I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 437 - Chapter 437: Chapter 242: Game Descends into Reality 2

Chapter 437: Chapter 242: Game Descends into Reality 2

Translator: 549690339              y—

“Spatial Channel?”

“A massive number of demons will invade the real world?”

Su Nan’s heart trembled, his eyes filled with heaviness.

In the past, regardless of how powerful the demon clan was, players in the real world didn ‘t care too much, and many people still treated the Demon World as a game.

But now, demons are about to infiltrate the real world. How is this different from finding out in the middle of a game that your hometown is about to be raided?

Moreover, once this gap appears, a continuous stream of troubles may follow. It should be noted that the real world and the Demon World are not the same. The Demon World doesn’t have the vitality of Heaven and Earth, but the real world does.

Though the spiritual mechanism of Heaven and Earth can’t be seen or touched, it is vital for both humans and demons in the Demon World.

Because the Demon World lacks this Heavenly and Earthly vitality, humans cannot cultivate the ancient scriptures, utilize mystical techniques, and their power is greatly reduced.

Similarly, due to the absence of the spiritual mechanism of Heaven and Earth, the bloodline of the demon clan degenerates.

Previously, the demons could not enter the real world, so naturally, they didn’t harbor such thoughts.

But with the upcoming third public test, the demons have found a way to enter the real world.

One can imagine that at that time, the demon clan will do everything in their power to cross the spatial channel and enter the real world.

“I wonder if firearms can deal with King-level Great Demons?”

Using current real-world firearms, humans may be able to handle Mortal-level and spiritual-level demons, but Xuan-level demons are virtually impossible to defeat.

And to deal with King-level demons, it seems that only nuclear weapons can be deployed!

King-level demonic beasts can manipulate the power of Heaven and Earth, their speed is extremely fast, and they even possess some unpredictable abilities.

Only weapons with a large blast radius, like nuclear weapons, have a chance of killing them.

But the problem is, if demons appear in deserted, uninhabited areas, nuclear weapons can be used. But if they appear in the city, using nuclear weapons is not a viable option.

“In normal circumstances, when three Xuan-level players appear in the game, most of the other players would have already reached the spiritual level, with ’ the mainstream players in the middle or late spiritual level.”

At that time, even if a large number of demons enter the real world, the force of humans combined with firearms should barely cope.”

“But right now, although there are nearly a thousand spiritual-level players, they are all at the spiritual-level early-stage. I’m afraid this wave may overwhelm real-world humans!”

Su Nan was somewhat worried.

In the final analysis, this was all because of him.

His rate of improvement was simply too fast!

“Forget it, I’ll step in if worst comes to worst.”

Su Nan slightly shook his head. Thinking about his current strength, he wasn’t overly worried.

The spatial channel can only let through early-stage King-level beings at most With his current strength, killing an early-stage King-level being would be challenging. If one appears, he could struggle to handle it, but if two show up he would be helpless.

But the Human Crisis Task is about to end, and he’s in the top three of all three roles, so he’ll get a reward.

At the same time, he still has a lot unused contribution points.

As long as he handles this final side quest well, he can afford to buy Mystical

Ancient Scriptures, and his strength is bound to increase again.

“It’s a pity that foreseeing the future can only be used in the game.” At the same time.

Players originally excited about the imminent third public test all changed their faces upon reading the following game notices.

“Can we only use a tenth of our strength after a resurrection? Can we still play the game properly?”

“The demons from the Demon World can enter our world? Are games and reality merging?”

‘■My God! Will our world become like the human world in the Demon World, living fearfully under the oppression of the demons?”

Whether players or ordinary people, everyone was horrified after reading the game’s announcement.

The players were better off, as most of them have already reached Bloodline Great Perfection for the two bloodlines, which gives them the capacity for self­protection.

But ordinary people were frightened, fearing that demons will appear in their homes after the public test, and many even considered purchasing items like cleavers and batons for self-defense.

Compared to ordinary people, various countries were even more unsettled.

Large numbers of military forces were urgently mobilized. No one knew how many spatial channels would appear or where they would be, so the troops were scattered to cover all bases.

In an instant, the real world was in turmoil, looking like doomsday was about to arrive.

Destiny Society.

Looking at the game notice, everyone smiled.

“It seems that those old fellows guessed quite accurately, the appearance of three Xuan-level players is the condition for this public test.”

