I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 842: Sensei Will Definitely Like This Card!

Teacher Daitokuji was very angry, very angry.

Even was a little bit tempted to give Judai a failing grade for his performance in the trial.

Logically speaking, he wanted to test Judai's alchemy aptitude. To put it more simply, he wanted to see Judai's fusion cards.

Unexpectedly, the jellyfish came up and attacked his alchemy furnace with all kinds of typhoons, and his performance was extremely unfriendly.

Who the hell taught you to play cards like this??

How could such a good genius in alchemy (fusion) be taught to be in this shape?

"Very good! We've got that alchemy furnace!" Judai said with confidence, "Next, use the ‘Elemental HERO Avian' to attack the ‘Alchemy Beast – Salamandra the Steel'!"

“You are so naive Judai! Such a monotonous attack will not work at all in front of a top-notch alchemist!”

Daitokuji raised his arm and his set card flipped over.

“Counter Trap – Negate Attack! When an opponent's monster declares an attack: Target the attacking monster; negate the attack, then end the Battle Phase!”

Although most of Daitokuji's Alchemy Beast monsters were troublesome to summon and had poor stats, their characteristic was that they could all attack players directly. Using a trap blockade to catch the opponent's offensive, and then cooperating with the Alchemy Beast to cross the front row and attack directly, was roughly the idea of ​​this alchemy tactic.

This deck did look a bit salty, but it couldn’t stand up to the awesomeness of Mr. Daitokuji himself.

Although he usually seemed to be too cowardly to run away faster than anyone else when faced with danger, in fact, it was just the teacher showing off his acting skills. At least among the early GX characters, he was definitely one of the best in terms of strength. The other six Seven Stars were not at the same level as him.

If you don’t know how strong this teacher was, you could probably guess it by looking at his squinting eyes.

After all, there was an old saying, “Anyone with squinted eyes is a monster.”

This was not an empty statement. It is a reliable conclusion drawn from large-scale statistics in countless parallel universes. There were countless strong people who shared this common characteristic.

The earliest could even be traced back to the legendary God of War Xingtian…

Although Judai didn’t know what the other party was up to, and he didn’t know what the special effects of the two salty-looking monsters on the opposite side were, he didn’t like to use his brain to think.

He always played cards based on what came to mind, and his tactics were all based on instinct.

For example, now, Judai's attack was blocked and the Battle Phase was forced to end. Without saying anything, he took another card.

I will give you a big baby directly!

“Use ‘Alchemy Beast – Salamandra the Steel’ and ‘Alchemy Beast – Ouroboros the Bronze’ as sacrifices, and special summon ‘Lava Golem’ on your field!”

Two pillars of lava fire rose into the sky, swallowing up both alchemy beasts. A ferocious and ugly lava giant appeared on the field of Daitokuji. The hot iron cage hanging on its chest imprisoned Daitokuji in the middle.

【Lava Golem, ATK 3000】

Daitokuji: "…"

Damn! Judai, where is your Fusion Summon?

Why do you play with such weird things? Where is your pride as an alchemist??

Of course, this was just wishful thinking of Teacher Daitokuji. Judai never thought he was an alchemist or anything like that. He just thought playing cards was all about having fun, and now he was very happy.

We had to say that the design of the Lava Golem that "locked the controller in a cage" was not only very interesting, but also very scientific.

Because when you gave someone such a big baby, if you didn’t lock the opponent in a cage, it was likely that the card duel would escalate into a physical duel.

Judai-san set a card, ending the turn.

"At this moment, the effect of the Lava Golem is activated." Judai said, "During the Standby Phase, it will cause 1000 points of damage to the controller!"

【Daitokuji, LP 4000 → LP 3000】

After receiving the backlash damage from the lava, Daitokuji snorted coldly: "But at the same time, you also gave me a powerful monster with the power of a Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

I use the ‘Lava Golem’ to attack the ‘Elemental HERO Avian’! "

It was true that the Lava Golem was quite powerful in terms of attack alone. If you were not careful, you could easily kill yourself by giving such a beatstick to the opposite side.

The poor winged hero's attack power was only 1000. If he hit it with such a fist, it could directly cause 2000 damage. It seemed that Judai was still at a loss in this exchange.

However, Avian looked confident when facing the Lava Golem's huge fist. After all, this monster was given to the opponent by his master. It stood to reason that his master must have arranged a countermeasure.

"Open the set card: Trap Card – Mirror Gate!" Judai opened the set card as expected. "When an opponent's monster declares an attack targeting a face-up ‘Elemental HERO' monster I control: Switch control of the opponent's attacking monster with the targeted monster I control, then calculate damage!"

The Avian crossed his arms with a proud look on his face.

Hehe, did you see it? Master has indeed made arrangements for it.

Hmm, something won’t be right for a while.

Control swap?


The interdimensional tunnel was activated, and in less than a blink of an eye, the positions of Lava Golem and Avian were switched. Avian flashed onto the field of Daitokuji, and Lava Golem flashed onto Judai's field like a ghost.

Avian: Master, you tricked me!

Then he was blasted to pieces by the Lava Golem.

【Daitokuji, LP 3000→ LP 1000】

This was nothing, what’s even more annoying is that the effect of the “Mirror Gate” was only effective for one turn.

What does this mean?

This meant that the Lava Golem rebelled at the speed of light to Judai, gave Daitokuji a punch, and then immediately jumped back to Daitokuji's field.

This ugly and hot guy stopped there and closed Daitokuji again in the iron cage hanging on his chest. He lowered his head and looked like he was giggling innocently, as if he was saying: " Hey Master, I just made a joke, I’m not a traitor, please don’t take it seriously.”

In short, it looked like something should be beaten mercilessly…

However, Mr. Daitokuji was very stubborn. In the next turn, he relied on an "Altar for Tribute" to cook this big-headed silly demon and regained some LP. Then, under such unfavorable circumstances, he still fought with Judai Yuki for 300 rounds, and the fight was very intense.

After a series of intensive confrontations, Daitokuji finally got what he wanted. He saw Judai's powerful fusion power and could fuse any two Elemental HEROes, and the resulting fusion became a new hero. The alchemist Daitokuji called him an expert after seeing it.

At the end of the fight, Daitokuji was very excited and determined to go all out to deal with it with all his strength, so he directly showed his trump card: "The Continuous Trap ‘Macro Cosmos' is activated!"

The trap flipped, the terrain suddenly changed, and the background switched to the deep and boundless space of the universe.

“When ‘Macro Cosmos’ is activated, special summon ‘Helios – The Primordial Sun’ from the hand or deck!”

【Helios – The Primordial Sun, ATK ? 】

"The ATK and DEF of ‘Helios – The Primordial Sun' will become the number of banished monsters x 100!"

He emphasized his tone and pointed at the Continuous Trap beside him.

“When ‘Macro Cosmos’ exists on the field, all cards sent to the graveyard by both players will be banished!”

“Eh? So strong!?”

While sighing, the first thought that came to Judai's mind was…

Yuei Vu-sensei will definitely like this card!

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