I Practice Farming While the Rest Cultivates

Chapter 64 - 63: Diseased Spiritual Plant l

Chapter 64: Chapter 63: Diseased Spiritual Plant l

Translator: 549690339

After leaving the Yu family, Lu Xuan went separate ways with the cultivator surnamed Wu and headed to Bai Cao Tang.

Inside Bai Cao Tang.

The rich scent of medicine permeated every corner, giving a refreshingly cool sensation as soon as one stepped in.

“Kid Lu, you’re finally here! I’ve been looking for you for a long time.”

Manager He swiftly grabbed Lu Xuan’s arm, sounding rushed.

“I just sent an attendant to your house, but couldn’t find you. It’s good that you came here yourself.”

“Old He, did something happen?”

Lu Xuan’s expression hardened, he knew the old man wouldn’t send someone to look for him at home unless something urgent had occurred.

“Has anything unusual happened in your Spirit Field recently?”

Se??ch ?ew?o?e?(.)o?g o? ?oo?l?

The slender old man looked around, saw no one paying attention and asked softly.

“A few days back as I was tending to the spiritual plants, I found some Gnawing Spirit Bugs which were significantly different from those described in the books. I suspected some change had occurred.”

Lu Xuan relayed the situation faithfully.

“It’s exactly this issue. Not just your Spirit Field, but also those of other Spirit Plant Masters in Bai Cao Tang, even the entire market have been experiencing this.”

“Some people hypothesised that too many strong Demon Envoys have entered the market and unnoticed, contaminated the Spirit Vein, causing the Spiritual Energy to become extremely murky, which led to the bugs’ metamorphosis.”

“The alchemist from this hall decided to gather all the Spirit Plant Masters who cooperate with Bai Cao Tang to discuss a solution, in order to minimise losses.”

The words from the slender old man made Lu Xuan’s face grave.

“No need to worry, this is a matter closely related to all Spirit Plant Masters and even all cultivators in the market. They will not leave it unattended, you just need to follow their actions.”

Seeing Lu Xuan’s worried facial expression, Manager He attempted to console him.

“When is the meeting beginning?”

“In a bit, so please wait here for a while.”

Lu Xuan nodded. Once his emotions had calmed, he handed over the thirty-nine mature Spirit Firefly Grass to the slender old man.

The rate was still the same, three Spirit Stones and fifty Broken Spirits for a Good Quality yield, plus twenty Broken Spirits for each Superior Quality yield, and one Spirit Stone each for a Perfect Grade yield.

Fourteen were of Good Quality, nineteen were of Superior Quality, and six were of Perfect Quality, earning him a total of one hundred and forty-three Spirit Stones and thirty Broken Spirits.

Lu Xuan’s wealth rebounded to over three hundred again.

Seeing more and more Spirit Plant Masters heading into the inner hall, he followed suit.

In the spacious hall, about twenty Spirit Plant Masters who had cooperative relations with Bai Cao Tang were seated there. Most were strangers to Lu Xuan, and only few he had had some dealings with before.

Lu Xuan’s arrival was noticed by some cultivators, as he was significantly younger.

To become a decent Spirit Plant Master, one must have abundant planting experience.

Among the cultivators present, whether they were Spirit Plant Masters who exclusively cultivated Spiritual Plants for Bai Cao Tang or those with relatively open cooperation, the youngest was over forty. Lu Xuan sitting amongst them stood out like a crane amongst a flock of chickens.

There were cultivators who had heard of Lu Xuan’s reputation. They knew that although he mainly cultivated Spontaneous Grass and First Grade Blood Jade Ginseng for Bai Cao Tang, the resulting quality was extremely high, with a significant Superior Quality yield, and even Perfect Grade Spiritual Plants were not a rarity.

Therefore, some cultivators came over to start a conversation and get acquainted.

It wasn’t long before all the Spirit Plant Masters had arrived. A Cultivator, dressed in a green robe with a long beard, made his way through.

