The spy almost got violent and beat someone up again, but he took two deep breaths and tried his best to calm down.

He was an emotionless spy. He came to this island with a mission.

I don’t have to be familiar with this psycho, I must prioritize my tasks.

However, the movement here seemed to have attracted the attention of other screwballs, and many players around have gathered here.

“What’s going on? Who is this?”

"A student? Not wearing a school uniform? What mission was triggered?"

Someone came up to your awesome wife and patted her on the shoulder: "Hey, buddy, what's going on? Aren't you designing an endgame for your students?"

"I don't know." Your Wife Is Awesome In Bed pointed at the spy next to him, "I just saw this guy lying on the ground twisting like a breakdance star. I don't know what he was doing. "

“Is it so suspicious?”

The spy’s face turned dark.

Breakdance star my ass!

Can you believe that I was regarded as a lunatic by a group of lunatics?

But he also captured some key information.

That idiot just mentioned "your students"?

So these out-of-line psychopaths… are actually teachers in the academy?

Moreover, they are specially stationed in the depths of this remote dense forest, which happens to be the area where the energy response of the three Sacred Beasts is strongest…

The spy's pupils shrank, his brain cells were working at full speed, and he quickly came to a conclusion relying on his rigorous logical thinking and strong reasoning ability.

These seemingly insane lunatics…maybe they are hidden duelists!

Why didn’t I see any facilities to suppress the three Sacred Beasts? Why didn't I see any security measures or protection?

Because these screwballs appearing in front of me are strong men guarding the seal of Sacred Beasts!

The spy's mind quickly became active.

In the past, he might not have had the confidence to fight against a truly strong player, but it was different now. Now he has been given enough power to be ranked as a top-notch master, and he was fearless even against truly strong men.

But the purpose of his visit this time was to collect intelligence. If possible, he should try to avoid conflicts and not attract attention.

Since Duel King Yuei Vu asked these people to suppress the Sacred Beast here, they must be the Duel King's cronies…or at least they should be trusted people who should know some information.

It’s just conceivable that the other party should also be very tight-lipped and would not easily leak important information. So this was when his professionalism as a spy came into play.

He quickly designed a set of formulaic plans, starting from the shallower to the deeper, starting from small talk and gradually touching on the core topics, figuring out the sealing method of the three Sacred Beasts, and preferably also figuring out how to release the seal, and then collecting some information about the Duel King.

But he never expected that all his predictions and plans would be in vain.

Because he just brought the topic to Yuei Vu’s name, the idiots rushed over one by one and said everything like primary school students rushing to answer the teacher’s questions in class…

The screwballs were very excited when it came to mentioning their Yuei Vu-san. They can't wait to follow Yuei Vu-san's progress step by step starting from the Battle City period.

"Have you heard about six-year-old Marik? Do you know about Ghouls? At that time, he was very arrogant, as both Osiris the Sky Dragon and The Winged Dragon of Ra were in his hands, and swore to conquer Egypt… However, now the entire Ghouls and all the cards in their warehouse have changed their surnames to Yuei."

"Do you know about Dartz? The 10000-year-old monster, the driving force behind human civilization, the spokesperson of the evil god Orichalcos, the terminator of the world… was tricked by Yuei Vu-san into ten thousand years of autism."

"Have you ever heard of the Great Evil God Zorc? This one is even more awesome. There is a dragon under his crotch, his feet stomped three Egyptian Gods, Exodia was torn apart by his hands… He was still exploded and killed by Yuei Vu-san."

Brother Spy listened and took notes, feeling more and more frightened.

Among them, many of Yuei Vu's achievements have not been disclosed to the public, and there were some that the outside world had only heard about but did not know the details. They were described by a group of idiots with embellished details, which stunned the spy brother.

The gossip was getting more and more outrageous, and they even talked about the origin of the world.

For example, someone said: You already know about the great evil god Zorc, right? Do you know where Zorc came from?

Think back to when heaven and earth first formed from chaos, God said "Let there be light", so there was light in the world.

But as the saying goes, where there is light, there must be shadow. The Creator God of Light gave birth to all things and shaped this world, and at the same time, it also produced the corresponding darkness, which is the great evil god Zorc. He is attached to the host of the Millennium Ring, using his human body as his agent to stir up troubles and prepare for the resurrection plan.

The one who foiled this plan and tore apart the darkness was the agent of the Creator God of Light, her avatar on this plane——

——That’s our Yuei Vu-san!

The spy was shocked when he heard the news.

This was big news that he has never heard of!

Hearing this, Brother Spy began to retreat involuntarily. He had temporarily forgotten about the three Sacred Beasts, and now all he could think about were the various legends about this Duel King.

He knew that this Duel King was very strong and had heard some rumors about him…

…But never has it been as outrageous as what he heard today!

If this was true, then all his boss's plans so far must be overturned. The exaggerated background of the Duel King changed everything!

He must inform his boss and let him understand the inherent risks of making plans for taking the three Sacred Beasts. If what these idiots said was true, then all the plans so far must be torn down and restarted!

At this moment, he forgot all about the sealing formation, spying on the three Sacred Beasts, and so on. All he could think about was evacuating quickly and taking out this important information!

After repeated attempts to make sure that this guy did not trigger any hidden plot dialogue, the idiots found it boring, so they let him go for the time being.

The spy quickly left this strange area and walked through the dense forest. After making sure that no one behind him could see him, he immediately took out the mobile phone in his pocket.

It was a specially made mobile phone with only one pre-saved contact – his boss. The line was encrypted and was the only way he could communicate with his superiors.

The spy tried to dial the phone – he didn't want to delay for a moment in passing on this terrible information.

The busy tone echoed constantly on the dialed phone, and each rise and fall made him feel like a century had passed.

The dialing failed.

The spy was almost in disbelief when he saw the big words "No signal" on the mobile phone.

How can it be? The Duel Academy was built by the Kaiba Corp itself, and the entire island was covered by powerful wireless signals. How could such a ridiculous thing as "no signal" happen?


He paused and realized something was wrong.

The whole scene started to spin. The ground seemed to have sunk, and the surrounding trees turned into shadows and disappeared one after another. The dark sky spread down like a huge canvas. Reinforced concrete buildings rose from the ground, and the spikes on the top of the dark towers soared into the sky.

Field Spell – Skyscraper!

It’s not just a virtual image, it’s a real scene materialized from the cards by powerful supernatural power, a Shadow Game space that isolated the designated area from the outside world!

The spy held his breath as he realized he was trapped.

He knew the rules. Once you stepped into the Shadow Game space, the only way to come out was to become the winner.

Skyscraper was a dedicated field for "Elemental HERO", and it could almost be regarded as the hero's signature. And since this field appeared here, that meant…

“Yo, man.”

Hearing the voice coming from behind, the spy turned his head stiffly…

As expected, he saw the Duel King Yuei Vu, who was touted by the screwballs as the son of the world, the incarnation of the God of Cards, and the representative of the Creator God of Light.

Yuei Vu walked towards this side unhurriedly and asked, "What? Are you lost?"

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