I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 790: How Come This Guy Knows Everything!?

Elemental HERO Terra Firma has fallen!

Terra Firma was defeated by the combined power of Goka and Koga, and the darkness residing in it also erupted. The dark miasma spurted out from the hole in Terra Firma's back heart like a spurt of blood. Before it dissipated, the ink-colored darkness in his eyes seemed to be gradually cleared, and he was freed from the constraints.

The body controlled by Tragoedia was also knocked out and rolled on the ground in many circles – the real owner of this body had no idea what was going on and was hit before he could regain his senses. His body was covered with bruises.

The majestic dark miasma broke away from that body. It struggled and twisted, like… like a stain struggling desperately under the power of the toilet cleaning spirit, and could be wiped out at any time.

The winner of the Shadow Game was decided, and Tragoedia lost. The power of his clone left in this body was not very strong, and it would be eliminated under the constraints of the rules of this game before long.

But before that, he still had a few final minutes.

"Duel King…you are indeed very strong. I must admit that I underestimated you."

Although he said this, Tragoedia's voice sounded calm, and he did not seem to be as frustrated or annoyed as he should be when he was defeated.

Maybe he wasn't as arrogant as he deliberately showed before – in fact, he had more or less expected such an ending.

"That's all." Tragoedia paused, "I'll count you lucky this time, Duel King. Hmm, but thanks to this, I've already figured out your depth.

After all, you are just a duelist of this caliber. You won't be so lucky next time we meet. "

Yuei Vu raised his eyebrows.

Oh, Big Lobster sounds quite crazy.

What are you thinking? Do you think you have figured out my details?

With just third-rate moves of yours, you can at best be regarded as a toothpick stirring up a big vat, okay?

"Maybe you are feeling complacent about your staged victory at this time, but don't be too proud, Duel King."

Tragoedia continued to talk nonsense as if he wanted to say a few more harsh words before he died.

"What you saw today is just the tip of the iceberg of my strength, not even the surface. The world today is just like a toy to me. Not to mention the waste that lives in the Millennium Ring in your hand, even if the real great evil god Zorc awakened again, I may not be afraid of him…"

Yuei Vu: "…"

Good guy, who gave you the courage? Why is it so swollen when it's just a lobster?

Anyway, since Zorc is dead, even if you step on his grave, scold him for being stupid, and accuse him of holding a big faucet on his waist all day long like a pervert, he still won't be able to get out of the coffin to beat you.

This is just like there is a saying that "When Lu Bu is still alive, no one can rival Lu Bu. Once Lu Bu dies, everyone can rival Lu Bu."

Anyway, Zorc is dead now, so the Big Lobster doesn’t have to pay taxes for bragging. He said a few words, could you really pull Zorc out of the grave?

…Well, in a sense, Zorc was not dead. After all, the evil thought in the Millennium Ring in Yuei Vu's hands was the remaining of Zorc. But this guy's current condition was too bad. Maybe it's okay to bully ordinary people, but he's not good enough in front of Tragoedia.

For example, at this moment, when he heard Tragoedia's arrogant words, the evil thought was very angry, but he probably thought that he couldn't beat the other party, so he just vibrated in Yuei Vu's hand desperately. It seemed to be hinting to Yuei Vu: How can you tolerate him being so arrogant? Isn't it time to give him a lesson?

Yuei Vu didn't mind at all and just asked: "I heard that three thousand years ago, the great evil god Zorc defeated the three Egyptian Gods head-on, tore Exodia into two halves, and the Pharaoh had to sacrifice his true name to seal Zorc.

So if you are so awesome, how did you get sealed? "

Tragoedia, who was boasting, suddenly stopped and froze.

Ah, this…

Obviously, Yuei Vu hit the nail on the head with this question, which touched upon some of his not-so-good memories…

"Hmph." Tragoedia was stiff for a long time and said a little awkwardly, "It was those hateful priests who designed the insidious trap, and I fell into it without noticing.

The so-called guardian priests are just a group of insidious and cunning villains. If they dared to confront me head-on…"

"Trap?" Yuei Vu asked back, "The kind that forcibly lowers the other party's IQ and makes the other party obediently hand over his heart to be beaten?"

"Yes, they are really a bunch of despicable and shameless villains. Lucky for those priests, they have already been buried, otherwise I would have to kill them…"

Tragoedia suddenly realized something was wrong as he spoke, stopped suddenly, his pupils shrank and he looked at Yuei Vu in shock.

"How did you know!?"

He was beyond shocked.

What happened when he was sealed three thousand years ago was the darkest experience in his life. Looking back to this day, he was still filled with resentment and anger… and more importantly, shame!

Because strictly speaking, he was the only villain in the history of Yu-Gi-Oh who killed himself due to his own stupidly!

The process of being sealed was probably as funny as a villain taking out a dagger, grinning ferociously and saying, "This knife is full of poison," while sticking out his tongue to lick it, only to end up getting poisoned to death before he could even take action…

If this kind of thing spreads, how can he, Tragoedia, conquer the world?

From now on, if he flexed his muscles, showed his strength in front of people, and said "I am Tragoedia" in an aggressive manner, people might laugh and say: Sorry, maybe I shouldn't laugh, but your story is really funny… …

Although the structures of the brain and the intestines look quite similar, you can’t just pretend they’re all the same!

The brain is a good thing, but if you don’t have it at all, you can’t be a villain!

Rather than anger, Tragoedia cared more about——

——How could this Duel King know this!?

That was all three thousand years ago! Shouldn’t everyone who knew the inside story have been buried long ago?

The Millennium Ring shook violently again.

Knowing so well what happened three thousand years ago, as if witnessing the process live…

…Yuei Vu, how can you deny that you are not Holactie?!

"Yuei Vu = Holactie the Creator God of Light" proof +1.

"Who…are you?" Even Tragoedia became suspicious.

But his time was running out. The dark miasma became weaker and weaker, and he began to gradually become illusory and about to disappear. The remaining power was soon no longer enough to maintain his consciousness here.

Yuei Vu did not answer, only said: "You hired Titan to keep an eye on Judai because of ‘Winged Kuriboh', right?"

Tragoedia: "!"

"Three thousand years ago, Winged Kuriboh took away your heart and sealed it within himself." Yuei Vu said calmly, "Now that your true self's seal has been unsealed, you still haven't found your heart, right? "

Tragoedia became more and more frightened as he listened.

How come this guy knows everything!?

The Millennium Ring trembled even more.

"Honestly, I don't really care if you can unlock the final seal. You think too highly of yourself." Yuei Vu said calmly, "But Yuki Judai is my student. Try to get near him ever again – either by yourself or your puppets – and the consequences will be something you won’t want to acknowledge.”

Tragoedia's eyes widened—maybe he was angry. The black shadow opened its mouth as if it wanted to say something, but in the end, it failed to come out.

His time has come.

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