I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 771: Failure Is Not Allowed!

Seto Kaiba closed his eyes and withstood the blow from the Masked HERO, whose attack power was over 70,000.

The strongest Ultimate Dragon he was proud of was pierced by the hero's flying kick, and the storm tore the dragon's body into pieces. His remaining LP quickly dropped to zero, and the cold numbers silently announced his defeat.

He lost again.

The three-dimensional images disappeared one after another. Masked HERO Divine Wind folded his arms and fell back to Yuei Vu, looked at him, nodded like a comrade who had been through life and death, and then disappeared into a shadow.

The whole place fell into a brief and mysterious silence.

Immediately afterwards, there was thunderous applause.

All teachers and students stood up and applauded from the bottom of their hearts. The sounds converged into one place, like muffled thunder that was about to tear the arena apart.

This was undoubtedly a duel that would be of great benefit to the future dueling careers of all duelists present. The duel between the truly strong ones told them that the border of the duel was not just a world that they could see with their naked eyes. It turned out that there was such a possibility in this card game.

Through this duel, all of them got a glimpse of a new world. The confrontation between the two top experts showed them the tip of the iceberg of the new world – but even this was a huge opportunity for them.

Yuei Vu walked up to Kaiba. Before he could speak, Kaiba snorted: "You won. Then according to the agreement, the boy will stay in the academy."

Yuei Vu knew he was talking about Judai, but he didn't care at all.

To be fair, Yuei Vu felt that even if he lost to President Kaiba, the president would not be willing to actually kick Judai out of the academy. After all, Yuki Judai from the future left a deep impression on him. It was not easy for the president to find a strong card friend, so it was impossible for him to really let Judai drop out of school.

To put it bluntly, his purpose itself was just to play cards…

But there were still gains for Yuei Vu.

President Kaiba was a man who stuck to his word. Since he said that from now on, Yuei Vu would decide the affairs of the academy and he would not interfere, then he would definitely not interfere.

Although in the past, when Yuei Vu had conflicts with the president on certain decisions, he often had the final say, but after all, there was still a process of playing cards.

Although Yuei Vu has not lost so far, playing cards with the president was different from torturing passer-by NPC. It was very stamina-consuming. He felt exhausted every time after playing cards, as if his body had been hollowed out.

It's good now. From now on, the president would not ask questions at all, and he wouldn't even have to play cards. It should be a lot easier in the future.

President Kaiba seemed to have come here specifically to play cards. After the cards were played, he didn't even go through the polite process, and turned around and left without saying a word.

Principal Samejima politely asked the president to stay for dinner, but the president refused on the grounds that he had "more important business to do."

Did you come all the way to play cards when you had important business to do? It doesn't look like you are very busy…

That’s what he thought, but of course Principal Samejima didn’t dare to say it directly. He just smiled and said that it was normal for President Kaiba to have a busy schedule and no free time…

"Did you come all the way to play cards when you had important business to do? It doesn't look like you are very busy…"

After hearing this, Principal Samejima suddenly became excited.

Nani, I just dare to think in my heart only, who is so ignorant that he said it directly?

He turned around and looked…Oh Duel King, it's okay.

Sure enough, Kaiba only glared at Yuei Vu fiercely, snorted and said nothing.

He had lost, so he didn’t have enough confidence to ridicule…

Others didn't know about the president's details, but how could Yuei Vu not know?

It was indeed true to say that President Kaiba had "important business to do" every day, but the "important business" here may refer to "testing the newest version of AI Bot"…

"Although I lost this time, don't think it's over." Kaiba said coldly to Yuei Vu before leaving the arena, "Wait for me, Yuei ↑ Vu ↓."

Yes yes yes, I'm waiting. Yuei Vu-san thought.

Anyway, it hasn't been a year or two. Every time after playing cards, the president always says one or two similar words, and Yuei Vu has become numb.

But because of this, Yuei Vu didn't realize that the president meant another matter this time.

A few minutes later, somewhere outside the arena.

"Sensei, your strength is indeed extraordinary." Manjome stood in front of Kaiba, "I have never seen anyone as powerful as…"

"That's enough." Kaiba said in a cold tone, looking very unhappy, "It's just a defeat, there's nothing worth to mention."

"Yes…yes." Manjome lowered his head, "But even though sensei lost this time, you only lost with the last move. Mr. Yuei Vu was just lucky… .”

As soon as these words came out, Kaiba immediately glared: "What did you say!?"

Manjome quickly shut up knowingly.

"Hmph, if you lose, you lose. Don't make boring excuses!" Kaiba snorted, "If you don't even have this kind of courage, you are not worthy of being my student!"

Lucky? Yuei Vu?

Others didn't know about Yuei Vu's details, but how could Kaiba not know?

He has studied Yuei Vu for so long, and naturally understood Yuei Vu's luck attribute. He knew that Yuei Vu's luck was so bad that it's almost metaphysical. If the Duel King flipped a coin and guessed Tail, it's always Head. He could be called the opposite of a certain horse bone.

But instead of making Kaiba think it was a flaw, it actually made him appreciate Yuei Vu even more.

Kaiba couldn't stand God of Gamblers like Jonouchi. He felt that victory won by shitty luck was unconvincing.

Duelists like Yuei ↑Vu↓ who never leave the outcome to luck are the real strong ones!

Besides, it can be said that it was luck that Kaiba lost to Yuei Vu once, but can his six consecutive losses also be explained by luck?

Manjome's body was shocked, and he quickly changed his words: "Mr. Yuei Vu is the Duel King after all. It is normal for a man who dominates the top to lose…"

"Huh!?" Kaiba seemed to be even more angry after hearing this, "You mean, you think I can't win against him?"

"No, I didn't mean that…"

Manjome felt a pain in his heart.

Sensei is not happy if I said he is better than Yuei Vu, and he's even less happy if I said he is not as good as Yuei Vu. So what does Sensei want to hear?

Fortunately, Kaiba didn't dwell on this topic any further.

"According to the college's practice, the league match with Northern College should be coming soon." Kaiba said calmly.

Manjome quickly paid attention: "Northern College? Is the other party very strong?"

"Hmph, compared to our main team, they are all inferior duelists." Kaiba snorted, then solemnly said, "But the focus you need to focus on is not the league itself, but getting the qualifications to compete.

The Duel Academy will only select one student to represent the competition, which means…"

Manjome quickly responded: "Teacher, you mean, I want to win the championship in the school selection… I want to defeat that Yuki Judai in the selection?"

"That's right." Kaiba said coldly, "I have already said that this is your biggest goal at this stage, and it is the opponent you must defeat no matter what."

Manjome reacted quickly.

He remembered that Kaiba-sensei had said that he would reveal the fact that Manjome Jun was his student when he was ready.

But that was also the time when he had to defeat his archnemesis (the one Kaiba designated for him) – Yuki Judai!

It looks like that time is now.

"Don't worry, sensei!" Manjome suppressed his excitement, "I won't let you down!"

"Humph, that's natural." Kaiba said domineeringly, "Failure is not allowed!"

But sensei, you just lost…

That's what he thought, but Manjome still stood at attention: "Yes, sensei!"

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