I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 849: The Correct Way To Use Sakuretsu Armor

"Battle!" Yuei Vu ordered directly, "Sky Galloping Gaia the Dragon Champion, attack the ‘Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder'!"

The defense power of 4000 could indeed make Hamon become an iron wall. Unfortunately, in front of the invincible "Gaia", it was not much different from ordinary fish.

Sky Galloping Gaia the Dragon Champion sprinted at full speed, the giant dragon bone wings under his body flashed, as if he was riding a golden storm and rushed out at full speed. The knight's spear seemed to merge into the golden torrent, and it penetrated Hamon through the chest with just one blow!

"The effect of ‘Spiral Spear Strike'," Yuei Vu said, "Gaia gives piercing battle damage when it attacks a Defense Position monster!"

[Kagemaru, LP 4000 → LP 2800]

The spiral spear penetrated the body of the Sacred Beast, and the golden bone fragments that reflected the shining luster were broken, and the fragments flew everywhere.

"The second effect of ‘Spiral Spear Strike' is that when a ‘Gaia the Dragon Champion' on my field uses the piercing effect to inflict Battle Damage, I can draw 2 cards, then discard 1 card."

Two new cards were drawn, and Yuei Vu quickly picked one of them and sent it to the graveyard.

"Dark Magician of Chaos!" Yuei Vu said, "Attack directly!"

The dark mage spun and jumped, the staff in his hand whirling like a long stick, and the shattering spell roared in the face like it burned everything!

Dark Magician of Chaos' ATK was 2800, and Kagemaru's remaining LP also happened to be 2800. If this blow passed, Kagemaru wouldn't even have a chance to call out the second Sacred Beast before he was instantly killed on the spot!

But in the moment before the destruction spell hit, the body of the Lord of Striking Thunder that cracked like a landslide did not disintegrate. Countless golden bone fragments were attracted like magnets, forming a transparent golden barrier, firmly blocking the damage from the chaos spell.

Kagemaru hummed: "After ‘Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder' was destroyed while in Defense Position, I take no damage for the rest of this turn."

Then he grinned and taunted: "What a pity. You put out such a powerful offensive lineup with great momentum, but it doesn't seem to be effective."

Yuei Vu was not surprised. It seemed that such a result was expected: "The Battle Phase is over. I then activated the Spell Card ‘Pot of Greed' drawn by the effect of ‘Spiral Spear Strike', and drew two more cards from the deck.

Then my turn is over. "

"Oh, the terror of the Sacred Beast is just beginning!" Kagemaru shouted, "My turn, draw! I want to summon this guy…

…Chaos Summoning Beast, in attack position! "

A black demon appeared on Kagemaru's field. It has a long tail filled with sharp spikes and devil's wings. The image is grotesque and uncomfortable.

[Chaos Summoning Beast, ATK 0]

"The effect of Chaos Summoning Beast." Kagemaru said, "Use it as a sacrifice, and I can Special Summon a Sacred Beast in my hand regardless of the summoning conditions!"

Yuei Vu raised his eyebrows: "Is it coming so soon?"

"That's right." Kagemaru slowly pulled out a card in his hand and smiled ferociously, "Take a good look at it, Duel King, the great Sacred Beast's power that exceeds the limits of ordinary monsters!

The Sacred Beast of hellfire purifies everything with its burning flames——

——Uria, Lord of Searing Flames! ! ! "

The world was turbulent, the earth was shaking, broken pieces everywhere began to beat restlessly, and cracks began to spread rapidly along the floor tiles.

The aura of destruction expanded to its peak, and the clouds condensed in the sky forming a swirling hollow. The ultra-high temperature flames burned the clouds in the sky into fiery red, and boundless energy accumulated in the center of the vortex, as if a scorching crater hung upside down in the sky, spewing world-destroying breath toward the world!

The red dragon crashed down with the breath. Hellfire burned everything, metal melted in the flames, and hot molten iron spread to the ground.

Yuei Vu raised his head and looked at the Lord of Searing Flames, whose form was almost the same as the Sky Dragon. He murmured in a low voice: "Did the second Sacred Beast appear so soon?"

"Uria, Lord of Searing Flames gains 1000 ATK and DEF for each Trap Card in my Graveyard." (animation effect)

Kagemaru said and paused: "Of course, there are no trap cards in my graveyard now, so Uria has no attack power."

[Uria, Lord of Searing Flames, ATK 0]

Uria's prototype was the angel Uriel in the Bible. It was mentioned in many works and was generally regarded as one of the four Archangels together with Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael.

Uriel also meant "God's Light" and "God's Flame". Uria was known as the "Lord of Searing Flames", which may have some connection with the legend.

"But now that I have summoned a new Sacred Beast on the field, the effect of the field magic ‘Fallen Paradise' can also be used again." Kagemaru shouted, "The effect of ‘Fallen Paradise' is activated!

Once per turn, when there is a Sacred Beast on the field, I draw two cards from the deck. "

Two new cards were put into hand, and Kagemaru quickly revealed one of them.

