I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 315: Christ and the Devil

Chapter 315: Christ and the Devil

Somalia’s generals looked in horror at the leader they were loyal to. Abdullahi’s body turned twisted. His skin split open, but what flowed from those openings was not blood but burning hot magma.

The magma flowed down the surface of Abdullahi’s body, burning his skin into charcoal, but he seemed to be unable to feel it. His pupils gradually disappeared, and he let out a twisted smile that emitted a crackling sound. No matter how you look at it, this wasn’t normal.

“Mr. President? Mr. President!?”

Although the general called out to Abdullahi, his whole body backed up and pointed his pistol at the president.

“Hehe….. hehe……”

Abdullahi showed an evil smile at the general. He opened his mouth, but what splattered out was not saliva but hot lava. The general choked at the smell of sulfur, but he did not turn his head away and shouted, “Soldiers! Soldiers! Everyone come!”

The general let out a terrified shout, but in the next second, Abdullahi’s body burst into flames and transformed into a terrifying demon!!


The demon looked up at the sky and let out a vicious roar. From it, huge waves of flame emanated in all directions. This was a racial spell that belonged to the balor demons. As the most powerful demon of the abyss second only to the demon lords, any normal being was certain to die to his attack.


The world around the demon gradually turned into a hellscape of magma that poured out endlessly. Nearby tanks, armored vehicles, and cannons melted under this scorching hot magma. Those people who had been close to the demons had already been turned to ashes.



“It’s a monster! A monster!!”

“The president has turned into a demon!!!”

“Wait, let us get in the car too!!”


Some Somali soldiers had fired at the demon, but as the bullets hit the body, they had instantly melted and dripped onto the earth, hissing as they landed. Resistance was futile, and they immediately understood this. In the end, they all ran away in fear. There were armored vehicles not caught in the magma, so the drivers directly stepped on the pedal to escape the area.


Countless whips of flames appeared from the demon’s body. These whips were able to easily cut humans apart. Then it pulled out a giant flaming sword and spread the flames from it everywhere. The demon chased those fleeing people like a lion in a herd of sheep, killing everyone.

The journalists and disciples who had followed behind Christ in the distance heard the cries for help from ahead. The fleeing soldiers drove armored cars as they screamed for help and the demon pursued them. The smell of sulfur filled their noses and the sky turned black and the ground beneath them slowly turned into lava.

The balor demon that Louie manipulated poured out its spells to create a hellscape.

“Ahhhh, mommy—”

“Don’t eat me! Don’t eat me!”


The demon grabbed people directly, tore them apart, and chewed on their bodies. The smell of sulfur had masked the scent of blood, but the disgusting scene of humans being turned into food gave people the chills.

Those who were eating and watching this scene had probably stopped eating already.

Human bones cracked as the demon bit into the humans. Intestines and viscera spilled out of their bodies, but it continued to gnaw on them as it killed the Somali army. In just a few moments, the Somali army had been wiped out.

“Take a look at those illusory lights. The demon is not only eating these people, but it is also eating their souls!!”

Some people had discovered that for every person the demon killed, their souls seemed to remain before being absorbed by the demon. Seeing this, everyone could not help but tremble.”

This meant that the souls of those killed by it did not dissipate. Perhaps the demon even tortured them after death!

Thinking about this, even the bravest of people would retreat. No one wanted to be abused by a demon after death. The Somalis’ suffering was really self-inflicted as they were compelled by the devil to block ‘Christ’s’ path. Their souls would ultimately go to hell and receive punishment.


The demon was even more seething when it saw Christ. Its anger almost seemed to take a physical, hazy form as it roared out, but since the demon was speaking the language of the Abyss, no human could understand it. However, they could feel depravity and corruption just from hearing its words. Their hearts sank and their breathing became disordered.

Although the language of the Abyss was not as terrifying as the gods, it could still make ordinary people go crazy.

“I shall be numbered among the criminals, and shall bear the sins of many – even your sins.”

Christ spoke again with a compassionate voice as if he forgave all those who turned their backs on him. He was even willing to bear the sins that these Somali soldiers had committed.

Then, the field where time stood still disappeared, causing the shells in the air to reverse and pour onto the demon.


The demon roared when it saw the shells flying towards it. A flame storm rose up, enveloping the thousands of shells accompanied by endless explosions. The remaining Somali soldiers were caught up in this firestorm and turned into ashes with only a few managing to escape.

“I am one with the Father, I am the light of the world, and I shall light your way!”

Christ once again shouted, causing light to appear in this burning hellscape. The light turned into a bolt of lightning that cracked from the sky into the earth. Divine electricity struck down the demon, causing its skin to crack even more. It let out a soul-shaking scream as if the will of evil was gradually dissipating.

With the appearance of this lighting, the smell of sulfur had become lighter. The hellscape also seemed to become somewhat sanctified.

This was an imitation spell that Louie copied from the paladins [Thunder Prayer]. Although this balor demon was controlled by Louie, it was still a balor demon. General spells were not very effective on it, so Louie had imitated a paladin’s spell with his divine power. Being the strongest counter to the demon, it had been destroyed in one fell swoop.

When the demon died, its body inflated like a huge balloon before bursting violently. Every creature within hundreds of meters of it died as its blood spilled all over heaven and earth. Its blood turned into flames with human souls as the fuel.

This was something that the balor demon would produce at its death. It was akin to a corpse explosion where it killed everything around it. It could also be called its final move. As a result, many in the world of San Soliel were unwilling to fight a balor demon. They were not only strong and tenacious, but they would pull you along even in death. It was simply an annoying enemy.

However, in front of a god, even demon lords of the abyss would die, let alone balor demons. Its self-immolation trick wouldn’t do any harm.

Seeing this extremely horrible demon die, everyone finally exhaled in relief. Even if they were just watching, they felt as if they experienced a great battle. The appearance of the demon was too much on their psyches as they remained paralyzed on the ground.

But people could finally believe that this person was Christ, the savior who was hated and feared by the demons. The god of all creation!

After killing the demon, Louie expressed his satisfaction. With the appearance and death of the demon by Christ’s hand, no one would ever question his identity.

It must be known that this demon was a genuine article and not a counterfeit. Louie also deliberately left some demon flesh and blood for the people of Earth to study. This way, they could see that the demons had a completely different flesh composition from any known creature on the planet.

Although Louie could not tell how much faith he was gathering while he was on Earth, he thought that the results would delight him once he returned to San Soliel.

Just as he was imagining the future, an alert came from the intelligent brain.

[Warning, there are powerful creatures of the world of San Soliel trying to approach the space-time wormhole. I can buy twelve hours of time on Earth for the host. Please make sure the host returns to San Soliel within twelve hours.]

‘Someone has come to Dragon City and is approaching my palace?’

‘Who is it? No one actually noticed that person, and they even went past Roselia and Noella’s perceptions!’

‘Twelve hours should be enough!’

Louie was aghast. He didn’t expect such an event to occur. He knew that his show on Earth had to end in a hurry. His space-time wormhole must never be discovered by anyone as it would be his future foundation!

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