I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 846: Who Is The Pawn?

"So you're not dead."

Yuei Vu stood at the door, just a few steps away from Chairman Kagemaru, looking at the grotesquely young face.

"Obviously." Kagemaru smiled, "That monster from ancient times… is called ‘Tragoedia', right? It thinks it controls everything. It thinks it can control the company I founded, and use my resources to realize its ambitions.

But do you know what the truth is? He is an idiot. He has shocking power and the ability to shake the world, but he does not have the ability to use them effectively. "

After a pause, he added mockingly: "Like a kid wielding a submachine gun."

"Tragoedia thought he took advantage of you, but the truth is actually the other way around, right?" Yuei Vu said, "You lost to him in the duel, became his pawn, and was used as a puppet by him… .but that's not you at all.

What you sacrificed to Tragoedia was originally your puppet—a body that you had long abandoned due to aging and illness.

Tragoedia thought he was controlling ‘Chairman Kagemaru', but in fact, it was just the empty shell left behind after your transformation. "

Yuei Vu narrowed his eyes.

"‘Human Transmutation', the most taboo chapter in alchemy, can artificially create a body that can carry the weight of the soul and realizes the migration of the soul."

Kagemaru laughed dryly.

"It looks like you've already talked to Daitokuji."

He didn't deny it, he looked like the kind of villain who had succeeded in his plot and felt that he was secure and no longer needed to hide.

Now that he has passed the stage where he needed to hide behind the scenes and work hard, he couldn't wait to find someone to tell his evil plan and share his "genius" idea with others, just like a kid showing off his prank.

"Yes, even I must admit that Daitokuji played a vital role in my plan. I invested a huge amount of money in his alchemy project that ordinary people may not be able to even dream of in their lifetime. But it was worth it."

He spread out his hands, proudly showing off his young, strong, and energetic body.

“Behold, the miracle of alchemy, the creation of a combination of magic and technology by intelligent people – a young and perfect body.

Daitokuji’s technology makes things a lot more convenient. Alchemy allowed me to prolong my life and buy me the necessary time – otherwise, I might have died before my plan got this far.

It also gave me cover. Tragoedia is an idiot, but his short-term goal is the same as mine – to steal the ‘Three Sacred Beasts' from you and Seto Kaiba. So I let him do the high-profile work while I stayed behind the scenes and avoided unwanted attention…

…Just like the attention of a troublesome person like you, Mr. Yuei Vu. "

"So you used your trick and let Tragoedia take your past body and use it as a puppet." Yuei Vu said, "Tragoedia thought that you and your company were his pawns and in his hands. Sword, but in fact, he is your shield."

"That's right." Kagemaru said, "Thanks to him as a cover, I was able to carry out some necessary actions without attracting any attention. And everyone including you, Duel King Yuei Vu, you even thought I was dead.

I know you will think that the Seven Stars were sent out by Tragoedia. You and the people from Department D also think that the slate of the Sacred Beast fell into Tragoedia's hands.

But Tragoedia is just a poor guy who was kept in the dark. In fact, I did all of that. Speaking of which, I have to thank that idiot Tragoedia. If he hadn't attracted attention, I might not have made it this far. "

"Seven Stars…what's your reason for sending them to attack the students of Duel Academy?" Yuei Vu asked.

He really couldn't see the point in it.

After all, although Seven Stars may be at the upper-middle level among Shadow Duelists, in Yuei Vu's eyes, he is just fighting against the fifth scum. They lined up like Calabash Boys to save Grandpa and fed for free, without seeing any meaning.

"Of course, I don't expect the ‘Seven Stars' to be of use. Their level will not be enough to face you, Mr. Yuei Vu. I understand that well." Kagemaru smiled, "But have you ever thought that maybe the duel itself is the purpose? "

Yuei Vu remembered.

It seemed to be the same in the original work. The so-called "seven keys to seal the Sacred Beast" was actually just a cover. The process of sending Seven Stars to snatch the keys through a Shadow Game was the purpose in itself.

Even Chairman Kagemaru had made a plan when the academy was first completed.

The three Sacred Beasts are demons that feed on the energy of duel monster spirits. The energy generated by the duelists in the duel could become food for the Sacred Beasts to a certain extent.

When he sent Seven Stars to attack the students, Kagemaru didn't expect them to win. Who won or lost didn't matter to him, he just wanted to provide enough energy for the three demons sealed on the island through the Shadow Game.

So at the end of the anime Three Sacred Beasts, although Judai and others successfully defeated all the members of the Seven Stars, the seal was finally lifted, and the Three Sacred Beasts still reappeared in the world.

But the difference here was that Kagemaru missed a small detail…a fatal detail.

"The three Sacred Beasts were not sealed on the island at all." Yuei Vu shrugged, "Maybe the purpose of you sending Seven Stars to attack is to replenish energy for the three Sacred Beasts so that they can break the seal on their own? But you will be disappointed."

Kagemaru smiled: "Yes, I already know. Your alertness really surprised me, Mr. Yuei Vu. I didn't expect that the seal on the island was a cover. The three Sacred Beasts were not sealed there at all but were kept by you.

I must admit that I was defeated again in this regard. The Seven Stars plan was a complete failure. "

Despite what he said, Kagemaru maintained a calm smile from beginning to end. Combined with the pressure he felt from the moment he stepped into the building, this gave Yuei Vu an ominous premonition.

"The three cards you are holding now were obtained after the Sacred Beasts appeared in chaos and were sealed into cards, right?" Kagemaru suddenly asked.

Yuei Vu did not deny it.

"But have you ever thought that… why no one in the world has discovered the stone slab of Sacred Beasts so far?"

Yuei Vu's eyes turned cold.

"Could it be that you…"

"That's right." Kagemaru laughed loudly, "Fate made me discover them, in the forgotten corner of the world, the ‘Sacred Beast' stone slabs that were sealed in ancient times!

The Sacred Beasts recognized me, accepted me, allowed me to have that power…and finally gave me this! "

He showed three cards that he had obviously prepared.

They were in red, yellow, and blue color respectively, had no stars or attributes, and each had a ferocious and arrogant monster painted on the card.

It's the Three Sacred Beasts!

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