His gaze swept over all the Spirit Plant Masters present, and when it passed over Lu Xuan, he paused slightly.

“I am He Zongguang, an ordinary Alchemist from Bai Cao Tang. I believe you all have heard of me.”

“Whether you are officially partnered with the hall or freelancing, your presence here means that you are elites among Spirit Plant Masters. I have brought you all here because there is a significant matter concerning the interests of all Spirit Plant Masters.”

Seeing that all the Spirit Plant Masters’ attention was on him, the bearded Cultivator nodded and continued.

“As you may have heard or seen, there have been some unknown changes in the Spirit Plants we cultivate.”

“As the number of Metamorphosis Cultivators continues to increase, and Demon Envoy becomes more rampant and domineering in the markets, unfavorable changes are slowly appearing in the Spirit Fields.”

“The Demon Insects seeping into the Spirit Fields are becoming more aggressive and destructive. There are also cases of unexplainable diseases occurring in some Spirit Plants, like these two.”

The bearded Cultivator took out two abnormal Spirit Plants from his robe.

One of them was a Blood Jade Ginseng that Lu Xuan had previously cultivated. On its body, the formerly clear and transparent sections were now grayish areas that looked like countless tiny sand particles piled up.

The bearded Cultivator lightly touched a grayish area, and suddenly, the gray area on the Blood Jade Ginseng silently split open, turning into fine sand that fell onto the ground.

The other Spirit Plant was one Lu Xuan hadn’t seen before, its main body was a blood-red leaf.

At this moment, there were patches of black fuzz growing on the leaf. The countless fuzz patches were swaying gently, like clusters of mold.

“These are two examples of diseased Spiritual Plants. The cause is unknown, and the diseased areas cause irreversible damage to the plants.”

“And moreover, the disease could potentially be contagious. If one plant gets infected, it could be a disaster for the entire Spirit field.”

The bearded Cultivator said with a serious face.

“To avoid any harm to the Spirit Plants you are cultivating, which would ultimately affect the alchemy of Bai Cao Tang, I suggest two measures.”

“First, be vigilant and strengthen your preventative measures.”

“You could set up defensively arrays to keep the Metamorphosis Demon Insects out of the Spirit Fields, and you could also monitor the growth of Spirit Plants using corresponding Formula Methods. It’s best to observe them several times a day to avoid contamination or mutation.”

“The second suggestion is to pool our wisdom and power to find a way to cure the diseased Spiritual Plants.”

“You all have unique methods in cultivating Spiritual Plants, so it should be easier for you to find ways to prevent or cure the disease. If your method is proven effective, Bai Cao Tang will surely offer you generous rewards.”

Some Spirit Plant Masters closed their eyes in deliberation, while others openly discussed and proposed several potential solutions. However, these were all temporary fixes, none could solve the problem at its root.

Lu Xuan sat in a corner, his mind filled with thoughts and a strange idea emerging.

“I wonder if I could bring a diseased plant back and plant it in my Spirit field.

Could I then observe the real-time status of the Spirit plant?”

The more he thought about it, the more possible it seemed. Each time he planted Spiritual Seeds or saplings in his Spirit field and cultivated them into maturity to obtain the white light group rewards.

Several factors could affect the rewards from the light groups, including whether Lu Xuan was present throughout the growth of the Spirit Plant, the rank of the Spirit Plant itself, and the quality of the plant after it matured.

If he could bring back a diseased plant, successfully plant it, and then be able to see its real-time status, that would be fantastic.

This would allow him to cultivate it to maturity. Even though he wouldn’t have to do much during the growth process and might not get any reward or only some basic rewards from the light groups, the Spirit Plant itself, when restored, would be very valuable.

“I must get a couple of diseased Spiritual Plants and conduct some experiments with them in my own Spirit field.”

Lu Xuan thought to himself..

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