Chapter 448: Weapon of Mass Destruction, Tri-phase Bomb

Two hundred nautical miles away from the United Third Pacific Fleet of the United States, there were two silent two hundred meter long behemoths under the silent sea. This steel creature had a different magnificence from others. They quietly slept in the sea like two beasts from ancient times hidden under sea level. They were the United States of America’s two strategic nuclear submarines – the Louisiana and Alaska.

These strategic nuclear submarines were a cornerstone of the American nuclear trinity – the air force’s nuclear bombers, the army’s nuclear ballistic missiles, and the navy’s strategic nuclear submarines.

They lurked in the middle of the ocean while bearing their deadly loads. The movements and location of these submarines were state secrets. If war broke out and a country was suddenly wiped out of the map by nuclear weapons, these underwater vessels would play a role in nuclear retaliation in the event that the army and air force are rendered useless.

Therefore, these submarines were extremely important deterrents to war.

Since their creation, these submarines had hardly seen combat, but on this day, the United States of America was prepared to use them.

There was a long distance from the nuclear launch base to the Pacific Ocean. The battle with Typhon was a race against time, so the United States of America directly used the nuclear submarine to launch nuclear weapons within 200 nautical miles.


The internal bells of the two nuclear submarines ran loudly. The captain had received orders to launch nuclear weapons. The two submarine captains moved to reconfirm the message. Although this was part of the previous plans, launching nuclear weapons was not a joke. A slight error would be enough to trigger a nuclear war which would destroy the entire human race.

“Command code 0374TG, reconfirming command code… confirmation complete. White House has sent the nuclear launch codes. Nuclear weapon code comparison… completed. Prepare to launch the nuclear bombs!”

The captain and another officer in the nuclear submarine looked at each other. They walked to the missile launch pads and took out keys and inserted them into the keyhole. They both took a deep breath and twisted the keys, initiating the countdown.


The nuclear submarine gradually floated up. When it reached the appropriate depth it stopped and the nuclear missile hatch opened. One missile shot out from each of Louisiana and Alaska. The two missiles fired off their rockets to leave the surface of the ocean. In the blink of an eye, it flew up into the sky and headed for the target!

“Two hydrogen-uranium bombs have been launched. They will detonate upon the target in 20-second intervals!”

That’s right, this time the United States did not just launch ordinary atomic bombs, but a tri-phase bomb!

The tri-phase bomb was a hydrogen bomb divided into three parts to create three phases. First, an initial bout of nuclear fission would occur, causing an explosion. This in turn would trigger the second part of the bomb to begin nuclear fusion. The second phase would then trigger the final phase of fission once more. Fission, fusion, and fission again wove into each other to create the deadliest weapon on Earth.

200 nautical miles was something that a ballistic missile could cross in less than a minute. By this time, the united Third Fleet of the Navy was already traveling further away from Typhon, in order to minimize the risk of damage once the missile exploded.

The commander of the Third Fleet, the captain of the nuclear submarine, the general in the pentagon, and the various military agencies observing the war were all closely watching the flight of the two hydrogen bombs. Now that Typhon could not resist in its current state, it was the best chance for nuclear weapons to exert their power.

“Hydrogen-uranium bombs have arrived one hundred meters above the target!”


Following the roar of the captain of the submarine, a giant sun rose over the Pacific Ocean. Mankind’s most ancient monster and newest technology collided in a brilliant glare.

The yield of this one hydrogen bomb was not very large, because the scenario planned by the military staff officer was to kill all of Typhon’s cells at high temperature so that it would lose any chance of resurrecting.

The core temperature of the hydrogen bomb could reach 300 million degrees Celcius. Even the internal temperature of the sun was 50 million degrees, while the explosion of a hydrogen bomb was able to instantaneously mimic the heat of seven suns!

With this temperature that far exceeded the temperature of the core of the sun, the spectators firmly believed that a monster like Typhon would not be able to survive.

“Damn, what is that flash of light!?”

“My eyes are blinded!”

In the Hawaiian Islands, many locals and tourists were able to witness the explosive power of the distant hydrogen bomb explosion. The instantaneous explosion was enough to blind human eyes, but fortunately, they were far enough that it wouldn’t cause blindness. At most, they would feel intense pain in their eyes.

“Mushroom cloud! There is a mushroom cloud rising up!! The United States has used nuclear weapons!”

“I can’t even see anything, so how can you see a mushroom cloud!”

“Because I turned around when the nuclear weapon detonated, dumbass!”


While many people on the island were still shouting, another blinding light flashed again in the distance.

TLN: When playing against Skye, Breach, Phoenix, Yoru in Valorant.

“Has the United States gone crazy? Another nuclear weapon has been detonated!”


Two hydrogen-uranium bombs detonated in the same place twenty seconds apart. In such a harsh environment, theoretically, nothing could exist.

“Wait for the mushroom cloud to clear and immediately check the effects.”

The officer in the U.S. command center ordered, but before his instruction could be acted upon, a distorted voice from an observer was heard shouting, “Commander, something is not right! The energy generated by the bomb is dissipating too quickly. Not even nuclear radiation appeared! Wait, nuclear radiation was observed, but it only appeared for an instant before disappearing.”

“What is happening? Why is the energy and radiation from the hydrogen-uranium bomb not spreading?”

“Look, the target has appeared again.”

“God, why is this happening? Why has its recovery speed increased?!”

The entire command center was in chaos as everybody shouted with incredulity. All the people watching the battle were shocked to find that not only was Typhon not damaged in any way, but it also seemed like it had received enough energy to become active.

“Hydrogen-uranium bomb… the energy and nuclear radiation were absorbed by Typhon… This, this monster is able to use nuclear energy as food!”

“How is that possible!? Doesn’t this mean we are just feeding it? Our strongest weapon is not only ineffective but also makes it stronger?”

“Could Typhon be a M.U.T.O. from Godzilla to be able to eat nuclear energy!”

“No, Typhon is even more terrifying than some M.U.T.O.”

“Typhon’s body has completely recovered and it’s moving again! Oh God, it’s walking even faster than before!!!”

People shouted in panic. Everyone was in despair in the face of this undying monster that could not be dealt with by human weapons.

Was technology truly unable to fend off the supernatural?

Double chapters for the next few days.

Chapters I owe everyone: 21

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