Chapter 450: Burning Los Angeles

“Why do we have to leave our homes?! What the hell is the army doing?!”

“I pay so much tax to the government every year and this is the result? Where did our tax money go? What do we spend our money on? Are the hundreds of billions of dollars spent each year on national defense just a joke? I strongly demand that the United States Government publish its books to see if some assholes have embezzled all our tax money!”

On a street in Los Angeles, a middle-class man was talking to a TV reporter while packing up his household belongings with his relatives.

The reporter and cameraman who were satisfied with the film and television material, let the middle-class man go and found the next interviewee.

The beautiful reporter held the microphone and asked, “Good say, I am a reporter from ABC news. Can I ask your opinions about the monster heading here from the Pacific? What are your views on what the president is doing?”

“Opinions? I just want to say fuck the president. If there is another election, I’m not voting for him again!”

A black man gave a vicious middle finger, and all the expletives coming from his mouth were censored.

“Hey, you know what, Los Angeles has four million people. It’s the second-largest city in the United States of America. It’s the home of the world-famous LA Lakers and Hollywood. It’s a cultural center of the USA, but the White House is telling us to evacuate in two days! How am I supposed to do that? Do you know how valuable my property here is? How could I bring it out of the city!?”

A white man agitatedly shouted. He could be described as angry, but even if he was cursing the upper echelons of the United States, his hands were moving so fast as he packed up his baggage and rode away in his pickup truck.

“Viewers, this is the situation in Los Angeles today. As the second largest city in the United States of America, there is the great Hollywood and the LA Lakers team, but seeing the situation today, people are running away like Syrian refugee camps.”

“Every family is fleeing and abandoning their property that they have accumulated over the years. I know that the American people like to overspend and do not have much property to speak of, but everyone definitely owes the banks a bunch of money. Now that the whole of Los Angeles is shut down, can the government help us pay back what we can’t?”

“We can see from today’s situation that even the lowest level of the public no longer supports the president. I doubt that he will be re-elected after his term. Look, there is another car fleeing. Isn’t that Scarlett? Even Hollywood stars are leaving as quickly as possible.”

The TV reporter was still reporting, and the President of the United States at the Pentagon angrily slapped the table and said, “Bullshit. This is all bullshit! These news reporters are leading public opinion, and their reports are false! Los Angeles itself is the territory of the Democratic Party, of course, they will not support me!”

“Look at this bunch of assholes, since t

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