I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 838: Is This What You Are Looking For?

There were three legendary monsters sealed on the island of Duel Academy, who were among the strongest beings in the world of Duel Monsters, named "Three Sacred Beasts".

Although no one had seen these three existences with their own eyes, their names were well known. Everyone knew that the reason why the Three Sacred Beasts were sealed was due to the existence of top duelists like Yuei Vu, Yugi, and Seto Kaiba, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

Therefore, for the academy, the seals of the three Sacred Beasts were also the focus of the attention. When Tragoedia had just invaded the territory of the Sacred Beast's seal, all big shots of the academy were immediately alert.

The whole school was instantly alarmed, and leaders at all levels called to inquire about the situation. Mr. Chronos, the most senior teacher in charge of academy affairs, rushed to the scene. Principal Samejima, who had gone somewhere unknown, was also dragged out of the secret passage under the office by other leaders (ignoring the one who was with him at the time – Tome-san).

The school immediately went into full lockdown and entered a state of alert as quickly as possible. The special teams responsible for security put on Duel Disks one after another, formed a neat square formation and rushed to the scene.

The entire Duel Academy seemed to have transformed from a campus into a war machine in an instant. The parts that were usually dormant in various parts were quickly activated and quickly gathered together.

The unrelated students were quickly controlled and returned to the campus and their dormitories, while teachers and professionals quickly gathered at the place where the Sacred Beast was sealed.

But it looked like they were already late.

It seemed that the seal of the Sacred Beast had been lifted.

A group of people surrounded Tragoedia near the sealing device. Principal Samejima took the lead and moistened his throat as if he were preparing to take the lead in speaking.

Here, Principal Samejima didn't seem to realize that he was pulled out of the secret passage too quickly, and the lipstick mark on his face had not yet been wiped off. A teacher standing opposite him winked at him desperately, but the principal couldn't understand the message…

All the teachers felt embarrassed, but the occasion was too serious and the enemy was still in front of them, so it seemed not good to warn him aloud, thus everyone just pretended not to notice.

Tragoedia tried so hard to remove the seal but could not find the three Sacred Beasts. At this moment, he was thinking about the philosophical question of "Where did the Sacred Beasts go?" At this time, he saw Samejima heading towards this station, his head was so bright that it could be used as a mirror, and there was a lipstick mark on his face. He was a little confused and couldn't figure out what this was.

Have I been fooled?

The so-called Sacred Beast seal is simply a trap set to trap me?

Principal Samejima coughed and spoke: "I don't know who you are, but you took something that doesn't belong to you. Please return the three ‘Sacred Beasts' cards immediately. It's not yours – nor anyone else's – to control…"

Tragoedia was still in a daze, but when he heard Principal Samejima come up and directly accuse them, he couldn't help but feel angry.

Good guys, not only did you dig a hole here and wait for me to jump out of it, but you also prepared such a big pot for me!?

He felt like he figured out what was going on.

It must be these humans – or at least some of these humans, who shamelessly and secretly stole the Sacred Beast Card from the seal, and then deliberately dug a hole here waiting for him to jump in, and then backhanded the shit basin on his, the great Tragoedia's, head and said he stole it!

As a human being, he is actually more insidious and cunning than a dark lord like myself!

After three thousand years, have human hearts become so twisted?

Tragoedia couldn't help but start to doubt his life.

He found that he did not have the human's autism when playing cards, and his deviousness was far less than that of humans. Was he not a fake dark lord?

At this time, Tragoedia actually realized that he was almost turning into a dead lobster.

His body was beaten to pieces by Muto Yugi, and although the clone that placed his last hope on successfully cracked the Sacred Beast seal, it only came to nothing.

After working for a long time and only feeling lonely, Big Lobster finally had to face a cruel reality, that was, although he may be proud of his strength and his ability to control people's hearts, his low IQ was still a flaw after all.

He was clearly calculated from the beginning to the end of this game and fell into a huge trap from the beginning to the end.

The main body had been dealt with, and that Muto Yugi was still on the island – maybe he was coming here now. The only remaining clone of Tragoedia has also been surrounded.

In anger, as if venting his anger, he exploded.

That was the explosion of all his remaining strength, all of which broke away from the body as the host and rushed into the air. The majestic and powerful darkness hung above everyone's heads, forming a twisted body that looked like it crawled out of the abyss of hell. Those yellow eyes seemed to carry an eternal curse, coldly trying to burn into everyone's heart.

Everyone present was somewhat frightened.

Most of them have never seen such a level of dark existence – this was a power that ordinary Shadow Duelists cannot match, and a sense of oppression that could kill even the thought of resistance in advance.

"You low-level, cunning, and insidious humans, you have no idea what kind of existence you have angered!" Tragoedia yelled angrily, "I will crush you all! I will bite your flesh, crush your bones, drink your blood dry, and bring about pain that is hundreds of times more terrifying than you can imagine…"

We had to say that the explosive Big Lobster was very powerful and looked quite scary…

…It just wilted too quickly.

Like a storm from outer space, with the green whirlwind enveloping the steel body like a cannonball, Masked HERO Divine Wind dragged his flying cloak and gave Tragoedia a standard and straight Rider Kick on the nose of Tragoedia who was making an impassioned speech.

The Big Lobster howled miserably, and the aura he had built up suddenly collapsed. His dark and huge body fell to the side, and an ancient tree with a thick trunk was broken at the waist.

Yuei Vu jumped out of nowhere and fell straight into the forest from the sky. His undulating black clothes were like a wide cloak.

The teachers who were frightened just now suddenly showed joy: "Principal Yuei Vu!"

Everyone felt like they had taken a reassurance.

The Duel King is here! How can we lose now?

Tragoedia struggled to get up, but his current state was too weak. All he saw was Masked HERO Divine Wind flying up and down around him, constantly launching fierce attacks.

Tragoedia didn't even have the strength to parry, and was hit all over his head in three or two blows, and fell to the ground under another powerful flying kick.

This time, he really couldn't fight anymore.

Falling to the ground, trampled by Divine Wind, Tragoedia's mouth was still squirming: "Liar… despicable… there are no three Sacred Beasts here…"

Yuei Vu stepped forward unhurriedly and slowly took out three cards in red, yellow, and blue colors from his pocket.

"Is this what you are looking for?"

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