I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 766: Are They Playing The Same Game As Us?

The hero slowly descended from the air, his cape flying behind him like a battle flag. The storm swirled and changed with his gestures, like countless elves swirling in compliance with orders.

[Elemental HERO Great Tornado, ATK 2800]

"The effect of the Great Tornado – If this card is Fusion Summoned: Halve the ATK and DEF of all face-up monsters on the opponent's field!" Yuei Vu said.

The hero snapped his fingers, representing the turbulence of the wind element like a wild horse running wild. The strong wind seemed to tear off the roof of the arena, and even the two blue-eyed white dragons reinforced by exoskeletons were not immune.

[Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon, ATK 3000 → ATK 1500]

[Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon, ATK 4000 → ATK 2000]

"Awesome response!" Gold medal commentator Misawa Daichi couldn't help but praise, "He is worthy of being the Duel King. He cleverly used the ability of the fusion Elemental HERO to weaken the power of two god-level monsters in one breath!"

"Huh, what a trick." Kaiba said disdainfully, "But because the number of monsters on your field changed, a Battle Replay occurred! Then I will attack again with the Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon!"

The light ball brewing in the mouth of the Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon disappeared briefly, and then became even hotter and shining! The roar of the dragon penetrated the sky, the dragon's head slowly swayed, and countless small parts deformed and folded.

"At this moment, the Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon activates its effect again!" Kaiba said solemnly, "The moment the attack is declared, I can change the battle positions of as many monsters the opponent controls as possible, and ATK/DEF of those changed monsters become 0!"

The armor all over the dragon's body was activated, and it roared slightly with the engine power! A domineering force field erupted with the blue steel dragon as the center. It was a field bound by absolute power!

[Elemental HERO Absolute Zero, DEF 0 → ATK 0]

[Elemental HERO Great Tornado, ATK 2800 → DEF 0]

Chaos Dragon's target was still Absolute Zero. The terrifying blue shock wave easily tore the white hero's body apart. The hero's body evaporated in just an instant, and his tattered white cloak flew up in the blue energy storm.

[Yuei Vu, LP 4000 → LP 2500]

Judai, who was watching from the sidelines, clenched his fist: "Very good! If Absolute Zero is defeated, his effect will cause all the monsters on the opponent's field to be destroyed instantly…"

"Little fool." Yubel in ghost form crossed his arms and reminded him behind him, "Those two dragons are not so easy to defeat."

Sure enough, the cold wave of ice left behind by Absolute Zero after his exit was seen pushing flatly toward the opposite field. However, the two dragons both roared lowly, and the mighty ice suddenly disappeared.

"Neither the Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon nor the Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon can be destroyed by the card's effect." Kaiba clenched his fists powerfully, "After every duel, I will become stronger than before! This level of tactics has already been used against me. I don’t fall to it anymore, Yuei↑Vu↓!”

Yuei Vu nodded: "The president has extraordinary strength and the speed of progress is unparalleled."

Anyway, I won't lose any money by saying a few nice words, but what if the president is in a good mood and gives me a salary increase?

"Huh, compliments are unnecessary. Take the move!" Kaiba waved his hand, "Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon, attack the ‘Elemental HERO Great Tornado'! Chaos Explosion!"

His pupils shrank, reflecting the arc and light radiating from the steel armor of Jilong, making him look as ferocious as a villain.

"It's your end, Yuei↑Vu↓!"

Many people among the onlookers have come to their senses.

"Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon… I remember the effect of that monster is… when attacking a monster in defense position, it can not only inflict piercing damage but also double the battle damage!" Misawa Daichi exclaimed.

The Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon's attack power remained at 2000, but the Great Tornado has been forcibly changed to the defense position by the "Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon,", and his defense power has been forcibly reduced to 0!

If the attack passed, this blow would directly cause 4000 points of damage!

"Mama Mia!" Cronos continued to cry, "Even if the attack power is completely halved, can you still complete an instant kill in one turn?"

