I Reincarnated As A Stick

Chapter 265: Ransacking the Manor

Chapter 265: Ransacking the Manor


Hearing the sharp sound of wind resounding throughout the area, even though the guards could not move under the influence of the man’s aura, they still felt inwardly shocked as their eyes were fixated on the man and the leader. In an instant, the head of the leader they knew…the leader that ruled this town with both nonchalance and extreme cruelty…was cut off from his neck without any problem. Not to mention, no blood was spilled after his head was cut off, making it seem like their former leader was not human at all.

As for Argentum and Blob, they also could not help but look at the scenario with auras of shock. For Blob, it was more along the lines of being startled since he did not know who the man was, unhesitatingly going out of his way to decapitate the Animate they were up against. On the other hand, Argentum felt immense disbelief from the scenario since from a single glance between them, he was easily able to find out who the man was. For a decent amount of time, he could not come to the terms that the being he knew actually had that much power within him.

Eventually, after a few more seconds or so, the man in the blue suit went ahead and retracted his aura, allowing things to move as usual. Of course, he went ahead and dispersed the attack the leader sent before he died, making sure that it did not continue onward through its trajectory. Blob, on the other hand, was left as is, allowing him to reach the peak of his jump height before landing on the ground with a thud.

After landing on the ground with a thud, Blob unhesitatingly went back to his previous position, wanting to distance himself from the man who had just arrived. In fact, he wanted to distance himself from the man so much that he headed towards Argentum’s side and sent a strand of energy soon after, asking his creator, “Do you know who that being is?”

“Of course I do,” Argentum let out a chuckle as he responded through a strand of energy, looking at the current situation. At the moment, all of the guards radiated a palpable aura of fear, their gazes fixated on the man in the blue suit, who had just landed on the ground. Just as the man was taking a few steps closer to where the two and the guards were, he continued with his response, saying, “He’s someone you know quite well.”

“Eh?” Hearing this, Blob could not help but briefly radiate an aura of slight confusion, recalling all of the beings that he had met so far. Finding out that he had only met one being so far, Blob could not help but ponder over it even more, cross-referencing the man’s current appearance with the being he had met quite some time ago. Unfortunately for him, even after cross-referencing multiple times, he felt like the man that was coming closer to them was not the being he knew at all.

Nevertheless, that did not stop the man in the blue suit from making his way to where they were, with the guards noticing that the man was making his way to where Argentum and Blob was. With the guards being thankful for what Blob and Argentum had done to them, they took the initiative to hinder the man from continuing on his path, only to find out that they could not move at all.

Whoosh! Thud!

While they were mulling over the reasons why they could not hinder the man from continuing on his path, a few guards noticed that a large silhouette was heading their way, instinctively catching it with their hands. It was only a few seconds later that they found out that the silhouette they caught was the body of their former leader, with an unlucky guard catching the decapitated head of their former leader.

With these unlucky guards feeling like they were about to vomit from what they were holding, the man in the blue suit told them with a cold expression, “Go and bury your former leader. If you don’t, you know what will happen.”

Sensing a hint of killing intent beneath those words, at the very moment these guards felt that the aura surrounding him was no longer there, they unhesitatingly went ahead and ran towards where the cemetery was located, with all of them wondering how there was no blood spurting out of the leader after all that.

Eventually, the man in the blue suit arrived in front of Argentum and Blob, with Blob radiating a vigilant aura while Argentum was radiating an aura that contrasted Blob’s, an incredibly relaxed one.

With a smile on his face, the man in the blue suit focused his attention onto Argentum before letting out a light chuckle. He then asked him, “Was my entrance too flashy?”

“Not at all,” Argentum said in response with an aura of slight happiness, letting out a light giggle of his own. He then added, “To be honest, that was quite covert, using the night to cover the traces of the rift you made.”

“Hoh?” the man in the blue suit raised his eyebrows in response, soon asking, “How do you know about rifts?”

“I’ve heard a few things from Teacher,” Argentum responded without delay, knowing very well who he was talking with.

Finding no fault in his response, the man in the blue suit shrugged his shoulders after that. He then mulled over something for a bit, feeling the gazes of the guards that were looking at the three of them. Scratching his head a few seconds later, he then questioned Argentum, “Could you give me a rundown before I came here? It’s quite bizarre to see guards of a town surrounding you without any malicious intent.”

In response, Argentum went ahead and sent a strand of energy towards the man, saying, “I have a feeling that they don’t know that I and Blob are Pseudo-Animates, which is a good thing.”

“Makes sense,” the man in the blue suit replied, sending a strand of his own. “Anyways, rundown?”

And with that question being asked, Argentum went ahead and narrated everything that had happened to the two, from the time when they were just about to enter Verdant Breeze Town, up to the present moment. Surprisingly, he did not omit anything in his narration to the man, talking about how his goal in this town was to obtain the Tome of the Four Elements, making the man in the blue suit let out an expression of realization.

“So that’s why you didn’t head towards an Earth-based inheritance. You’re quite sneaky, aren’t you?” the man in the blue suit laughed as he said to Argentum through a strand of energy. “Tome of the Four Elements, huh. It’s an item that definitely makes me jealous, but it’s more suited for what you want to do.”

“Anyways, what are you going to do next now that your plans are done?” the man in the blue suit asked Argentum without utilizing a strand. In response, Argentum said, “My plans aren’t actually done yet. I still need to grab something from the manor of that guy you killed.”

