I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 99: Recreate A Classic Scene

"Come, God! Osiris the Sky Dragon!"

Marik's remote-controlled puppet put a card, whose color and style was completely different from other cards, onto the Duel Disk.

The Duel Disk actually seemed to sense the terrifying power contained in that card, and released a dazzling electric current! The throbbing blue lightning was quickly released centered on the card, and an invisible and astonishing force shot into the sky from the position of the Duel Disk and disappeared into the sky.

Dark clouds soon covered the venue, and the sky, which had just been clear for thousands of miles, was now obscured by heavy, lead-like clouds. The sun was firmly blocked out as if to make way for some supreme being to come.

Here again, Yuei Vu felt a similar feeling to the last time he faced the Obelisk the Tormentor.

He felt that his body became several times heavier, and his legs were a little numb unconsciously. Every breath became heavier and hotter, and even the operation of the brain seemed to slow down.

There was no doubt that the billowing clouds, the blue lightning, and the thunderous roaring thunder, all of which could never be three-dimensional images.

…Is it possible to create a calamity-like phenomenon like that just by playing a card?

Even with the black technology of the Kaiba Corp, it was definitely impossible at this stage.

The spirit of the Dark Magician Girl appeared again, and with the blessing of her only magical power, she barely helped the master to resist the powerful sense of oppression.

Thick and dazzling lightning fell from outside the sky to the field behind the puppet, bringing a majestic and huge figure.

The red dragon that covered the sky and the sun appeared from the lightning, and its body circled in mid-air. It had golden majestic eyes and two mouths, but the top one closed.

That was Osiris, the god of the underworld.

It opened the mouth below it and let out a demonstration-like roar, and the sound was like a continuous explosion of thunder. The air was pulled to form a strong and transparent airflow, and the invisible waves shook the earth.

"Behold, this is God!" Marik said loudly, "Osiris' attack power is equal to the number of cards in the player's hand x 1000 points! My current hand has four cards, so Osiris' attack power… "

[Osiris the Sky Dragon, ATK 4000]

Facing such a mighty power and such great momentum, Yuei Vu could not help but involuntarily remember a legend about the power of this ancient god, who had been called by various names with awe by generations of duelists…

……Heavenly Pit Dragon, Traitor Dragon, Anti-Bone Dragon, God of Betrayal.

……Emmm, why did this great god leave behind such inexplicable names?

This can't be helped. In addition to being handsome, domineering, and bunker, Osiris the Sky Dragon left the deepest impression on Yu-Gi-Oh players that he was a pit for his masters.

In the beginning, in Marik's hands, it was the effect of the sky dragon that made Marik lose. In the final battle, the three Egyptian Gods gathered on the Yami Yugi's field, and it was the sky dragon that destroyed them all.

Even at the end, the last action before Yami Yugi lost the duel was to activate Monster Reborn to try to resurrect this Traitor Dragon… (Sky Dragon: Master, listen to my explanation, this is really not my fault! )

Well, that's all a joke by netizens. In fact, if we talked about practicality, even if the ability of the animated sky dragon was put into the real card environment twenty years later, it would still be so unreasonable.

In addition to the resistance shared by the Egyptian Gods, the unique special ability of the sky dragon was that when the opponent summoned a monster, that monster would lose 2000 ATK/DEF, and if its ATK or DEF was reduced to 0 by this effect, it would be destroyed.

It's a nightmarishly powerful effect even for many meta decks twenty years from now.

"Sky Dragon, attack the Thunder Giant! Smash those unruly monsters!" Marik shouted, "Super Conductive Wave Thunder Cannon!"

The sky dragon opened its mouth.

Yuei Vu must admit that at that moment, he did have the illusion that his heartbeat stopped.

The golden energy beam sprayed from the sky dragon's open mouth, and at that moment he seemed to feel the vibration of space with his body. The mighty power of the gods rushed forward, as if it had penetrated the space, and rushed forward with an indomitable momentum.

