I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 802: Start Taking Action

"Okay, the incident has been resolved satisfactorily, it's almost time for us to go back." Jonouchi stretched, "Thank you, Yuei Vu, I'll treat you to dinner another day."

"Well, it's almost time to say goodbye. I had a great time today." Yugi also said.

Kagurazaka, who was huddled aside to watch the big guys chatting, was silent for a long time. She stared at Jonouchi and seemed to be frowning in thought for a long time before finally exclaiming: "Ah! You are… Jonouchi, the God of Gamblers who is also known as the God of Dice!"

Jonouchi's face suddenly turned black.

"What's wrong with dice? I have nothing to do with that kind of thing!" Jonouchi suddenly became unhappy, "You recognized Yugi and Yuei Vu, why didn't you recognize me until now?"

"Sorry." Kagurazaka scratched her head in embarrassment, "Because I didn't see the dice, I didn't think about it for a while…"

"Hey, I told you it has nothing to do with dice, right!?"


Jonouchi was furious, feeling the injustice of the world and the darkness of the duel world…

…Why does everyone only remember me throwing dice!?

Isn’t my ace the Red-Eyes Black Dragon? Super rare card! The legendary black dragon that brings endless possibilities!

Why do you all just remember dice?

This also strengthened Jonouchi's determination to quit gambling. From now on, dice will never be used in playing cards. Feng Ping was killed…

"Forget it, let's go back today." Jonouchi was helpless.

"It's already late, why don't you stay on the island overnight?" Yuei Vu said, "I'll call a plane to take you back tomorrow morning?"

"No, no, no." Jonouchi waved his hand, "Mai just sent me a message. It seems that Valon guy is back in the city. Tomorrow he will have a meal with us to catch up on old times or something… There may even be a duel.”

Jonouchi confidently patted the deck on his Duel Disk.

"Hey, my Red Eyes deck has just been strengthened, and that kid doesn't have the slightest chance!"

Yuei Vu: No, no, no, I think your deck with no coins and no dice is still weaker than before.

But having said that…

"Valon?" Yuei Vu raised his eyebrows, "Is it the Valon from the Three Swordsmen of Doma?"

"Yes." Jonouchi smiled, "He is actually a pretty good guy, and we are in constant contact."

Yuei Vu: "…"

Isn't that guy Valon… the love rival of Jonouchi who steals Mai Kujaku's heart?

Now that Mai-sama is already with Jonouchi, the three of them can still get together, talk, laugh, and reminisce as if nothing has happened?!

To be honest, what past can the three of them have to reminisce about? Isn't their past just the dark history of Jonouchi and Valon fighting to steal Mai's heart?

Yuei Vu felt that maybe his EQ was so low that he couldn't understand the heroic spirit of people like them.

Even if you steal my wife, we will still be good brothers?

It feels quite…weird.

"But I wanted to ask before I spoke," Yugi asked, "If Sister Mai is here, why don't you bring her here with you?"

Upon hearing this, Jonouchi's face suddenly turned ugly again, and he glanced at Yuei Vu angrily.

Yugi looked at Yuei Vu curiously.

Do you still have any stories to tell while we are gone?

Yuei Vu looked away awkwardly and started to look at the scenery.

This was a long story.

When Yuei Vu returned to Domino last year, he stopped by Jonouchi's house as a guest.

At that time, Yuei Vu glanced at the carpet in their living room inadvertently and said: Hey Jonouchi, the corners of this carpet are a bit strange. It seems like it is not laid properly…


Then Sister Mai discovered from there the private money that Jonouchi had saved for half a year…

From then on, Jonouchi was not happy to let Yuei Vu and Mai meet.

Being caught hiding private money this time is a trivial matter, but what if he is caught hiding something else next time?

In short, the matter of Kagurazaka stealing the deck has come to an end.

Yugi and Jonouchi said goodbye to Yuei Vu and left first. As the only school personnel present, Yuei Vu confiscated the exhibition card set stolen from Kagurazaka and called the teacher who was searching for traces of the lost card set to come and handle the follow-up matters.

Kagurazaka, who was caught stealing the card set, would undoubtedly face punishment from the school – in serious cases, he may even be expelled from the school.

However, when a group of teachers and students heard the news and came to watch, Kagurazaka was very happy and had no fear of being punished. He excitedly told everyone that Muto Yugi and Jonouchi Katsuya were both on the island just now, and he even fought against the real Muto Yugi!

The Labyrinth Brothers who came to the academy before wanted to become a "legendary duelist" after being beaten by Muto Yugi. So I was beaten by him just now, am I also a legend now?

Although the Duel King didn't even summon a decent monster, just called a Watapon and OTKed him in seconds…

…But that counted as a fight, right?

"Mr. Yugi's guidance has made me completely understand what I still lack!" Kagurazaka said seriously.

Everyone shut their mouths and listened to him with bated breath.

The advice from Mr. Muto Yugi, the first-generation Duel King? This is not an opportunity that ordinary people can get!

Yuei Vu next to him couldn't help but become interested when he heard what he said.

Oh? Could it be that Yugi's two casual instructions really had the effect of enlightenment?

Actually, that's not surprising. After all, Kagurazaka himself had talents that were different from ordinary people, and his theoretical knowledge of dueling was very solid. Indeed, he may have learned something during the duel with Yugi…

Then Kagurazaka said seriously: "The part that my imitation still lacks is…

…that colorful hairstyle! "

Yuei Vu: "……"


"It's not just hairstyles, but also outfits, clothes, and even the ‘Millennium Puzzle' pendant. If you want to imitate, you have to copy the whole set!" Kagurazaka gushed, "So far, my imitations have been too half-baked, and I haven't been able to imitate them at all. Restore the essence of the strong!

I must start again from the inside out, and transform my own image into the image of the other person…"

Yuei Vu sighed.


This child is hopeless.

Somewhere unknown, a dark room.

Seven black shadows appeared inside the room. Each figure stood apart and occupied a corner of the room.

A completely closed room with almost no light source. Darkness spread unbridled in the closed realm, and invisible pressure made the air as heavy as lead.

Everyone here was carefully selected, and each was a strong person in their respective fields.

A huge electronic screen lit up. A blurry shadow appeared behind the screen, and cold eyes swept across the screen from everyone in the room.

"The time has come." A gloomy and hoarse voice sounded from behind the screen.

Someone in the room said: "Is the target… Duel Academy?"

"Let me go first."

The speaker stepped out of the shadow in the corner, and his figure was illuminated by the light of the electronic screen.

It was a man in a pitch-black windbreaker, with most of his face covered by a cross-sectioned black mask, with a scarlet jade fixed on the forehead of the mask.

"Duel Academy is a very nostalgic place for me." He said lightly, "I still have things to do there."

The shadow behind the screen stared at him coldly for a moment.


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