I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 317: The Incarnation of Satan!

Chapter 317: The Incarnation of Satan!

“This place shall be Canaan!”

With these words, the clouds in the sky began to spin

Off the Somali coastline, an undersea volcano erupted and the whole ocean trembled. The seawater rolled to form big waves, but these waves did not lap at the shore and instead moved back and forth in a bizarre range.

The shaking under the sea caused an earthquake, causing the disciples to trip and shriek.

Then, right under the eyes of 100,000 people as well as the countless others watching this from their homes, a geological change was happening under the seas. The whole sea floor actually began to rumble and rise.

God was changing the terrain!

A large amount of sand and mud from all directions tumbled and gathered together. Layers upon layers began to pile up. The movement under the sea began to increase in intensity, and the surrounding mud and sand began to pile up more ferociously. A piece of land began to rise and appear in the eyes of the crowd. It was an incomparably huge island.

“God, what… What kind of miracle is this? The Lord had changed the topography of the planet. He has filled the sea to make land!”

Countless people let out cries of amazement. An American carrier fleet had long since arrived in the vicinity of Somali waters. After seeing this miraculous spectacle, the carrier fleet also sent down an underwater probe to observe the occurrence of this miracle, recording precious data of this land reclamation.

Japan, which had a small amount of habitable land and a large population, had always been performing land reclamation, but that amount of work was a bottomless pit that would require countless funds and time.

It took the whole of Japan many years to build a habitable land, and the subsequent maintenance was also a sinkhole of money, but Christ made an island appear and the seas receded with just one word. According to research, Japan even found that the island made by Christ was no different from islands that were formed naturally. It did not require any subsequent maintenance at all. From its appearance, Christ had made time advance by hundreds of millions of years to form the island.

God created the world. Although it sounds like a joke, if the miracle that Christ performed today was expanded on a global scale, it was not impossible for God to create the world.

This was no other than the legendary spell — [Create Island]!

As the name suggested, it was a spell used to create an island above the seas. Normally, mages would only have enough power to create a small island. The largest man-made island in the records of San Soliel took hundreds of mages just to form.

Although Louie was only one person, he had used divine power to cast the spell. He alone was comparable to hundreds of mages. Away from the far coast of Somalia, he had directly created an artificial island, causing the Earth’s oceans to recede and land to rise.

‘It’s quite costly in terms of divine power.’

Louie sensed that his accumulated divine power was almost completely exhausted with this magic. This made him somewhat regretful that his divine authority on earth was ultimately incomplete.

It’s a pity that he had not become a true god and obtained truly god-like powers. Otherwise, he would have used his power to directly change the terrain, which would have saved a lot more energy than casting a legendary spell.

Although creating an island had consumed an unexpected amount of divine power, Louie could only continuously channel his divine power to perfect the island and create one last big show.

This couldn’t be helped. If the island he created was too small, it would be too humiliating.

The power of the spell looked like a natural disaster, but due to divine power, its catastrophic effects were limited to a certain range.

Watching the island rise up as if billions of years had passed, the people’s shock was indescribable.

In the past, Moses parted the seas, but Louie reclaimed them!

When the island was completely formed, a natural bridge of earth rose between it and the cliff!

After seeing the bridge float up, a certain Chinese architect pounded his chest and shouted, “How much money could we save if he let God help us build a bridge!”

In Shenzhen, China had spent more than a decade and tens of billions of dollars just to build the world’s highest cross-sea bridge. This was close to a miracle to create, but God had taken only a few minutes to build it. And at what cost you ask? Only a few words!

Moreover, human bridges were constructed with steel and concrete, leaving human traces. The expected life expectancy was only a hundred and twenty years at most. However, the bridge built by god was like a work of art created by nature. Most likely, it would not have the slightest change even after tens of millions of years.

Mountains would never collapse even for billions of years, but human creations would be erased after ten thousand years. This was the difference between man and nature. The difference between man and god!

With the completion of the bridge, Louis looked at his almost bottomed-out divine power. With a single thought, he activated the ability of the divine authority of life and poured it onto the island.

Divine power was omnipotent energy. It held an incredibly high status. As long as there was enough of it, the gods were able to perform things that normal humans could not do.

Divine power, godhood, and divine authority were the most valuable things that a god possessed!

With the sprinkle of the divine power of life, trees, flowers, and plants of various colors began to grow in this barren land. Many insects and small animals began to populate the island as if they were created from nothing.

As Genesis said, in the beginning, God created the heavens and earth. Then at some point, God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind.”

Wasn’t what Christ was doing at the moment, a recreation of the miracle of Genesis?

Although the creation of living creatures out of nothingness seemed closer to an absolute miracle to mankind, for Louie, it was much easier than creating an island.

It must be known that the last holder of the divine authority of life was a powerful god that had turned into the Ancient Tree of Life. It had even given the elves thousands of years of lifespan. Compared to doing other complicated acts, creating insects and animals was really a simple matter.

In less than ten minutes, a prosperous and beautiful island was created on Earth. It had beautiful mountains and flowers that made it look like paradise.

In the future, the island became a new Christian sanctuary on par with the Vatican. It became a place of pilgrimage for Christians and a tourist sanctuary open to the public called Canaan Island.

Since the island was created by Christ, tourism taxes and so on belonged to the church. According to Christ’s instructions, all income was to be used as charity to save those who were suffering.

The only thing that depressed Louie was that Christ’s doctrine was too good, causing him to lean towards the side of good.

Just when Canaan was created, the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds. There were thunder flashes and demonic energy spread. In the crowd’s alarm, people found that another demon appeared in front of Christ. This time it was not an ordinary demon. It cast a huge shadow on the ground as its body parted the skies.

Its body was hidden among dark clouds, and it seemed to be a crimson dark gold dragon. Attached to the body were seven heads with ten crowns. Its teeth and claws radiated a powerful will of arrogance, envy, rage, sloth, laziness, sloth, and gluttony. It was as if mankind would fall into the depths of hell by just looking at it.

“Enemy of the Lord, Satan!!”

“Oh God, Satan has appeared!”

“Could it be that the apocalypse has come?”


Seeing the iconic seven heads and ten crowns, how could Christ’s believers not recognize it?

This was the serpent that tempted Adam and Eve, the incarnation of Satan!

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