Chapter 133: Chapter 131 Crab Spirit Paste_l

Translator: 549690339

“Junior Brother Lu, is the Blazing Fruit plant’s wilting condition due to not receiving appropriate nourishment from Yin Fire?”

The round-faced female cultivator Huilan, quickly understood the underlying principle.

“That’s correct, because it has been growing in a specific environment for a long time, this Blazing Fruit plant has evolved and now requires Yin Fire for nourishment.”

Lu Xuan affirmed.

“In that case, I will try right now.”

The round-faced female cultivator took out a talisman from her storage bag, stimulated her spiritual power, and the talisman emerged in a spiritual glow, with a wisp of pale flame floating out from it.

“This is a second-grade Yin Flame Talisman. The released spirit flame is poisonous and persistent, like a bone-clinging pestilence that does not dissipate for a long time.”

The round-faced female cultivator explained to Lu Xuan while directing the pale flame to the somewhat withered Blazing Fruit plant.

Feeling the approach of the pale flame, the withered leaves of the Blazing Fruit Spirit Plant began to flutter in the windless atmosphere, seemingly attracting the pale flame.

The pale flame transformed into wisps of tiny flames and evenly seeped into the fiery-red leaves.

In an instant, the Blazing Fruit Spirit Plant perked up as if it tasted some exquisite delicacy. Its vibrant branches and leaves started rustling in the air, bursting with vitality.

After a short while, the previously shriveled Blazing Fruit due to malnutrition started swelling visibly before their eyes.

“It’s really effective! All thanks to you, Junior Brother Lu!”

The round-faced female cultivator’s face revealed a trace of excitement when she saw the increasingly thriving Blazing Fruit.

“Here are thirty Sword Seals as a reward for you for curing the Blazing Fruit this time. Additionally, you can also take these spirit fruits I’ve cultivated back to your own cave dwelling to enjoy as snacks during your cultivation breaks.”

She gave Lu Xuan thirty Sword Seals, along with a large pile of various Spirit Fruits.

“Thank you, Sister Chen.”

Lu Xuan had no choice but to accept as he couldn’t refuse.

He didn’t linger in the round-faced female cultivator’s courtyard and flew straight back to his own cave dwelling.

After earning a bit of Sword Seals, Lu Xuan didn’t rush to take on another task. He still had things to take care of in his Spirit Field.

The fifty seed-condensing Spirit Firefly Grass required constant attention. After they reached a certain stage, Lu Xuan treated them according to the condensing method, obtaining nearly five hundred fresh and full Spiritual Firefly Grass Seeds.

He kept three hundred and planted two hundred Spiritual Firefly Grass Seeds in the Spirit Field.

His energy, spiritual power were limited, and he also had to carefully cultivate other second and third grade Spirit Plants. As such, planting two hundred Spirit Firefly Grass was already his current limit.

Spirit Firefly Grass provided Cultivation level, whereas the higher ranked Spirit Plants fetched precious item rewards. Both aspects progressed simultaneously.

In a blink of an eye, one month passed, the two hundred Spirit Firefly Grass were thriving, lush and green.

Even though Lu Xuan couldn’t extensively cultivate them due to the Flood Dragon taming task, they grew better in the sect’s pure and rich spiritual energy environment.

The two Sword Grass plants had grown about a foot tall after one month. Their long and thin leaves, thin like sword blades, stood upright, reaching towards the sky.

Sword Qi permeated the air, and occasionally when it crossed paths due to their close proximity, numerous inconspicuous sword marks appeared on the surface of the Spirit Soil between the two Sword Grass plants amidst resonant sword sounds.

One month after planting, the Sword Nurturing Gourd vine had grown thicker and longer, crawling onto the special rack built from Flying Swords.

The Flying Sword placed below was already the third one. Seeing that the sword intent within would soon be completely absorbed by the gourd, Lu Xuan couldn’t help but sigh over the difficulty of cultivating a third-grade Spirit Plant.

The other Spirit Plants were growing well. The second-grade Copper Bone Bamboo had already matured. It won’t be long before it will be harvested and the White Light Group reward obtained.

In the Spiritual Spring, four Iron Claw Crabs hid under Odd Rocks.

After so long, the Iron Claw Crabs had grown to the size of washbasins. Their dark-green shells looked thick and sturdy, and after snipping Copper And Iron Ore day and night, their pincers had completely developed.

Lu Xuan was scooping icy Spirit Spring water from the well when he suddenly noticed a faint white light cluster flickering under a massive stone.

“Has the Iron Claw Crab fully matured?”

Looking down at the four Iron Claw Crabs immersed in the water, he thought excitedly.

His spiritual sense focused on the bodies of the crabs, bringing up the progress bar of their growth.

Quickly, Lu Xuan located the fully mature Iron Claw Crab.

It was the one that was most aggressive and domineering in usual days.

“Don’t rush, I’ll make arrangements shortly,” Lu Xuan glanced at the Iron Claw Crab, which was currently brandishing its green-black claws in a show of might, and focused his attention on the white light cluster.

His spirit sense touched the faintly flickering white light cluster and in an instant, the light cluster transformed into countless minute light spots flooding into him.

A thought flashed through his mind, and suddenly, a square-shaped ointment appeared in his hands.

The ointment was cyan-white in color, felt jellylike on touch, and had spiritual light emerging from its surface. A seductive fragrance wafted from it.

“Crab Spirit Paste, Second Grade Treasure, refined from the essence of crab-like demon beasts, rich in spiritual power, detectably delicious, loved by cultivators and demon beasts alike”.

“Tsk, a second-grade delicacy.”

With a sigh, Lu Xuan put the cyan-white ointment into his storage bag.

With a thought, he called out to the Grass Puppet that was patrolling the Spirit Field.

The Grass Puppet, with its huge grey head of grass, slowly walked towards Lu Xuan.

“Bind this Iron Claw Crab.”

Lu Xuan commanded.

The Grass Puppet slightly nodded, and two grey-black grass ropes, like snakes, slithered out of its body.

Upon seeing this, the Iron Claw Crab swung its large blade-like pincers, fiercely pinching towards the grey-black grass ropes.

The grass ropes, though appearing slow, managed to dodge the oncoming pincers and nimbly weaved around the crab’s body. In no time, the Iron Claw Crab was tightly tied up.

“Time to start cooking!”

No sooner had Lu Xuan spoken than the impatient Cloud Leopard grabbed the immobile Iron Claw Crab and dropped it directly into the iron pot.

The chubby Wind Sparrow fledgling, round as a ball, had no idea what was happening and rotated its curiosity-filled green pupils as it stared at the Iron Claw crab in the pot.

With a stir of his spiritual power, Lu Xuan conjured a bright yellow flame that set the firewood alight.

The firewood instantly burst into blazing flames.

After being left to steam in the pot for a while, feeling that the time was right, Lu Xuan raised the pot’s lid.

A puff of hot steam scattered away revealing the rosy shell of the Iron Claw crab.

“Still resisting even at the point of death…”

Staring at the raised claws of the Iron Claw Crab, Lu Xuan felt a pang of sadness, a tear trickling down the corner of his mouth.

“Roar-” The Cloud Leopard squatted by the side of the iron pot, let out a low, soft roar in anticipation.

“Chirp chirp!”

The chubby Wind Sparrow fledgling jumped around cheerfully, understanding that a delicious feast was about to begin..

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