I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 286: Exodus from Kenya

Chapter 286: Exodus from Kenya

During the Age of the Gods, resurrections from the dead were not incredible miracles. The gods who were in charge of the divine authorities of life, death, nature, and other similar divine authorities were powerful, and their churches could be bestowed with powerful blessings as well.

But the ‘resurrection’ also had high requirements. First of all, the deceased could not have been dead for more than three days, and the body also needed to be relatively intact. The most important thing was that the soul could not be missing. If the soul was devoured by demons or devils, then this miraculous art could not be performed.

This also required divine power of the gods to perform, so during the era of the gods, only a few archbishops could perform this magic. Moreover, they had to pray to their god each time they performed this secret art to borrow their power.

Louie, as a god with the divine authority of life, naturally had the power to bring beings back to life. As Sister Mirda met the necessary requirements he could effectively create the miracle.

As for rejuvenating her, it was an even easier deed for a god.

The Messiah sat on the dusty earth without a single stain on his clothes or person. Without putting on any airs or pretensions, he placed himself within the inhabitants and smiled.

“Lord, here is your food.”

Sister Mirda led her nuns and carefully and respectfully came to his presence. As reverently as Abel had sacrificed sheep and cattle to God, she raised the plate of food in her hands.

In this village where food was scarce, the people of the village still offered their last bit of food to the savior.

The Messiah shook his head and with what appeared to be love for the world in his eyes, he gently said, “Share the food with the people. Only when you have eaten your fill can you set out on the divine path.”

“This is my body, which will be given for you; do this in memory of me”

Not far away, the hungry people were eating the bread handed to them when he had arrived. The bread did not look like much and would at most fill one person. But when they broke off a small piece of bread and ate it, they were immediately full and no longer hungry.

The people shouted the name of Christ with devotion and fervor. They believed in his words and that these miraculous loaves were his flesh and the bright red wine was his blood.

Christ gave the people his flesh and blood. Man was born with the original sin and Christ allowed himself to carry all the sins, showing goodness and righteousness.

The people kneeled down and took small bites of the bread and small sips of wine. Tears soaked their eyes as divine light shone down onto them.

Naturally, these bread were modern cookies, except Louie had used a spell to compress them, so it was much more magical than modern technology. In fact, the bread was not created from divine power but was compressed ready-made bread from the shopping store.

To waste divine power for the sake of food was a bad idea unless it was for the sake of obtaining more believers!

“You are a righteous person. You should have gone to heaven to see the lord, but I let you remain on Earth. Do you have any complaints?”

Christ sat on the ground and looked benevolently at the nun before him.

“I have no complaints. To see you is destiny. You letting me stay on Earth is part of God’s will. I will spread your righteousness on Earth.”

The nun was excited. She was not excited about her resurrection from the dead. She was not excited by her return to youth. She was more excited to see the body of the Lord and hear his voice. Devotees did not have much ego. They rejoiced solely because of God.

The nun thought of the ‘Holy Maiden of Orleans’ six hundred years ago. She must have also listened to the voice of the Lord so that she could face everything with such openness. She was even able to call on the name of the Lord in the midst of flames and come under the Lord.

She also thought of the famous French nun of the 19th century, the Blessed Mother Teresa. They must have been like herself who lived a righteous life. Only she was more fortunate than they were, for those saints saw the Lord in heaven, while she saw him on Earth.

Sister Mirda was moved to tears by this thought. Christ finally came to the world in remembrance of the suffering of the world and brought peace to all believers.

“Lord. please tell me, how should I walk in the divine direction?”

“Follow me, you who believe in me. Lay down your arms and confess in your hearts that I am the Lord. For it is with your heart that you believe and is justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. For there is no difference between races—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

Christ responded to the believer’s question.

“Our Lord, our Christ, let us walk behind you in your footprints. Let us be your disciples and listen to your righteousness and holiness. I hope you will grant your mercy, so that we may all be saved.”

The nuns knelt down and prayed with all their spirits. Those villagers also followed suit after eating their fill. The poorer the people, the easier it was for them to believe in God.

And in the midst of this desperate situation, the appearance of Christ was their true savior. Moreover, they were already believers in Christ before this. It was just that their beliefs were on shaky ground.


Christ smiled and rose from the ground. Barefoot, he walked toward the entrance of the village, “If you believe in me, follow me and lay aside your hatred and anger. Lay down your weapon and I will lead you out of misery and into the holy land.”

“I am the way, the truth, the life, the earth, your dreams, your secrets, and the eternal time. No one doth come unto the Father, if not through me.”

No one had any objections. The order of nuns followed behind Christ. The Kenyan soldiers also threw down their guns and followed. No one had any objection and went forward to the holy land in their hearts with full determination.

The foreigners watched in amazement. All the people of the village just got up and walked away, following Christ.

One of the engineers put a cigarette in his mouth, lit it up, and said with a trembling voice, “Guess what I’m thinking of. Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, through the Red Sea, through the wilderness of the land of Canaan, and to the land, Yahweh promised them. This is simply a modern-day Exodus. It could be called the Exodus from Kenya…”

“Oh no!”

Suddenly, another engineer let out an alarmed cry, startling everyone.

“What’s wrong? What happened? Did you see an angel?”

“Or maybe a demon?”


These engineers talked over each other as if they were not in a good mood, but anyone who saw the presence of God in modern times would naturally not be able to feel calm, even if they do not believe in Christ.

“My country released a public email address. If anyone photographs any supernatural events, they can send it over. If it is identified to be true, there is a reward.”

Hearing the engineer’s words, the others also nodded their heads. It was also the same for other countries. Since supernatural events were already known to the public, the state did not bother hiding anymore, but instead directly solicited information from the public. This way, it could be the first to learn about supernatural events.”

“You… did you just send the video back to your country?”

Someone asked in a stupefied voice.

The engineer he was talking to was the one who had previously filmed Sister Mirda’s final journey with a camera. He had thought of turning it into a documentary, but he never imagined that it would turn into such a fantastical film!

“Yes, I just sent back the video to my country… but… but I -I do not know why, My head suddenly blanked out and somehow passed this video onto various video sites.”

The engineer was full of bewilderment. Just now, he seemed to have lost control of himself and did something he would not normally do. This was simply exposing the coming of Christ to the world.

What would the Catholic Church think?

What would the other denominations of Christianity think?

What would other religions think?

What would other people think?

What would the powers in each country think?

Things seemed like they would become messy.

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