I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 769: President, You Are Going Too Far

"My turn!"

President Kaiba did not hesitate at all and immediately organized a counterattack.

"Activate the Spell Card ‘Dark Core' from my hand!" Kaiba discarded a card from his hand into the graveyard. "By discarding a card, remove a monster from the opponent's field from the game!

I banish ‘Destiny HERO Plasma’ from the game! "

This was the card used by President Kaiba in the "Pyramid of Light" movie. Although it was equal to -1 hand advantage, it was still a powerful spell with a violent elimination effect in the early environment.

Plasma, which did not have spell resistance, was obviously not good at dealing with this kind of trouble. A dark energy core opened rapidly and swallowed up the Destiny HERO. Plasma let out a thick roar and struggled fiercely for a while, but was finally dissolved into the dark material.

At the same time, the Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon that was adsorbed to Plasma was also liberated. The white dragon turned into a blue shadow and roared loudly, then turned into a beam of blue light and shot into the graveyard area in Kaiba's Duel Disk.

"Then comes the Spell Card ‘Monster Recovery'!" Kaiba said, "All the cards on my field and in my hand are returned to the deck and shuffled, and then I draw five cards."

The form of the King Dragun on the field disappeared, and all the cards in Kaiba's hand also turned into data streams and disappeared. The data transformed into five new cards and popped out of his deck.

President Kaiba drew five cards into his hand and glanced at them quickly: "The Spell Card ‘Spell Books from the Pot'. Both sides draw three cards."

Then he waved and took out a card that he had entered the graveyard before.

"Activate the effect of ‘The White Stone of Ancients' that was just discarded to the graveyard through ‘Dark Core'." He said solemnly, " Banish this card from my GY, then target 1 ‘Blue-Eyes' monster in my GY; add it to my hand.

Return to my hands again, ‘Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon'! "

Judai outside the field said: "Ah, that troublesome dragon back into his hand again…"

"Then I reveal the ‘Blue-Eyes White Dragon' in my hand again," President Kaiba shouted, "The ‘Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon' in my hand is special summoned!"

The shadow of the dragon flashed past, and the blue light seemed to break through the earth like countless sharp swords. The white dragon flew into the air and shed a white light!

[Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon, ATK 3000]

"Have you awakened yet? Yuei↑Vu↓! I told you, today will be the end of the battle between us!" Kaiba's voice was almost hoarse, "Activate the effect of ‘Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon' again! Once per turn, destroy the monsters on the opponent's field!

Destroy the ‘Masked HERO Divine Wind'! "

Alternative White Dragon shook his head, endless blue light gathered, and the mighty torrent exploded out surrounded by the flashing sphere of electricity!

"Divine Wind cannot be destroyed by battle, but card effect is another matter." Professional commentator Misawa Daichi continued to broadcast the battle situation, "Mr. Yuei Vu's side is in danger."

Yuei Vu raised his arm: "Activate Trap Card – Interdimensional Matter Transporter! A monster on my field will be removed from the game until the end of the turn!

I removed ‘Masked HERO Divine Wind’ from the game! "

Dimensional fluctuated, and a special mechanical device emerged. With a burst of space distortion, Divine Qind was transmitted to the other side of the dimension. As a result, Alternative White Dragon's effect lost its target, and the domineering energy sphere roared past the audience and disappeared.

"Huh, are you temporarily letting the monster escape to protect it? It's a meaningless move because you don't have the next turn, Yuei↑ Vu↓!"

He immediately played his next card.

"Activate the Spell Card ‘Polymerization'!" he shouted, "I fuse two ‘Blue-Eyes White Dragon' cards in the hand and the ‘Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon' on the field – when the Alternative White Dragon exists on the field, its name is treated as ‘Blue-Eyes White Dragon' according to the rules.

So I fused these three Blue-Eyes White Dragons! Fusion Summon!

Beyond the shackles of time and space, the strongest and ultimate dragon in history——

——Appear, Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon! ! ! "

The three white dragons merged into one in mid-air, and the three heads protruded from the light. The gorgeous brilliance covering the huge body seemed to be shaken away by a high-pitched dragon roar, and the majesty of the gods descended on the audience.

[Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, ATK 4500]

The whole place was almost boiling.

"Here he appears! The legendary ace of Seto Kaiba, the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!"

"And it's the Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, with the power of three consecutive shots that destroy everything!"

Manjome held the metal railing in front of him with both hands, his fingers trembling slightly from the exertion. He looked at President Kaiba with admiration in his eyes, imagining that one day he would stand on that field and become someone like his teacher.

A strong man who could truly dominate a duel with his absolute strength!

Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon had an attack power of 4500 and can even perform three consecutive shots. This terrifying destructive power was simply a ruthless harvester in an environment with 4000 LP. Ordinary duelists didn't even dare to imagine facing such an existence.

But Kaiba knew that the person in front of him was no ordinary duelist.

He knew that this figure he had been chasing for so many years, the man at the top of the dueling world, could not be defeated so easily.

"See it? The new heights that Blue-Eyes and I have reached together, the ultimate power!" Kaiba said coldly, "This is the new power we have reserved to defeat you!"

Yuei Vu: "?"

President, what did you two secretly print while I wasn't paying attention?

Kaiba then took the next card.

"Activate the second ‘Dragon's Mirror' from your hand! Remove the fusion materials in the graveyard from the game and Fusion Summon the Dragon-type fusion monster!

I banished two ‘Blue-Eyes White Dragon' and one ‘Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon' in the graveyard! "

Kaiba's voice was hoarse, his right hand was raised high, and he shouted "Ah, ah, ah!" as if he was spending a lot of stamina to do something.

In a daze, Yuei Vu saw the elf of the blue-eyed girl Kisara appearing next to Kaiba, emitting an extremely shining white light. The dazzling and soft light merged with the data flow radiated from Kaiba's Duel Disk, converged into his hands, and gave birth to a brand new card!

Yuei Vu was stunned for a while.

Damn it!

Is it appropriate for you and your wife to work together to print cards in front of me?

But no matter what, the president just printed it, and the card was quickly slapped onto his Duel Disk.

The entire Duel Disk system started cheering instantly! The system was on the verge of overload, and three beams of light rushed into the air from the ground! The shadows of the three dragons flew up, intertwined, and gradually merged.

The light was like a volcano erupting, like a dragon wearing silver armor flying out of it, swinging its long tail. When the spine twisted, every joint made a crisp sound like a metal skeleton. The wings shed silver light, and the figure was beautiful and majestic. Its condescension contained a might that made mortals dare not look directly at it.

Yuei Vu's mouth twitched.

President, you are… going too far…

"Fusion Summon! The dragon's soul merges into one, showing its ultimate posture, dominating all things——

——Blue-Eyes Alternative Ultimate Dragon! ! ! "

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