Chapter 410: Book of the Evil God

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White House, Washington, United States of America —

Homeland Security Director General Robertson pushed to have an urgent meeting with the President and the Secretary of Defense.

“Director Robertson, I am very, very dissatisfied with your recent work. You should know what I mean when I look at you like this!”

The president tapped his fingers on the table. He had never been a daring president due to his former background as a shrewd businessman.

“I have satisfied enough of your requirements. When you wanted money, I lobbied hard for the State budget Committee to give you funds. When you wanted soldiers, I risked offending the CIA and FBI, offering to have them send you elite agents. When you wanted research institutions, I had let you use one of the best research institutes in the United States, but General, look at what you gave me in return. Nothing!”

“You are wasting taxpayer dollars. If this continues, even I can’t bail you out in the face of pressure from both houses!” the president spat.

General Robertson stood in front of the president. He stood straight, but his forehead was drenched in sweat.

He was someone who had once sought to retire but chose to foray once more into politics. He had lobbied for a position as director of Homeland Security since it involved supernatural events. But with the enviable position came a lot of pressure. If he didn’t provide results, he would be forced to step down.

Thinking like this, Robertson hurriedly stepped forward and respectfully handed the data, Your Excellency, this is a book collected from a cult that we have recently destroyed. This book is a true supernatural item that contains incredible power.”

The president picked up the information and read it without comment. The number of liars had been on the rise recently, and they made up the vast majority of reported supernatural events. As a result, the president had also turned from initial excitement into indifferent numbness.

The president briefly flipped through the information inside and said with uncertainty, “Are the reports here all true?”

He originally thought that his director had submitted a false report to save his position. How could there be any mysterious items from a small cult that could easily be eliminated by a group of marines? This was completely different from the supernatural events shown before.

It must be known that the supernatural events in Tokyo and Kenya were severe to the extent that even a carrier fleet could not win, let alone a team of marines.

“The Dark Bible? Why does it feel like I have heard this somewhere?”

The president meditated on it before finally drifting off and saying, “Oh I remember. The last president had captured a terrorist leader. After searching the previous files, I think I saw these words… could… could it be that the terrorists had contact with supernatural forces at that time?”

Speaking of which, the president’s voice tensed up, and he began to suspect that the once world-…

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