"Aster Phoenix is the winner!"

The value hanging on the electronic display screen representing Doctor Collector's LP dropped rapidly, and finally stopped steadily at "0".

The applause was thunderous.

The shouts and applause were like a wave that broke out in an instant and almost collapsed the entire arena. Even the excited congratulatory lines of the commentator were drowned in the enthusiasm of the people, and even the ground on the stage seemed to be resonating.

Young man Aster Phoenix stood in the center of the stage, his expression as calm and indifferent as ever. He waved politely to the enthusiastic crowd and seemed not to be dazzled by the huge glory at all. He even seemed not to be surprised by this victory.

It was as if for him, this trophy had already been reserved and belonged to him, and it had already been placed here. All he did was step forward and take what belonged to him step by step, it was that simple.

World Champion, a dazzling title that countless people looked up to, representing the best of the best!

All of Aster’s contact information exploded that night. The phone calls came one after another, and he was almost overwhelmed by countless blessing messages.

A large number of contacts, who may have just been acquaintances and whom he had no memory of, sent him blessings and even expressed their interest in going out for dinner and playing cards. Of course, he ignored them without exception.

It was as if everyone around him was more enthusiastic about winning the championship than Aster himself. On the contrary, the parties involved were neither surprised nor too happy about it.

Because he felt that being a world champion was actually nothing more than that.

It’s not that he was arrogant, nor did he feel that way at the beginning. The reason why he had such an idea was that he was influenced by Yuei Vu.

That was when he told Yuei Vu that he planned to officially enter the professional circle.

"Oh, let's do that." Yuei Vu replied casually, "Then try to win back the championship next year."

Ed was stunned for a long time: "Do you mean the regional championship?"

“Huh? What’s the use of that? Of course, I’m referring to the world champion.”

Yuei Vu’s tone was matter-of-fact, acting like “it’s as easy as having hands.”

His idea was simple. If you can't even win a championship, then why are you playing in the competition?

In fact, the professional league in Yu-Gi-Oh was not quite the same as in other similar works. Although it was said to be a worldwide league, its level was not necessarily that high.

If nothing else, first of all, duelists like Yugi, Yuei Vu, Kaiba, and Jonouchi are not players in the league, and any one of them could actually sweep through the professional circle.

In addition to them, there were the three Swordsmen of Doma in DM, or the Ishtar siblings from the Tomb Keeper Clan.

Let’s not talk about DM, even among all the truly ranked strong men who have appeared in the GX animation, none of them came from the professional circle. On the other hand, most of the great players who claimed to be at the top of the professional league were just rookies in the anime.

Because almost every industry and every field in the Yu-Gi-Oh was related to card playing, there were endless card-playing masters, and most of the masters were actually not interested in the option of "playing in the professional circle" and had their own reasons for not participating.

For example, for a duelist like Yuei Vu, playing in the professional league was tiring. He had to fly around the world all day long, and he was so busy that he didn't even have a chance to drink water. The income level wasn't worth such a hardship.

The bad guy named "DD" who was possessed by the Light of Destruction in GX could actually win so many consecutive championships, it could be seen that the standard of this league was just that.

It was worth mentioning that in the end, DD who held the world championship title was also defeated by Aster. So Yuei Vu felt that there was reason to believe that Aster in the original anime actually had the potential to win the league championship, but it just took time.

That's why Yuei Vu felt that there was no way Aster, who had been trained more or less by his side over the years, couldn't win this championship.

Sure enough, Aster, who had just entered the league, did not disappoint him and successfully won the championship.

Of course, this did not mean that professional leagues were just free and easy. In fact, in terms of the overall level of the duel world, professional players could indeed represent the level of top players, and it was not easy to win the championship in such a league.

It’s just that Aster, who has already adjusted his mentality, has turned the page and is ready to continue marching toward a new goal.

After dealing with the post-match interviews and getting rid of the reporters who were chasing after him, Aster went straight back home.

His father has been waiting here for a long time and has prepared flowers for the celebration and a grand dinner.

Aster was helpless: "I told you, there is nothing to celebrate…"

“That’s not okay.”

Mr. Phoenix insisted on pushing him into the chair in front of the dining table and patted his head lovingly.

“Not every father has the opportunity to see his child win such an honor.”

When he was young, his father liked to touch his head. Now he has grown up, and his father still has not changed such a habit.

"Perhaps I should thank Brother Yuei Vu." Aster watched his father sit down across the dining table and said, "The tactical ideas I used in the game are largely due to Brother Yuei Vu's teachings."

“Did you tell him?”

“Of course, the first thing I did when I left the meeting was send him a message.”

“It should be so.” Mr. Phoenix smiled, “We are lucky to have met him. If we had not met him, you might not have a father.

Ha, who knows? Maybe you will become someone else's adopted son and meet some strange people. "

Aster paused and frowned: "Dad, this is not funny at all."

"Okay, sorry, I just mentioned a possibility." Mr. Phoenix didn't dwell on the topic anymore, "Speaking of your Brother Yuei Vu, he sent me a message earlier today, saying that he was going to come here to celebrate you in person."

Ed's eyes lit up: "Really? But I just…"

“So it seems like he guessed the outcome before the final started.” Mr. Phoenix smiled and adjusted his glasses. “He has no doubts about you.”

Aster showed a happy smile, much happier than when he defeated his opponent in the final and won the world championship.

“Yeah, he’s always been like that.”


The chandelier on the ceiling of the living room went out, and the sound of electronic devices going off echoed in the darkness that quickly took over the entire place.

Mr. Phoenix turned his head in confusion: "Is there a power outage?"

What followed was a strong earthquake. Almost everything on the cupboards was dumped to the floor, mugs smashed to pieces on the floor. Mr. Phoenix was also thrown off the chair without warning, and his vision went dark briefly.


Ed hurriedly stepped forward to help him up. The latter waved his hands to indicate that he was fine and adjusted his glasses at the same time.

“What’s going on? Is it an earthquake?”

Then another wave came, a strong earthquake.

Although this sounded a bit weird, Aster felt that this touch was like extremely heavy footsteps.

He stood up, walked to the window, opened the curtains, and then froze on the spot.

He saw some kind of monster, huge and bulky, like a moving fortress, walking slowly among the streets of the city, with people and vehicles fleeing in panic at its feet.

It stood tall in the sky, and its blue body as solid as a rock was clearly reflected in the glass curtain wall of the skyscraper.

A monster.

Not the duelist's collective name for the creatures inhabiting the cards, but rather a walking disaster-like monster that seemed to come from an old special-photography movie set.

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