“As expected, the connection between the two worlds will strengthen in this

public test, and the spatial channel will appear.”

“This time we can also enter that world through the spatial channel. Once we’re there, we’ll be able to fully utilize our strength.”

Compared to others, the members of the Destiny Society were not too surprised about the appearance of the spatial channel.

With the strengthening of the connection between the two worlds, the appearance of the spatial channel was bound to occur!

They paid no more attention to the game notice.

Sun Nan glanced at today’s tasks, his eyebrows slightly knitted.

As Wang Nan broke through to the Xuan-level, the task difficulty had changed.

[Daily Task 1: Hunt a Xuan-level Demon]

Task Difficulty: Two-star

[Daily Task 2: Hunt a Spirit-level Monster]

Task Difficulty: One-star

[Daily Task 3: Fulfill Han Fu’s Commission]

Task Difficulty: Three-Star

Su Nan was not surprised at the appearance of a task to slay demons – he was well acquainted with this task.

What surprised him was the task to “Fulfill Han Fu’s Commission”.

This was clearly a task triggered by his visit to the Taixu Sect yesterday.

What puzzled him was that it was actually a three-star task.

He was now at the Xuan-level, and a three-star task corresponded to the King- level.

How could delivering something be as difficult as killing a King-level demonic beast? Something was definitely amiss.

He could only think of one possible explanation for this.

“Could it be that Liu Qing’er is in danger?” Su Nan thought of a possibility.

And not just any ordinary danger!

He then looked at Zhang Yang’s tasks.

Zhang Yang’s tasks were the same as yesterday’s, which was to slay demonic beasts of three different levels: the King, Xuan, and Spirit levels.

Lang Thirteen’s tasks were the same as yesterday’s too, which was to hunt players.

“Let’s go and see what’s going on with Liu Qing’er first.”

After looking at the tasks of the three roles, Su Nan decisively decided to deal with Liu Qing’er’s task first.

There would be plenty of demons tonight, there was no need to be in a hurry to hunt them.

If Liu Qing’er died, his task would be over.

Yesterday, before logging out, he had placed his avatar in a room at an inn in Jin

Shu Town. When his divine soul descended, his avatar was still sitting on the

bed in the inn, and nothing unexpected had happened.

Outside the Taixu Sect’s residence.

Su Nan looked at the two Taixu Sect disciples who were once again blocking his

path and asked, “Do you know if Liu Qing’er has returned?”

“No.” One of them shook his head.

The other one frowned and said, “Strange, according to reason, Liu Senior

Sister should have come back by now, how come she hasn’t returned?”

Upon hearing this, the other person also found it strange, “Yeah, Sister Liu’s task shouldn’t be difficult, why hasn’t she returned even till now? Could something have happened?”

They looked at each other, both with ominous thoughts.

Seeing this, Su Nan sighed.

As expected, something had happened.

“It looks like I’ll have to rescue someone again.”

Su Nan was helpless but dared not take it lightly.

A three-star task, if lucky could involve running into an Early Stage King-level

Demonic Beast, if unlucky, could mean coming across a Late-stage King Level

Demonic Beast, or worse, a Peak King-level Demonic Beast. Then, there would

be no need to complete this task.

Where did Liu Qing’er go for her mission?”

Over ten minutes later, Su Nan arrived at a small lake about ten miles outside of Jin Shu Town.

This was a small lake named Old Horse Lake.

According to the two disciples, a disciple from the Taixu Sect had disappeared here the day before yesterday. Yesterday, Liu Qing’er and three other disciples came to investigate.

A day has passed, not only they could not find the missing disciple, Liu Qing’er has also not returned.

Standing hundreds of meters away from the lake, Su Nan looked at the only thousand-meter-wide lake in front of him with a puzzled look in his eyes. “What kind of danger could there be in such a place?”

This place was still within the scope of Jin Shu Town and was covered by the Heavenly Dome Divine Prohibition. Logically speaking, there shouldn’t be any King-level demonic beasts here.

“There’s nothing else here, if there’s any danger, it should be in this lake.” His gaze fell on “Foreseeing the Future”, Su Nan prepared to start foreseeing. Instead of using Normal Prediction, he directly used Death’s Foresight. He had a premonition that this might not go smoothly.

The prediction began and ended quickly.

However, when Su Nan looked at the not-so-large lake in front of him again, his eyes were filled with astonishment.

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