Chapter 422: Human Seed Retention Program

In the United Nations building in New York, the United States of America held a meeting with the permanent members of the UN.

This was an emergency order issued by five of the permanent members. There were also a few non-permanent members invited for their research and economic strength.

The current meeting was put together haphazardly and in a hurry. As it wasn’t scheduled and there was little time to put out a notice, only a few participants such as ambassadors present within the US managed to attend.

With the advent of such an unexpected assembly, the citizens began to speculate as to the cause. Most of these tended towards the negative, with some even hypothesizing the presence of a global-level threat.

Although the astronomy department of the University of Iowa was famous, it did not mean that there was only one such research institute. There were many advanced research institutes in all major countries on the planet.

Shortly after the University of Iowa discovered Jupiter LXVI going out of orbit in an unscientific manner and was about to head toward Earth, many world-renowned astronomical research institutions also discovered this anomaly.

Although the information was first submitted to the government, there were already a lot of people who knew about it. Even with the gag order in place, it still gradually disseminated among the populace.

In a situation where everyone’s lives were under great threat, no one was willing to just do nothing and accept their fate. Even if there was just a single percent chance of survival, human beings were creatures that would exert 200 percent of themselves to actualize it.

The first to know this news was always the upper class of the country. Some plutocrats and tycoons would take full initiative in the crisis of extinction.

Since the first day of supernatural events on Earth, many wealthy consortia had already sensed a crisis and began to use large amounts of their personal assets to prepare some life-saving countermeasures. For example, some of them bought a large piece of land and began excavating to build a nuclear-grade underground facility with enough supplies to survive for decades.

However, the power of supernatural forces went beyond their expectation. Even building nuclear-grade shelters underground still made them feel insecure. The truly capable and skilled consortia were looking beyond Earth.

After witnessing the power of supernaturals, especially the events in Tokyo, the happiest one among the rich and powerful in the United States was undoubtedly Musk and his SpaceX project.

This was a high-tech company that promoted concepts and launched all kinds of rockets into the sky every day. There were even huge injections of capital from the major consortia in the United States.

But this kind of investment had almost no return. It didn’t have a big benefit to the human race, so the capitalists were not too moved.

But now, under the threat of life, there was a crazy influx of investments towards this company, allowing them to make huge leaps of progress.

It wasn’t really in terms of technological advancement, but simply the ability to increase the success rate of rocket launches to a safe level at no cost. They had also launched a capsule further away to become a small space station that would be able to operate in the universe for decades.

This was exactly what the rich and powerful need. Although this kind of wandering and drifting in the universe was painful if they were lucky they would be able to live for a long time while the rest of humanity perished.

SpaceX did not care about monetary costs and gained technical support from NASA long ago. They had already built several secret launch bases in the United States of America and equipped every consortium with a special rocket for the families of the wealthy of the country.

When these people received news of the extinction of the human race, they had already secretly taken their families to the rocket launch bases by car or by private jet. There, they would wait for the news of humanity’s imminent doom before going to space and spending the rest of their lives there.

As for the general public that did not know anything, the wealthy could only say that there was nothing that they could do. With today’s technology, it was impossible to save everyone.

What’s more, everything was too late. No matter how fast Earth’s technology developed, it wouldn’t be able to make it as the asteroid was estimated to arrive in only ten days!

This was a natural disaster that even billionaires could not survive. Only those who possessed power and were in the true upper echelons of the state could have a chance of saving their lives.

If Jupiter’s moon destroyed the human race after hitting Earth, then they would only return once the Earth’s environment could once again sustain human survival. Then they would become the new Adams and Eves of the newborn human race.

All the rich and powerful had such thinking. They never felt that they were running away, and their actions were to serve as the continuation of humanity. They also felt quite proud of themselves as they were the elites of society, so their DNA could better the human race. As for those who had nothing, they would just honestly wait for their death.

This action was privately called the ‘Human Seed Retention Program’.

And in this form, the United Nations General Assembly was held as usual. Although the senior officials and the rich and powerful were prepared to flee, no one was really willing to abandon Earth and all human beings. Without ordinary people as a comparison, how could they boast about their money and power?

No one would want to give up their power if they could.

All the countries would pool their efforts to carry out the final rescue work and hope that it succeeded. If it failed, then they would abandon the entire human race!

In science fiction, there would definitely be proper spaceships that could wander long distances to a new habitable planet, but with Earth’s current technology, the elites could only barely escape.

This is for last week’s chapters. My editor moved his house, so I couldn’t release anything. If anybody has complaints about the slow release, he’s now in the UK, so go knock on their door.


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