Chapter 454: Louie’s Plan

Ear-piercing sirens whistled across the skies of the military base as numerous American soldiers moved through the base, but unlike what one might expect, the many soldiers who heard the sirens were not preparing for battle but were in the process of a mass evacuation.

“Give up, give up on everything that is unused! Move only the most important things away!”

“Don’t take away the raw materials if it’s too dangerous. Just retrieve the nuclear bombs!”

“There can’t be any loss of paper information. Load all of it onto the command vehicle.”


The noisy and uncluttered shouting rose and fell as troops of the American military base were being evacuated in an orderly manner.

After a series of code inputs, the steel gate opened and countless soldiers in protective clothing ran in quickly. They began using tools to transport the missiles that were about one meter thick and nearly ten meters long.

These were all loaded with nuclear warheads, and each of them was very expensive. They were important resources that the United States of America could never easily give up.

On the other side, a team of experts wearing protective suits were working in a small room. This was the location of the nuclear raw materials. Compared to the more stable nuclear warheads, the nuclear materials were too dangerous to move. If they were brought away without any preparation, a single leak could cause a huge disaster for the United States of America.

“Enclose these nuclear materials in a deeper place. We are going to abandon this base, so even if it leaks here, it won’t matter.”

The experts looked at each other and nodded their heads. They operated the machine and secured the nuclear raw materials underground behind several sealed bunkers.

“Okay, let’s hurry up and evacuate! The sky to the southwest is beginning to redden. I’m afraid it won’t be long before the monster arrives.”

The crowd hurriedly stepped out of the lab. They changed their clothes after disinfecting and followed the large group away from the base.

A car hovered on the mountain road. Helicopters shuttled back and forth. In the blink of an eye, the 10,000 people in the military base had evacuated.


When ‘Typhon’ reached the military base, empty ruins were left in front of it.

The entire military base was like a garbage dump. Garbage and paper scraps were strewn all over the floor. If not for the fact that the buildings were intact without signs of aging, people would suspect that they were in the Chernobyl ruins.

“They are truly worthy of being called America’s finest. Even the efficiency of their work is quite good.”

Seeing the scene, Louie was not surprised. If Typhon arrived at the military base and the United States had not yet finished its evacuation, then it meant that the country’s military had degraded.

But from the looks of it, the military strength remained intact.

Facing the empty base, Louie did not remain polite. With his divine power, a huge wave of lava erupted from the ground. The temperature once again began to increase. He manipulated Typhon’s direction. Typhon’s right arm waved towards the ground, causing countless snakes to dig and instantly create a large pit.

What appeared in front of Louie was a closed metal room. The outer part of the rooms was constructed with steel and concrete, while the inside was a thick layer of lead made to prevent the leakage of radiation.

Although the metal layer was thick, before divine might, it was as thin as a piece of paper. Louie’s artificial Typhon had already reached the demigod level. He used a spell to create this disgusting monster’s body, then injected divinity to turn it into a divine creature. Until now, there was a continuous injection of divine power from Louie to make it act.

This way of creating a demigod was not that efficient, but as long as one was willing to waste divine energy, then one would possess a demigod that could be controlled at will.

Typhon’s right hand quickly tore apart the thick metal layer, and the lead layer inside collapsed at the first touch. What appeared in front was a yellow metal canister with the ‘nuclear symbol on it. In an instant, Typhon ‘ate’ it and swallowed.

In truth, all these nuclear materials went into Louie’s divine kingdom.

In the ‘legendary dragon blueprints’ that the Intelligent Brain provided, there were some legendary dragons that required certain materials to be created. One of those materials was nuclear materials.

With Louie’s ability as a true god, it was not difficult for him to obtain nuclear materials. He could easily collect all the nuclear weapons in the world.

But for Louie, this behavior was not efficient. Just obtaining nuclear material was not enough to satisfy him. He wanted more.

Thus Louie came up with this plan. First, he would intimidate mankind with Jupiter LXVI, then he would gather Chinese faith with God Taiyi. After that, he would use ‘Typhon’ to take away nuclear materials in plain sight of humans. In people’s minds, the great evil that ate nuclear materials was pinned on Typhon.

With the appearance of Typhon, Louie would then have a chance to reproduce Greek mythology. At the same time, the military base that contained nuclear materials also had the energy source that the Intelligent Brain was looking for. Louie’s plan had killed several birds with one stone. From beginning to end, everything was within his predictions.

Now, all of his plans were accomplished. There was only one last step remaining and that was to capture the Japanese faith.

After ‘eating’ the nuclear materials, Typhon changed its target. This time it arrived at one corner of the base. As it moved, lava once again erupted from the ground and flooded the military base. The ballistic base had instantly turned into a sea of lava.


Extremely strong lava blew from the ground, creating a crater that was several meters wide. On the surface of the glowing lava, there was a metal object with perfect geometry floating quietly.

This was one of the energy sources scattered on Earth by the Terran civilization.

When Louie was not yet a true god, he had been happy to see this thing as it meant that he could evolve once more, but now, Louie frowned when he saw it. The reason was that every time he found a new energy source, it meant that the Intelligent Brain was one step closer to retrieving its full function.

Sensing the joyful mood of the artificial intelligence, Louie said with a deep voice, “There’s no rush. When we return to the world of San Soliel, you can take your time to absorb the energy source. For now, let me wrap things up.”


“Sure enough, Typhon’s target is this metal canister. It already ate it…”

“But why does it even want nuclear material? Could it be that our previous speculations are all correct? Was its target both the nuclear materials and the metal canister?”

“Look, Typhon’s trying to do something.”

In the Pentagon, the American top brass who had been watching the base with satellites and drones once again focused their attention.

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