"Activate the Spell Card ‘Painful Choice'! Pick five cards from the deck, let the opponent choose one of them, add that card to my hand, and discard the remaining cards to the graveyard."

Kagemaru pulled out five cards from the deck in one breath and showed them all to Yuei Vu.

Yuei Vu took a closer look and saw that five cards were all traps.

In other words, no matter which card he chose, the remaining four cards thrown into the graveyard will become Uria's 4,000 points of attack power. So here he only needed to choose one that was relatively less threatening to him…

…Hmm, wait a minute, why do you still bring this?

Yuei Vu clicked on one of them almost without thinking.

"I choose ‘Sakuretsu Armor'."

As we all know, the "Sakuretsu Armor" in the animation was cursed by the will of the universe. Throughout the past generations of Yu-Gi-Oh animations, this card has had many opportunities to appear. It has been shown in scenes for many years, but the number of times it was successfully activated after being Set was 0…

"Oh, you actually took the initiative to hand such a powerful trap into my hands?" Kagemaru didn't seem to realize the curse that came with this card, "Then you will pay the price for your arrogance, Duel King."

He accepted the card "gifted" by Yuei Vu with satisfaction, and said at the same time: "Then I will discard all the remaining four traps to the graveyard. The attack power of the Lord of Searing Flames will increase by 4000 points!"

[Uria, Lord of Searing Flames, ATK 0 → ATK 4000]

On Yuei Vu's side, the Keeper of Dragon Magic was in Defense Position, and the invincible "Gaia" had an attack power of 5200. So the target that Kagemaru could choose here was naturally self-evident.

Kagemaru raised his arms: "Go! Lord of Searing Flames Uria, attack the ‘Dark Magician of Chaos'!"

The Lord of Searing Flames opened his huge mouth as if all the particles floating in the air gathered together, turning into a vortex of flames and gathering in Uria's mouth!

There was no trap in Yuei Vu's back row that could be used for defense – of course, he knew that traps were useless against Sacred Beasts.

This not only meant that the Sacred Beast had the resistance "unaffected by trap cards", but also just like the Hamon was a Sacred Beast who was proficient in spells, Uria ruled over traps. The animated Uria had the ability to destroy all trap cards on the opponent's field once per turn.

Therefore, as long as Uria was around, traps were almost ineffective against Sacred Beasts.

The Dark Magician of Chaos was instantly shattered by the flames of the Lord of Searing Flames. Yuei Vu felt the scorching cyclone swimming unchecked in his body. The shock made his stomach churn, and his bones seemed to be melted by the flames of hell.

[Yuei Vu, LP 4000 → LP 2800]

"Set a card, I end my turn," Kagemaru said.

Yuei Vu stood up straight and glanced briefly at the extra set card in the back row of Kagemaru.

A set card…is it the "Sakuretsu Armor" that was just added to the hand?

It's a shame you dared to add something like this to the deck. Using a card that was cursed by the will of the universe, are you really thinking that with the support of the Sacred Beasts, you can do whatever you want?

"My turn, draw!"

The words on the electronic display of the Duel Disk changed, and the moment the word "Standby Phase" popped up in the display, Kagemaru shouted loudly: "Just keep your eyes wide open to see how powerful the Sacred Beast is, Duel King!

Release the power of divine flames here now! Open the set card: Continuous Trap – Hyper Blaze!!! "

Yuei Vu's eyes moved slightly.

It isn't Sakuretsu Armor?!

The name of the card was the ultimate move of the Uria, Lord of Searing Flames, and the picture on the card was also Uria breathing flames out of his mouth. You could tell with your butt that this was the exclusive trap corresponding to the Lord of Searing Flames!

"The effect of ‘Hyper Blaze'! Once per turn: I can discard 1 card; add to my hand or Special Summon 1 Sacred Beast in the graveyard regardless of the summoning conditions!"

Kagemaru discarded a card from his hand to the graveyard.

"Resurrected on this field, once again punishing the world with the thunderbolt of joylessness——

——Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder is coming again! "

The underworld was penetrated, and the image of the Sacred Beast descended with thunder! The golden skeleton supported the majestic and terrifying body. The moment the Sacred Beast's feet landed on the ground, it seemed as if the whole world was screaming!

[Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder, ATK 4000]

Yuei Vu curled his lips and said, "Are you here again? You Sacred Beasts are really stubborn…"

He couldn't help but think of the battle between him and the Millennium AI Bot, in which the three Egyptian Gods also repeatedly jumped out endlessly.

"Also, when activating the effect of ‘Hyper Blaze', the card I discarded was the trap card ‘Sakuretsu Armor'." Kagemaru said, "So the attack power of ‘Uria, Lord of Searing Flames' also increased!”

[Uria, Lord of Searing Flames, ATK 4000 → ATK 5000]

Yuei Vu: "…"

Good guy, you didn't set "Sakuretsu Armor"… but just threw it away?

Is this the correct way to use Sakuretsu Armor?

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