I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 829: Take Advantage of The Situation

"An ancient and evil monster has attacked the transport ship, and his goal is very clear…"

"The power of the Sacred Beasts, right?" Yuei Vu said.

"Yes." Fujino nodded, "That monster is very powerful. His power… let's put it this way."

He tidied up his language and said solemnly: "Department D has been responsible for supernatural events and phenomena around the world since its establishment. You may not be able to imagine how many strange events and powerful beings we have come into contact with.

But even so, our duelists have never encountered such a powerful existence before. "

Yuei Vu knew he was referring to Tragoedia.

Although Big Lobster was not the best among all the final bosses in the Yu-Gi-Oh series, it was still a final boss after all, and its power could not be matched by ordinary duelists.

Playing cards was an absolute law in this world, and a duel between truly strong players must be the only way to determine the outcome.

This strange world law favored the weak to a certain extent. This allowed ordinary humans with only flesh and blood to have the power to fight against aliens, superpowers and even world-destroying demons.

However, the fact was that if you were really an ordinary person with no background and no cheats, this rule would only give you the opportunity to try and fight. Strong power could also be reflected in a duel. Most people had little chance of winning in a duel when facing a god-level boss.

There were only a handful of people who have been blessed by this world and have extraordinary talents.

"Let me guess, Hibiki is ready to fight?" Yuei Vu asked.

"Well." Fujino said, "If it weren't for him, things might have been even worse. Mr. Hibiki is indeed worthy of the title of Duel King. He showed a strength that was far beyond the reach of all my men. In the face of times of adversity, he miraculously created opportunities and dealt heavy losses to his opponents more than once."

"But he still lost." Yuei Vu said.

"That's right." Fujino sighed, "But although Mr. Hibiki failed to win, he still caused enough damage to the opponent in that Shadow Game.

The monster itself didn't seem to be fully resurrected. He was unable to continue fighting and could only withdraw temporarily. "

In other words, although Tragoedia defeated Hibiki Koyo during the transportation, he had to give up his original intention and evacuate because he was too seriously injured.

"But so you still have the slab?"

When this topic was mentioned, Fujino's eyes suddenly turned cold.

"Until a few days ago, yes."

"A few days ago." Yuei Vu noticed this unpleasant statement, "This doesn't sound good."

Fujino motioned to his subordinate who had retreated to the door to step forward and handed over a tablet device.

The screen appears to be some kind of military installation. Yuei Vu couldn't tell where it was from the background, but the damage to the entire facility was so severe that it looked like it had experienced a carpet-like air raid.

"This used to be our facility to seal the slab. But it was attacked, just this week."

Yuei Vu frowned: "Attacked? By whom?"

"There is no definite information. The system is paralyzed, the surveillance screen is blank, and everyone in the entire facility either died on the spot or fell into an unexplained coma…you know."

"Shadow Games."

Yuei Vu pondered briefly.

Now he was convinced that the last time Tragoedia came to the Duel Academy island to explore the information about the three Sacred Beasts was not a temporary decision. Tragoedia might have been plotting against the Sacred Beasts from a long time ago.

What's worse was that there was a high probability that all the slabs related to the Sacred Beasts had fallen into his hands.

"This is top secret information, and leaking it to unrelated parties like me could land you in a military court."

Fujino took back the tablet in Yuei Vu's hand and handed it back to the subordinate behind him.

"But I'm here anyway because I think telling you this is more important than keeping my chair." He glanced at the computer screen in the office and added, "Even if you didn't hack in, I originally planned to tell you this.

Even the second-generation Duel King was defeated, and the strength of his opponent should not be underestimated. If there are only a few people left in our world who might not be afraid of that devil, Duel King Yuei Vu, you will definitely be one of them.

So if I were you, I would return to the Duel Academy island immediately. "

Of course, Yuei Vu understood what Fujino meant. Tragoedia's next target was likely to be the three Sacred Beasts sealed on the island of Duel Academy. If the three Sacred Beast cards were obtained by the lobster, it may turn into a very difficult situation.


"Don't worry, it's okay." Yuei Vu waved his hand as if he didn't care at all, "He can't get the three Sacred Beasts."

His confident attitude made even Fujino feel a little dazed.

So confident?

Could it be that the seal of the three Sacred Beasts is so unbreakable that Mr. Duel King believes that no matter how strong the enemy is, it is impossible to break it?

However, he still reminded: "It's better to be cautious. Normally, the opponent might not dare to take action when you are in charge, but now that you are not in the academy, it is the perfect time for the enemy to launch an attack…"

"It's okay, it's okay, I know it in my heart." Yuei Vu still didn't seem to hear it at all.

After a pause, he smiled mysteriously.

"Furthermore, do you think that I have been out for so long just to search for traces of the enemy?"

Fujino was stunned: "Isn't it?"

He has been watching the movements of Yuei Vu in the past few days since he left the island. It was not difficult for an organization like Department D to monitor a person's whereabouts.

Since he knew, Tragoedia had no reason not to know. After all, Yuei Vu must be Tragoedia's key concern, and he must keep an eye on Yuei Vu's whereabouts at any time.

Yuei Vu has been away from the island for so long, so he should seize this opportunity to attack.

But that's exactly what Yuei Vu wanted.

At this moment, Duel Academy Island.

The undulating waves hit the rocks on the shore, and a pair of black square-toed boots landed on the edge of the college island.

It was a man with broad shoulders, a square face, an angular chin, and eyes filled with darkness that at first glance looked like a dark and deep quagmire, but they also lurked a surging undercurrent.

This was Tragoedia, or the host he was using now.

As Officer Fujino expected, he had indeed been monitoring Yuei Vu's whereabouts. Yuei Vu's departure was undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him, and of course, he could not let go of this excellent offensive opportunity.

Tragoedia curled up the corner of his mouth and showed a cruel smile.

That stupid Duel King actually thought that he could take the initiative and find his traces. It was extremely stupid.

Little did he know that he was only on the first step, and he was already on the fifth step!

Tragoedia felt that as long as he broke the seal and obtained the three Sacred Beasts, even if the Duel King rushed back by then, it would already be too late.

This academy… no, this world is already in his pocket!

He was proudly thinking about the blueprint for a better future when he suddenly heard someone’s voice from behind.

"You are finally here. I've been waiting for you for a long time."


Tragoedia, who was immersed in the joy of thinking, was stunned for a moment and turned around, but his heart and lungs suddenly stopped.

That thin but powerful figure, that colorful afro that looked like a starfish, and that inverted pyramid ornament that reflected the shining golden light in the sun…

…The first generation Duel King – Muto Yugi!

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