I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 779: Master And Apprentice

Manjome lay on his back, staring blankly at the ceiling of the duel arena, not even responding to the applause and shouts of the audience that rang in his ears.

He lost.

To be precise, he lost half a minute ago, but he was still trying to accept this fact.

He lost the duel he must not lose.

Manjome was very tired at the moment. He had never felt so exhausted before when he had worked overtime and trained all night long. His body lay on the ground as if it were weightless, and he didn't even want to move a finger. Every cell in his body had never been as hungry for rest as it was now.

The shouts from the audience seemed to be gradually fading away, and some of them were hard to hear clearly.

He didn't even dare to look at his mentor's expression, although he could probably imagine it.

Judai waved happily to the enthusiastic classmates around him.

According to the usual practice, no matter whether he won or lost after playing cards (although he has basically never lost so far), he would put on a standard "Yuki Judai-style" POSE and say "That was a fun Duel!"

But this time, seeing that Manjome was hopeless and looking like it was the end of the world even though he just lost a game of cards, he didn't do that.

Judai recalled a conversation he had with Yuei Vu in the past.

ˆ “…”

"Judai, you said, ‘That was a fun Duel.' Although you may really think so, sometimes not all opponents may be willing to hear this."

“Eh? Why?” Judai blinked in confusion.

Dueling is such a fun thing, how could anyone not find it interesting?

“Because no matter what, this is still a game of victory and defeat.” Yuei Vu said, “The winner will get as much satisfaction as the loser will have a corresponding sense of frustration.

And not everyone in the world has the time to enjoy a duel happily. Some duelists may have reasons why they have to win, and not everyone can afford to lose.

For many people, winning may be much more important than the duel itself. "

Little Judai was even more confused. Apparently, such a topic was too complicated for his simple little mind.

"Don't think too much about it if you don't understand." Yuei Vu touched his little jellyfish head, "Anyway, don't forget this, you will understand one day."

"oh oh."

ˆ “…”

Judai stepped forward and came to Manjome, touched his head, and smiled: "Although you seem to have won this time, you are so strong, Manjome! I didn't expect you to have a spirit as strong as the ‘Light and Darkness Dragon' , it really scared me.”

Manjome glanced at him coldly.

“Actually, I think dueling should be a happy thing. Although I may feel unhappy if I lose, I still feel that no one should be harmed because of dueling.”

It was rare for Judai to become serious.

“Victory and defeat are common in duels. It would be a pity if you can’t enjoy the process just because you lose a duel once in a while.”

He really thought so from the bottom of his heart.

Judai had been used to being beaten since he was young. Not to mention winning against Yuei Vu, he even struggled to successfully summon the monster he wanted to summon.

A few years ago, a young Judai was tricked by Yuei Vu continuously which made him doubt his life. Finally, he sluggishly raised the question, "Is it true that strong men play cards like this in the underworld?"

So to eliminate the doubts of Judai, Yuei Vu first specially invited the legendary duelist Mr. Marik from Egypt to play cards with little Judai, and then invited Mr. Marik's loyal servant Rishid, the beautiful sister Ishizu to play.

As the finale, he specially invited Muto Yugi, the first-generation Duel King who was as famous as himself, to play a game of cards with Judai.

After being taught by three Tomb Keepers and two Duel Kings, and experiencing the baptism of nether in eighteen styles, Judai accepted this setting.

Oh, it turns out that this is how real strong people play cards.

The reason why I couldn't beat him was just because I was too honest.

Even if he received this devilish baptism at an early age, which was enough to cure a thousand-year card addiction, Judai's enthusiasm for dueling has never diminished. It was enough to show that in terms of enthusiasm for playing cards, perhaps only President Kaiba could compete with him.

"Looking at it from another perspective, is it because everything is uncertain that the duel is so interesting?" Judai explained to Majome enthusiastically, "Just like the world may change every time a card is drawn, at the beginning of the duel, no one could have guessed the next direction in advance, right?

Isn't this the fun of dueling? Think about it, the next time we fight, I will probably lose to you Manjome! Isn’t it exciting to think about this possibility? "

Judai couldn't help but get excited when he said this as if the possibility of "being defeated by Majome" made him look forward to it.

He looked like a kid who couldn’t wait to share his beloved toy with his friends.

Manjome stared blankly at his excited expression, feeling that even the frustration and sense of loss in his heart had been diluted a lot.

Yuki Judai is such a baffling guy that people can’t understand him at all.

“Huh, idiot.” He muttered vaguely.

Judai leaned over and stretched out his hand to him: "Come on, let's have a fun duel together next time!"

Manjome looked at the hand stretched out to him, and was surprised to find that he actually hesitated for two or three seconds about the option of "Should I reach out and hold it?"

He quickly shook off this terrible thought, slapped Judai's hand aside, and stood up.

MD, I almost got carried away by the rhythm of this jellyfish head without paying attention!

“Hmph↓! Who wants to play with you next time?”

As soon as he opened his mouth, he realized that this statement seemed a bit bad.

“Simple-minded, hot-blooded idiot!”

He cursed again, and then Manjome turned his head and left the scene angrily.

“I’m sorry, sensei.”

Outside the academy, in a deserted place, Manjome stood in front of Kaiba with his head lowered.

"I failed."

Kaiba’s back was turned to him so that he couldn’t see his expression.

"I said, failure is not allowed," Kaiba said coldly, with a tone of non-negotiability in his voice.

Manjome bit his lip, lowered his head, and said nothing.

From the moment he failed, he had more or less expected that he would be abandoned and expelled from the school, becoming a shame that neither his teacher nor his family wanted to mention again.

He was not ready to face this fact.

Kaiba seemed to be taking steps to leave.

Every time he took a step further, Manjome's heart sank a little lower.

But before he had gone far, Kaiba stopped for a moment.

“Failure is not allowed, so you must keep trying until you succeed!”

Manjome suddenly raised his head, his face full of surprise.


"Hmph, don't give me such an ugly expression." Kaiba snorted coldly, "If you don't even know how to deal with defeat, you are not worthy of being my student!"

After all, as a teacher, Kaiba has extremely rich experience in defeat.

“Yes, yes! Sensei!”

Manjome suppressed his joy and bowed vigorously. He didn't raise his head until his teacher's back disappeared from his sight.

Yuei Vu, who saw this scene from a dark place not far away, couldn't help but sigh softly.

From some aspects, this duo of master and apprentice is quite suitable.

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