Chapter 418: Giving Earth Some Fun

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At the top of the mage tower, Louie gazed at the many apprentices who looked cheerful and excited as they wandered the tower.

Some of them were whispering in a corner with each other, some were studying in the library, some were observing the otherworldly plants and animals, and some were reviewing their homework in their dormitories. These young people brought a burst of cheer and life to this quiet magic tower where all the staff from teacher to principal were in reality just Louie.

Louie clearly knew that the governments of the world would want to know about the secrets of magic. They wanted to know how magic worked and so he tried using a demonstration to introduce the world to how to become a mage.

The knowledge he taught was absolutely correct and nothing was false. His understanding of magic as the God of Magic was extremely deep. Other than true gods, legendary mages and demigod mages would not beat him in terms of comprehension.

It could be said that Louie himself was an excellent teacher.

If someone heard Louie’s lecture in San Soliel, it was possible that an ordinary person could become an apprentice or even a mage.

But on Earth, except for the chosen people in this mage tower, humans outside could never use spells, because even if magic existed on Earth, the essence of magic did not exist.

“First, let’s teach these apprentices for a while. Then I’ll send them back home for ‘vacation’. The existence of these mage apprentices is already enough to prove the authenticity of supernatural powers, so the people of Earth would never suspect anything ever again.”

“These people from different countries had people who knew them and were recorded to exist through their birth certificates and past records on Earth. They who were once ordinary people had now learned spells. This should be enough to penetrate the hearts of ordinary people.”

These mage apprentices were hand-picked by Louie. Their ability to learn magic would feel natural to everyone. People outside the mage tower would then use the excuse that they were not talented enough to use magic when they couldn’t use it.

In fact, there were more than seven billion people on Earth, but how could there be less than two hundred people capable of learning magic? This was just Louie’s intent to exaggerate the difficulty of doing so.

To become a mage, the most important point was the ability to perceive magic power and talent. Only those who had talents could become mages, followed by their ability to learn.

This was also why there weren’t many mages in San Soliel. Additionally, training mages required a lot of money, enough talent, and the motivation to learn. These three were enough to block other people on the path of magic.

“But this situation will soon change. Once the Goddess of magic builds her magic network, the barrier to becoming a mage would be lowered. Learning ability would become the sole barrier in developing mages. From this point of view, the existence of the ma…

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