Manjome was also impressed: "This is… Kaiba-sensei's true strength…"

Everyone was stunned.

It turned out that a duel… could actually be so tyrannical!

This was Seto Kaiba, a duelist who pursued ultimate power and swept away any opponent with crushing combat power.

This legendary duelist's strength was not in the same dimension as theirs at all!

So the Duel King…will be OTKed like this?

Yuei Vu calmly showed a card in his hand and stuffed it into the graveyard.

"Activate the effect of the ‘Sphere Kuriboh' in my hand." Yuei Vu said, "When the opponent's monster declares an attack, discard this card, and change the attacking monster to Defense Position."

After a pause, he added: "This effect does not select a target to activate, so even the resistance of the ‘Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon' cannot resist it."

The Chaos MAX Dragon's devastating impact swept forward and hit the small golden Sphere Kuriboh head-on. The impact of chaos came to an abrupt end. The powerful Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon was restrained by some seemingly irresistible force and had no choice but to fold its wings and lie down.

[Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon, ATK 2000 → DEF 0]

With just one card, a small and inconspicuous Kuriboh no less, the offense of the Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon known as "One-Hit Man" was resolved on the spot!

Not only that but Chaos MAX Dragon was forced into the defensive state – and its defense was only 0. This meant that in the next turn, it would be almost undefended and could be defeated easily!

The onlookers were the first to boo.

"The spherical form of Kuriboh is mighty!"

"Sure enough, a duel with the president will always involve Kuriboh."

"After all, they are lifelong enemies…"

President Kaiba has been fooled by Kuribohs from his previous life three thousand years ago to today. He has been fooled by Kuriboh, Clear Kuriboh, Sphere Kuriboh, etc., but until now he never had the thought of "if you can't beat them, join them." He never had the intention of staying with Kisara in a locked room together for a week and producing a "Blue-Eyes Kuriboh" or something like that.

Maybe this is the pride of the strong…

"Hmph, is it this guy again?" Kaiba snorted, "Well, if you were defeated at this level, you are no longer worthy of being my recognized opponent.

Then set a card and I end my turn! "

As Kaiba finished his declaration, everyone in the room couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"It's unbelievable, this is only the first turn…" Asuka said while looking at the two steel dragons on the field.

This was also what most teachers and students thought.

In the minds of most duelists, it was only possible to summon one monster in the first turn – at most set another card – and then pass the turn directly.

But these two people exchanged offense and defense so frequently in just one turn. It felt like even the slightest mistake would be shattered in an instant!

In normal duels, everyone felt that 4000 LP was quite a lot. Even if you had an empty field, it was more than enough to survive for one or two turns.

But in the confrontation between these two people, 4000 LP was as fragile as a layer of paper that could be penetrated with just one poke!

Are they playing the same game as us?

"My turn, draw." It's Yuei Vu's turn. "First is the Spell Card ‘Take Over 5'. Send the top 5 cards of my Deck to the Graveyard."

Five cards were sent to the grave one after another, and then he showed a divine card that had just been released with the launch of Link World 2.0 version.

"Spell Card ‘Legacy of the Hero'!" Yuei Vu said, "When there are 2 or more Level 4 or higher ‘HERO' monsters in my GY, draw 3 cards!" (manga effect)

Onlookers vomited three liters of blood on the spot.

"What the hell? Is there such a card?"

"If this thing is real, doesn't it mean my HERO will fly to Tier 0?"

Immediately, a player went to the Yugipedia search engine and found out… that there was really such a card in the card pool!

However, as per Consortium K's normal practice, this kind of OP thing must have been severely nefted when it was turned into a real card.

Legacy of a HERO (Spell Card): Return 2 Fusion Monsters from your Graveyard to the Extra Deck that lists a "HERO" monster as Material; draw 3 cards.

Although the effect has not changed, the change in activation cost directly made this card useless…

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