“Care to accompany me, Felix?” he asked not long after, to which the man in the blue suit lightly smiled as he said, “Sure.”

On the other hand, after hearing the mention of a certain name, Blob could not help but repeat it to himself, muttering, “Felix? Where have I heard that before?”

Soon after that, Blob went ahead and recalled everything that had happened throughout the journey so far, even going so far as to recall the conversations he and Argentum had while they were resting. It was then that Blob realized the true identity of the man in the blue suit, hastily taking a few steps forward before bowing as he greeted, “Blob pays his respects to the Grand Blue Master!”

“It’s nice to see you again, Blob,” the man in the blue suit did not deny that he was the Grand Blue Master, letting out a light chortle as he greeted Blob back. He then asked him, “Want to accompany us to the manor?”

“I would be glad to,” Blob respectfully replied as he radiated an aura of elation.

Just as they were about to head towards the manor, Felix went ahead and asked Argentum, “Now that I think about it…what are you planning to do with these guards now that the town is leaderless?”

“Hmm…good point,” Argentum said not long after, pondering over the possible solutions to the current problem, which was the lack of a leader that would lead Verdant Breeze Town. Eventually, a thought surfaced in his mind, which resonated with his other thoughts. With that in mind, he looked at the guards that were looking at the three with slight curiosity and said, “With your leader now gone, I guess it’s time for a new leader to be elected.”

“Go and talk with each other as to which one of you would be the best fit to become the town’s new leader,” he added soon after. Hearing those words, the guards instantly had elated expressions on their faces, thinking that this was a once in a lifetime chance for them to change their fate. Naturally, all of them had malicious thoughts, thinking that they would not mind killing their comrades to get the position.

But of course, Argentum already thought about that, pointing towards Felix before adding, “Just so you know, this friend of mine can detect every move you guys do even when we’re at the manor.”

It was then that all of the malicious thoughts in their minds had dissipated in an instant. They did not want to end up like their former leader, nodding profusely in response to Argentum’s words before engaging in civilized discussions.

As for the trio, after looking at the guards converse for a short while, they then made their way to the now-empty manor of the former leader, utilizing Felix’s abilities to arrive in front of the manor within a few seconds.

Soon after, the three entered the manor through the main entrance, looking through all of the rooms in the manor in search of precious things that could offer a tangible benefit to them.

It did not take long for the three to eventually find a secret room in the manor, hidden behind an inconspicuous bookshelf. After opening the entrance to the secret room, the three were then greeted by the auras of the four foundational elements, interacting with each other in great harmony.

Utilizing his enhanced senses, Argentum went ahead and took in the aura that suffused throughout the room, radiating an aura of elation and expectation as he knew that this aura came from the items that he was looking for.

The concoctions that boosted one’s perception of the elements.

Telling them what this aura entailed, Argentum unhesitatingly went deeper into the room with Felix and Blob behind him, eventually arriving in front of a desk that had four flasks and a notebook. The four flasks were filled with what seemed to be viscous fluids that gave off different sensations regarding the elements, while the notes that were jotted on the notebook seemed to be related to the contents inside the four flasks.

Although he was interested in what was written inside the notebook, Argentum focused his attention on the four flasks first, wanting to make sure that these four flasks contained the concoctions that he needed to increase his speed in becoming the sole owner of the tome.

With that in mind, he went ahead and commanded the system to identify the contents of one of the flasks, specifically the one that contained a red viscous fluid.


Accompanied by a notification sound, a small holographic screen that listed the information he needed soon appeared in front of his field of vision. It was only a matter of time until Argentum jumped for joy, thinking that he had hit jackpot this time.


Heaven’s Flame Potion (Prototype)

A concoction crafted by a mage that wanted to increase his perception towards the Fire element in order to become the sole owner of a certain item. After multiple experiments throughout multiple years, the mage was able to come close to the final product he had in mind, but he still felt that the potion was lacking something. Unfortunately, the mage was not able to find the lacking ingredient.

With that ingredient gone, this potion is more effective to those at the Pseudo-Animate level, while those at the Animate level would be able to increase their perception of the Fire element by only a tiny bit.

> When consumed by an Animate: 30% increase in perception towards the Fire element for 30 minutes

> When consumed by a Pseudo-Animate: 200% increase in perception towards the Fire element for 2 hours


“The heavens have given me luck this time,” Argentum let out a chuckle as he closed the screen, thinking that the current rendition of the concoctions suited his needs. He then turned around to look at the two with an aura of satisfaction suffusing from him as he said, “The four flasks and the book are all that I need from this manor. If you two want to grab anything from the manor, feel free to do so.”

“Well, if you say so,” Blob said in response, letting out an aura of expectation and elation soon after as he went towards the second floor of the manor. In Argentum’s mind, he instinctively knew that Blob was aiming for the skills and spells in the library, thinking that it would be a good thing for both him and Blob in the long run.

As for Felix, he only stood behind after Argentum was finished talking, prompting Argentum to ask him, “Do you need anything from the manor, Felix?”

“Not really,” Felix shook his head as he responded. “But rather, I want to ask you something, Argentum.”

“What is it?” Argentum asked as a response to his statement.

“Do you really want to choose among the guards to become the leader of this town?” Taking in a deep breath, Felix composed himself before asking.

Hearing such a question, Argentum could not help but feel a bit confused. He then followed up with a question of his own, asking, “What are you trying to imply, Felix?”

“What I’m saying is…”

“Why don’t you become the leader of Verdant Breeze Town instead?”


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