I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 309: The Wizards’ Performance

Chapter 309: The Wizards’ Performance

“Since you’re already aware, I’ll leave it to them to tell you what to do.”

At this point, the divine power within Louie’s puppet was nearly depleted. He prepared to make a quick exit after dropping his instructions.

Connacht Rhys looked at the wizards who appeared humbled before the fearsome god. He turned to leave before realizing that some of the royals seemed to want to stop him. Most notably the Crown Prince and his wife.


Connacht Rhys felt their hesitation, he looked down and noticed that his left hand still held onto the royal Princess Charlotte. This little girl had not cried ever since he grabbed her. And her almost weightless body had nearly skipped his mind.

“Little girl. You are quite brave, but still too young. It’s not yet your time to go to war,” he laughed as he put her down.

The royal family members secretly sighed. The little girl had hardly known what she was doing when she ran out of the palace. It was with childish ignorance that she had stepped up to the Celt. Nonetheless, things had turned out okay in the end.

Moronoe seemed to be interested in the little princess, and she flew two circles around her. Princess Charlotte also looked at the diminutive person with child-like excitement. She curiously reached out to grab her, causing her parents to be startled.

“Hee hee~ What a cute little girl. I’ll give this to you.”

The fairy queen Moronoe laughed and took out a golden apple with a flip of her wrist and handed it over.

Princess Charlotte was hesitant. She cautiously looked at her parents with her eyes as if asking if she could take it.

The prince and princess were moved. When they saw the envy in the eyes of the wizards, they warmly nodded their heads to Princess Charlotte, indicating that she could take it.

Charlotte smiled sweetly. She thanked Moronoe and took the apple with a face full of innocence. Then she took a bite out of it.

Seeing this, the royal family members stiffened. They understood that this golden apple was not a normal object and the government hadn’t even studied it yet, but the princess had promptly taken a bite out of it.

Although they were inwardly embarrassed, no one dared to make a sound and they could only watch as the princess finished off the fruit in front of them. Seeing her happy expression, it was clear that the fruit was delicious at least.

Moronoe flew up again and landed on Connacht Rhys’ shoulder. She laughed cheerfully, “This little girl is more knowledgeable than adults and knows that apples are meant for eating.”

Her voice was cheerful and had a slightly mocking edge to it. It was as though she had sensed the royal family and government’s desire to study the gift apple, and they blushed in embarrassment.

Being mocked by a powerful being was not something to rejoice in, but something to fear.

“This business trip is done. I’m not good with words, so I’ll leave the explanation to you people.”

Connacht Rhys looked at the group of wizards and nodded to Moronoe. The Queen of Avalon waved her small hand and they both shone in golden light as they disappeared, leaving behind golden dust.

The heavy atmosphere that permeated Buckingham Palace dissipated. All the royals felt their hearts fall back and some even felt relieved that they sat down on their buttocks, not caring where they were anymore.

In front of the savage and irascible god, the pressure was really too much. Asides from the royals, even the wizards let out sighs in relief.

Elizabeth II did not place much importance on her life since it had been long and fruitful, and so she looked at the wizards at the side. Her old, wise eyes flickered slightly. She knew that these people had mysterious powers, but they were real people and not gods. Seeing the youthful dress of these wizards, the queen guessed that they must be modern citizens of the country!

‘There really are super humans in modern society, but these people have hidden very deeply. It wasn’t until the gods appeared that they started to show themselves.’

These wizards had different demeanors and different movements. Somehow each seemed to hold a different personality.

Earth’s mortals did not know that for the gods of San Soliel, controlling multiple people and making them seem different was not a difficult task. Even the best micro-expressionists or psychologists could not tell that these people were all just one person.

The queen pondered. Without feeling the oppression from the god, her mind became clearer as she regained her standing.

Among the countries of the world, only China and Japan had positive contact with these superhumans. Although the United States also had contact, this was more of a negative kind.

Although this group of wizards was not as powerful as actual deities, they likely had command over various mysterious powers and were easier to speak with than gods. Thinking this, she approached them with a smile.

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your help. Great Britain will also remember your help. Tuatha De Danann has asked us to discuss this with you. Why don’t we change places and discuss it over afternoon tea?

At the moment she had put on her most affable voice and displayed all of her regal charisma. The remainder of the royals were stunned at this but soon revealed eager gazes at the prospects that could await all of them.

Did they also have the talent to become a wizard?

What was the world of wizards like?

How was it different from Harry Potter?

Could they learn magic?

The teenage royals were especially excited

The adults on the other hand thought about the benefits of this encounter and secretly admired the queen’s wisdom. Being able to communicate with these people was simple enough to cause other countries to feel envious.

With the Prime Minister on his way to France, the queen was the most qualified person to receive these people. There were too many benefits for the royal family.

Under the expectations of the royal family, the old man who was the leader of the group did not refuse. If the people of San Soliel were here, they would feel that the old man’s appearance looked like Marches. The wizards behind him also looked like members of Dragon City’s mage corps.

Louie had actually borrowed the appearance of the people he knew well so that he did not have to spend effort in recreating human faces.

“Your majesty has kindly invited us, and we have been instructed by the gods, so we would never refuse.”

Fake-Marches bowed slightly. The tone of his voice was polite and respectful yet faintly detached and proud. He maintained his status as a wizard who, although mortal, wielded extraordinary power.

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“But, it seems that your palace is not suitable for hosting guests at the moment.”

Fake-Marches looked at Buckingham Palace, which was a far cry from its usual pristine appearance.

The queen felt embarrassed, but since she still invited him, “The side halls of Buckingham Palace should be untouched. If you don’t mind, we can move there for a short discussion.”

Fake-Marches looked around, and shook his head, “It’s fine. This is also caused by our god. Let us wizards handle everything here.”

Under the curious gazes of the royal family and other spectators, Fake-Marches and the wizards behind him held up their wands and collectively uttered cryptic incantations.

Then the scenery of Buckingham Palace began to shift as though it was in a movie on rewind. The palaces that had been burnt down and the tiles that had shattered and scattered everywhere seemed to regain their initial forms. The churned earth regained its original, verdant appearance. Pieces of ceramic and glass shards reformed into windows and tiles. In an instant, Buckingham Place had been restored to its pre-war days. It was as if it was brand new.

At the same time, the gardens of Buckingham Palace seemed to be alive. Grass and flowers grew out of the soil. The flowers went from buds and bloomed in an instant. These wizards not only restored Buckingham Palace to its original state, they even made the plants grow again.

All the people who saw this drew in a cold breath in shock.

With these wizards being so powerful, just how powerful would the god that they respected be? Moreover, what incredible greatness did the ‘Christ’ who descended on Kenya possess?

For a moment, the crowd had complicated thoughts. It seemed that the Celtic god was merciful. If he really began to rage, then the entire country might be flipped upside down. Unless ‘Christ’ took action himself, perhaps mankind would not be able to stop the Celtic maniac.

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