I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 781: The Mysterious Reward

The huge passenger ship rode the wind and waves to the shore of the Duel Academy Island, carrying a boatload of murderous northern students.

The principal of Northern Academy took the lead and walked off the boat, followed by a large group of students, like a cavalry preparing to charge into battle.

On the headquarters side, Principal Samejima personally leads the team. The principal stood on the shore early. When he saw Principal Ichinose and his students from the North Branch, he greeted them with a smile on his face.

"Long time no see!" Principal Samejima was as enthusiastic as a good brother he hadn't seen for many years. "You still haven't changed at all. I can smell your stint from afar."

Principal Ichinose also smiled: "You are the same, Principal Samejima. I haven't even landed on the beach yet, but I saw your direction at first glance from a long way away. It's so bright…"

As he said this, he glanced at Samejima Principal Hikari's forehead.

"Principal Ichinose's environment in the north is still difficult. It's been less than a year since we last met. When I see you, it feels like ten years have passed…"

"Haha, there's nothing I can do about it. I can't compare to Principal Samejima. You look the same as last time. Is it because of poor nutrition or because the hair growth hormone doesn't work well?"

Both of them had smiles on their faces and held each other's hands enthusiastically, but their gazes were as sharp as intertwined spears, sparking invisible sparks in mid-air.

"Oh, it seems that these two principals have a very good relationship!" said Judai who was watching from behind.

"Aniki, how did you see that?" His younger brother Marufuji Sho followed him and said, "It looks like they are going to start a fight at any time, okay?"

"You have won the game every time before, but it won't happen again this time." Principal Ichinose's face was gloomy, and his smile actually looked a bit sinister. "Our Academy will take this year's winner's reward!"

"Don't be so confident, Principal Ichinose." Samejima chuckled, "Our academy is sending out the strongest players in history this year, and we won't give away the reward!"

As he spoke, he also raised his eyebrows and winked at Judai who was standing aside.

Whether our Academy can win the grand prize this year depends entirely on you, Judai!

The two principals' attitudes and reactions when facing this duel and mentioning this "reward" were just like the leaders behind the two major forces in the movie who wanted to grab some unique treasure.

"It must sound like a very precious treasure, right?" Marufuji Sho began to wonder, "Maybe it's a rare card?"

"It must be Tome-san's kiss," Judai said.

This was what Yuei Vu told him, and he didn't quite believe it at the time.

Marufuji Sho almost fell over. The image of the Dark Magician Girl cosplayed by the round and amiable Tome-san in the canteen when he was in school suddenly appeared in his mind. It suddenly brought back the horrible memories that he had once forgotten… …

"How… how is it possible!?" Marufuji Sho wiped his sweat.

However, no one may believe it. The ultimate reward for the tit-for-tat confrontation between the two principals was really a kiss from Tome-san…

The two principals were at each other's throats as soon as they met. The fundamental reason was that they were love rivals…

Principal Ichinose has been really worried these years. He was so worried that he didn’t think about food or tea. When he had nothing to do, he always thought about the scene of the old bald man Samejima and Tome-chan kissing each other.

You couldn't blame him for being sad. As the saying goes, first come winner, second come closer. Tome-san worked at the canteen of Duel Academy, and Samejima was the principal of Duel Academy, so he wished he could meet eight times a day. And Ichigase could only drink the northwest wind in the ice and snowy and uninhabited Arctic.

Over the years, Principal Ichinose's originally thick and dark hair has turned into a Mediterranean hairstyle, and there was even a trend of developing towards Samejima's hairstyle.

This was something Ichinose didn’t know about. The more senior teachers at Duel Academy Headquarters all knew that there was actually a shocking secret hidden in the principal's office.

That was, there was actually an unknown secret tunnel hidden under the principal's desk.

That tunnel crossed the entire Academy building, winding around and leading all the way to a forbidden and mysterious area…

…Tome-san’s canteen!

So sometimes you thought that the principal may lock himself in the office all day and night and work overtime, but in fact, he actually sneaked into the secret passage under the desk to find Tome-chan for a tryst!

If such a secret were to be known to Principal Ichinose, the few hairs on his forehead would turn green with anger!

If the plot of the original work was followed, the contestant of the Northern Academy should be Manjome, who was frustrated by the continuous setbacks in the headquarters, fled the Academy by boat, but accidentally drifted to the Northern Academy, and accidentally became the big brother of the Academy.

As a result, Manjome re-emerged in the Northern Academy, and the king returned. He aggressively represented the branch school and came to challenge the headquarters, and then the enemy met again on a narrow road against Yuki Judai, who was the representative of the headquarters…

…and got beaten the jellyfish head again.

Of course, in the current timeline, Manjome did not escape by boat, so naturally, there was no chance of going to the Northern Academy. Therefore, the player sent by Northern Academy was a big man with a strong back and strong muscles, and a passerby face that "looks very good at physical duel but is definitely not very good at card duel".

The two principals were probably concerned about Tome-chan's reward, so they led the two teams of students to the duel venue without much greeting or politeness, and got straight to the point, ready to start.

The two principals, who were all focused on the reward, did not realize that one of the students from the Northern Academy quietly left his team.

It was a student of medium height. He was wearing a black jacket and a pair of round-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. His appearance was the kind of popular face that might never be found again if thrown into a crowd.

His steps were so light that he made almost no sound, like a cat walking through the night. He seemed to have deliberately fallen at the end of the group during the march, and then quietly left the group.

No one noticed his departure. Like a ghost, he silently deviated from his path and entered the dense forest outside the academy.

As he walked, he took out some kind of mechanical equipment from his arms, a sensing device similar to radar. This machine could help him scan a specific energy fluctuation and determine the direction in which he should move.

In fact, he was not a student at Northern Academy at all. The reason why he took this opportunity to sneak onto the island was just to avoid unnecessary attention…especially the attention of some dangerous people in the academy.

From the moment he landed on the island, his only goal was clear and definite.

What he was looking for was the legendary demon gods who were sealed by the Duelist Alliance formed by the Duel King and Seto Kaiba many years ago, the apex and most powerful monster among duel monsters.

Three Sacred Beasts.

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