Under this surging impact, the Thunder Giant had no room to fight back, and was instantly smashed to pieces, leaving no fragments left.

【Yuei Vu, LP 3000 → LP 1400】

"In the presence of God, any resistance is powerless!" Marik laughed. "All you can do is kneel in front of God and fall into endless darkness under the attack of Osiris! I end my turn. Fight as hard as you can!"

However, to his surprise, in this situation, when Yuei Vu raised his head, he looked like… laughing?

"Sure enough, I knew that you would give priority to destroying the Thunder Giant with the ability to destroy monsters." Yuei Vu chuckled, "Your action is exactly what I thought, Marik."

"What?" Marik frowned. "But so what? There is no way to defeat God!"

There is no way to defeat God?

Not necessarily. No matter how powerful the monster was, there was no monster that could not be solved in this game.

Think about how Yugi did when he confronted Marik's sky dragon in the original work.


Yugi: "I use ‘Buster Blader' to attack ‘Revival Jam'! It was destroyed by battle! Immediately after I use the Normal Spell card ‘Brain Control' at the moment your Revival Jam is revived to snatch control of it…"

Marik: "Wait a minute! The destroyed Revival Jam is now in the Graveyard. Brain Control can only target a monster on the field…"

Yugi: "Shut up! I use Brain Control to snatch Revival Jam in your graveyard, and then Revival Jam is resurrected on my field! At this moment, the effect of the sky dragon is also triggered, and it will destroy the Revival Jam on my field!

At this moment, according to the effect of ‘Card of Safe Return', you must draw three cards from the deck!

Then the destroyed Revival Jam will be resurrected on my field again…"

Marik: "Wait a minute. Revival Jam is my monster. After being destroyed, it will return to my graveyard. Even if it is to be resurrected, it will be on my field…"

Yugi: "Shut up! Then Revival Jam is resurrected on my field, the effect of the sky dragon is triggered again. Revival Jam is destroyed and resurrected again, and then you have to draw three cards again!

The end result of this infinite loop is that your deck will eventually be drawn out, and you have no cards to draw. I won! "

Marik: "@#%&*%" (expelled from the Battle City Tournament for being too aggressive)


Although the timeline changed, Yuei Vu said in his heart that "I'm here to restore a famous scene for you to see!"

"My turn, draw!" Yuei Vu ordered directly, "Attack with the Wildedge! The target of the attack is… Revival Jam!"

The Wildedge flew forward and quickly drew his knife. The blade passed by, and Revival Jam with only 500 defensive power was easily cut into two pieces.

Of course, Revival Jam was immediately reborn in place.

"Hahaha, is your brain broken?" Marik laughed, "Revival Jam can't be defeated! And at the moment when Revival Jam is resurrected, due to the effect of the ‘Card of Safe Return', I draw three more cards! The Sky Dragon's attack power has risen again!"

[Osiris the Sky Dragon, ATK 4000 → ATK 7000]

"You're done for the next turn!" Marik declared.

"That's not necessarily true." Yuei Vu smiled, "Wildedge's special ability, as long as there are monsters on the opponent's field, this card can continue to attack all monsters on the opponent's field!

Keep fighting! Wildedge, attacking Revival Jam again! "

The Elemental HERO sprinted again, and the Revival Jam that had been split in half had just recovered. On the other hand, he saw a sharp blade slashing his head and covering his face. With one slash, he cut it into pieces again.

"But there's no point in doing that!" Malek obviously didn't think fast enough. "It doesn't matter how many times you attack, Revival Jam can't be defeated! And the moment it resurrects, it's a ‘Card of Safe Return'. The effect is also activated, I can draw three more cards…

……! ! ? ? "

At this moment, even Marik realized that something was wrong.

He was shocked: "You bastard… Could it be!?"

"That's right." Yuei Vu smiled, "As long as Revival Jam keeps reviving, Wildedge can keep attacking. And every time Revival Jam revives, you have to draw three cards again, so this battle has only one ending… …”

Marik said with a gloomy face: "Until my deck… have no cards to draw?"

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