandeur of the scene. The reason for the grand display was to use psychological tactics. The group of people before them had been in contact with extraterrestrials and had interacted with extraterrestrial technology, and no one dared to relax. Who knew what mysteries extraterrestrial technology might conceal?

"Major Becker, please tell us about what you experienced and witnessed in the underground of Antarctica," said the German Chancellor, taking the lead in addressing Major Becker.

"Yes, Your Excellency!"

Major Becker stood at attention and saluted. He then took out a memory card, which they had used to record their experiences during the Antarctic expedition.

A soldier approached and took the memory card. The staff on-site immediately set up a large projection screen and began playing the contents of the memory card.

The various world leaders took a brief look at the screen but didn't delve into it deeply, as they were waiting for more questions from the German Chancellor.

The German Chancellor inhaled deeply and sat upright with a stern expression. She asked, "Major Becker, you mentioned in your communication that you acquired an item from the extraterrestrial 'Ancients' civilization in Antarctica. Can you show us this item?"

Under the watchful gaze of the assembled world leaders, Major Becker showed no hesitation. He opened his palm, revealing the enigmatic mechanical sphere.

"It's this, distinguished leaders," he said. The mysterious object immediately drew countless eager, curious, and anticipatory gazes. Many wondered about its true nature and what kind of functions it might possess.


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