I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 883: The Farthest Distance In The World

Attending the KC Cup was a regular event for Yuei Vu every year, and since the first one, Chika had followed him every time.

At this moment, Chika was helping him pack his luggage for this trip, while Yuei Vu was sitting in front of the computer screen and looking through the KC Cup itinerary that Mokuba sent him.

The Dark Magician Girl suddenly materialized and appeared out of thin air. Chika, who was packing her luggage, was startled, and the pile of clothes in her hand scattered on the floor.

"Ah! Sorry, I was rash again."

The Dark Magician Girl quickly leaned over to help her clean up.

"It doesn't matter."

Chika also squatted down, but inadvertently saw two dazzling white headlights in front of her eyes, and suddenly felt dizzy…

Speaking of which, Chika saw the Silent Magician in Loli form for the first time – she was no bigger than her chest and looked cute like a well-made doll, and Chika fell in love with her at first sight.

After all, girls are irresistible to cute things.

However, the Silent Magician who was touched by her didn't seem very happy, maybe because she didn't like to be treated like a little lolita.

So Chika watched helplessly as this little silver-haired lolita transformed on the spot. Her cute little face turned into a frost-covered glacier in a second. The curves in the front and back developed at an unscientific speed at the same time, enough to make her directly faint.

And then…then Chika became autistic.

She deeply felt that in this extremely unfriendly world, only the soft Kuriboh could bring her a little comfort.

Later, Chika gradually got used to it.

From her point of view, it seemed that it would be inappropriate for a Duel King to not have some spirits around him.

Besides, the Dark Magician Girl and the Silent Mage are all spirits!

Spirits are for playing cards, not for warming beds!

So Chika gradually accepted this setting.

…It’s just that she may still faint when she should.

For example, now.

"By the way, Master, are you going to the Kaiba Land to participate in the competition?" The Dark Magician Girl came up behind Yuei Vu and put her little head on his shoulder.

Yuei Vu didn't look back and continued to check the game introduction and schedule.

"Yes, I will go to the KC Cup every year."

"Hey~ shouldn't there be a lot of duelists and a lot of spirits?" The magical girl's emerald green eyes shone, "Master, I also want to go to the convention to get some fresh air."

Yuei Vu temporarily put down what he was doing and turned to look at her strangely.

Oddly enough, in front of him was a cute girl with a delicate face and stunning figure, but when he looked at his spirit, the first image that came to his mind was a husky holding a dog leash in its mouth and wagging its tail… .

"Ahem, but you are a spirit, so you will be more eye-catching, right?"

The Dark Magician Girl pouted: "But no one suspected me when I went out to play at the school festival last time."

"Because it happens to be a duel monster cosplay-themed school festival…"

In fact, it's not impossible to let her go to Kaiba Land for a while. After all, it was an international competition with the theme of Duel Monsters. There was a high chance that others would only regard her as a cosplayer.

Of course, the premise was not to follow Yuei Vu.

Yuei Vu mentioned in an interview with a magazine that his earliest spirit and first partner was the Dark Magician Girl, and the outside world knew that he had such a spirit.

If Yuei Vu took her with him, people would definitely realize the truth.

With the popularity of Dark Magician Girl around the world, it was conceivable that wherever she went, it would be jammed like an idol concert venue…

From this point of view, pervertness may have no world barrier restrictions. Not only were the screwball players so affectionate when they saw her, but her popularity among the duelists in this world seemed to be not low at all.

"Then why not change your clothes and disguise yourself?"

Hearing this, Chika, who was stuffing clothes into the suitcase, couldn't help but raise her head and suggest.

"If you change into casual clothes and put on a hat, sunglasses, etc., it shouldn't be easy to recognize, right?"

Yuei Vu glanced at the Dark Magician Girl beside him and then considered the proposal for a moment.

That's true.

In fact, as long as the two white straight long legs that were worth fighting for were hidden, it probably wouldn't be that easy to recognize.

Some perverts these days may not recognize people based on their faces…

Originally, the Dark Magician Girl's "force" allowed her to move around in the human world for a limited time, but as her master Yuei Vu became stronger and stronger, the girl could now move around freely for more than a day.

After all, the "for" in the bodies of spirits and duelists could be continuously exchanged.

"Then do whatever you want." Yuei Vu shrugged.

"Okay!" The Dark Magician Girl cheered.

But this naturally led to the next very serious question——

– She must have something casual to wear.

On the surface, this didn't seem like a problem. After all, Chika has lived here for a long time, and there was no shortage of women's clothing of any style in her wardrobe.

The problem was…

At this moment in Chika's room, the Dark Magician Girl was trying to button up a shirt with all her strength. However, under the influence of some indescribable powerful obstacle, there seemed to be a huge chasm between buttons and buttonholes, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't connect them at all…

Chika stood aside and watched the girl who was trying her best to "button her shirt", and couldn't help but fall into a long silence.

At this moment, she seemed to realize the truth.

The farthest distance in the world is not between life and death, nor between birds and fish.

But buttons and buttonholes…

Or rather, it was the big, white source of evil that impeded the meeting of button and buttonhole without mercy.

The Dark Magician Girl opened her big innocent eyes: "Um…the clothes seem a bit too small, I can't button them…"

Chika: "…"

The Dark Magician Girl used a Psychic attack! It's super effective! Critical hit! Chika fainted!

"Ah, right!"

The Dark Magician Girl slapped her forehead and suddenly remembered something.

She raised her little hand, and a small, flat ball-shaped wand appeared out of thin air in her hand.

Then the Dark Magician Girl chanted a spell, the magic circle appeared out of thin air, and the magic ripples were surging in the sealed room.

A girlish-looking magic circle emerged, slowly passing through the Dark Magician Girl's body from bottom to top.

In just a few moments, she had transformed into an outfit that was exactly the same as Chika's…

…just a size too big in some places.

"I almost forgot about this trick." The Dark Magician Girl stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

Who told her to be a little fool?

Chika: "…………"

She wanted to ask, how could you, being so stupid, remember so many obscure black magic incantations?

There are so many dangerous magics, wouldn't it be dangerous if you remember any spell incorrectly?

Could it be that this is the price of super-level development of her chests?

Chika picked up the shirt that the Dark Magician Girl failed to put on just now, put it in front of her and gestured, then turned to look at the magical girl who was looking at her image in front of the mirror and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

… Damn it, I’m still so envious! ! !

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