"The legendary duelist?"

In the principal's office, Principal Samejima's small eyes were filled with confusion.

"But as a student's opponent, wouldn't such an opponent be too much?" Samejima asked.

Although they had no idea that just ten minutes ago, the "legendary duelist" they called was being beaten violently in the woods behind the school…

"I think there is no problem at all. The strength of Yuki Judai is obvious to all, and there are only a few opponents in the academy who can match his strength."

Professor Chronos said, paused, looked around a little mischievously, then leaned in front of the principal and lowered his voice: "Besides, ‘that man' has also agreed."

The question involved Yuki Judai, and Principal Samejima naturally understood "that man" the professor referred to must be Yuei Vu, the real boss behind the scenes of the academy.

"He agreed?" Samejima raised his eyebrows.

"Promise personally." Chronos was very confident.

"Well… in that case, I have nothing to say." Samejima nodded, "Then let's do it."

Professor Chronos left, and a few moments later a new visitor arrived in the principal's office.

This time it was Tenjoin Asuka who appeared.

Principal Samejima had a deep impression on this little girl. After all, her admission scores were extremely good, her dueling skills were among the top among the freshmen, and she was so popular among the students that it was difficult not to recognize her.

But today's Asuka seemed to be less ladylike and calm than usual, and she was a little anxious.

"Mr. Principal, I heard that the only targets for the punishment duel are Yuki Judai and Marufuji Sho…is it true?"

She had just watched and admired her mentor's gorgeous 1 vs 2 performance in the woods behind, and inquired about the Labyrinth Brothers' mission to land on the island. Naturally, she soon heard about it.

Asuka asked Coke Sprite if there was anything she needed to prepare for the punishment duel she was about to accept. Coke Sprite was stunned, and then immediately told her that she had nothing to do with the card game. The academy leaders had determined that only Judai and Sho would be punished this time…

Now Asuka couldn't sit still.

It was obvious that she broke into the restricted area first and was taken hostage. Judai rescued her, but he actually had to bear the blame for her and was punished.

Asuka was a proud girl, and her self-esteem could not allow such a thing to happen.

"I was in that dormitory at the time, principal!" Asuka said, "Please punish me too!"

She knew that it would be useless to plead for Judai, so at least she wanted to bear the punishment together, even if it could only make her feel better.

Um? You said Marufuji Sho was also punished?

Asuka automatically ignored this little transparency…

"Ah, this…"

Principal Samejima scratched his bald forehead and sighed helplessly.

"I understand how you feel, Tenjoin-san." Samejima said, "But this is the decision of the upper management of the academy, and there is nothing I can do about it."

What? You said that as the head of a school, he doesn’t even have any say?

Samejima said: What can I do?

The true boss of the academy, Seto Kaiba, personally named the person to be punished – and that person happened to be the direct disciple of Yuei Vu, the other behind-the-scenes boss of the academy, the Duel King.

The bosses above were fighting, and he was just a little principal, pitiful and helpless, so what room could he have to intervene?

Asuka left the principal's office disappointed.

She stubbornly believed that Judai was in this crisis of dropping out of school because of her, but in the end she couldn't even stand beside him and fight side by side.

Could it be that because of her excellent admission scores, the college decided to exempt her from punishment?

Of course, the girl only saw the surface of things. Although she guessed part of it right, it was only a small part.

First of all, the reason Judai had to face the so-called "crisis", strictly speaking, was not her responsibility. The reason why it became like this was purely because President Kaiba showed up halfway…

Secondly, the so-called "crisis" did not exist at all. With Yuei Vu here, even if Judai lost the punishment duel, it was unlikely that he would drop out of school.

At best, it would only develop into the following situation.

"As punishment for violating school rules, Yuki Judai must be expelled!" President Kaiba went into battle personally.

"What if I disagree?" Yuei Vu stood up and spoke tit for tat.

"Hmph, I knew it. Yuei Vu, let our strength speak for itself!" President Kaiba took out the duel disk.

So in short, it was impossible for Judai to drop out of school.

But Asuka didn’t know these inside stories!

It seemed that Judai was about to be punished, but Judai himself was not in a hurry. He still did whatever he had to do every day, and his teacher was not in a hurry either. Not counting Judai's roommate who was also involved, Asuka may be the only one who worried about him…


Asuka walked out of the academy building, and was thinking thoughtfully as she walked when she suddenly heard someone next to her calling her.

She came back to her senses, and when she turned her head, she covered her mouth and almost said in surprise: "Mr. Yuei Vu…?"

Yuei Vu smiled: "I just happened to pass by the principal's office. I heard from Principal Samejima that you also want to accept punishment?"

Asuka recovered from the shock of seeing the idol and nodded quickly: "Yes…yes. Judai and the others…"

"I understand, then go back and prepare yourself." Yuei Vu patted her shoulder, "Get ready to duel as Yuki Judai's partner."


Asuka was stunned for a while before she realized what she was doing. She hurriedly bent down and bowed… The excessive movement even caused some violent movements in some parts.

"Thank you so much!"

Mr. Principal's words may not be very effective among the higher-ups, but this is the legendary first-generation duel king!

Although Asuka didn't know why a big shot of this level would pay attention to such a trivial matter, she knew that she was definitely safe now!

Yuei Vu sighed leisurely as he walked away.

To be honest, President Kaiba didn't care about school rules at all. He simply wanted to target Judai – or Yuei Vu's students.

Marufuji Sho was simply a by-product who appeared in an unfortunate place at an unfortunate time.

To be honest, Yuei Vu didn't take the Labyrinth Brothers seriously at all. Back in the original animation, Yuki Judai was able to defeat these two rookies with the burden in the form of Marufuji Sho. Yuei Vu was confident that now his student could defeat them both in a one-on-two fight. Teammates? It doesn't matter at all.

Instead of bringing along this useless little brother, why not take advantage of this opportunity to increase the relationship with a beautiful female classmate…

Yuei Vu came to Chika who was waiting for him to go to dinner not far away.

Chika held her arm and looked in the direction he came from while walking: "Is that…the girl from last time?"

"Yes, she's called Tenjoin Asuka." Yuei Vu asked, "What do you think?"

Chika tilted her head and subconsciously imagined Judai and the girl together.


After all, Asuka has an idol-like face, excellent grades, and excellent card skills, and she can also treat her friends sincerely…

The only thing that made Chika feel uncomfortable was that there was too much fat in certain areas, which made her feel a little dizzy.

Such a nasty size at such a young age!

Chika thought for a while: "But have you ever felt that she looks a bit like…that person?"

"Who?" Yuei Vu asked.

Chika thought about it carefully: "Well… the one who dueled you before, the one who threw the dice in Battle City?"


Yuei Vu was stunned for a moment.

He thought about the handsome and unruly blond hair and eye color in the God of Gamblers, and then recalled Asuka's hair color and eye color…

…Wow, they are so similar!

If this wasn't nothing, Yuei Vu then thought of Asuka's biological brother, Tenjoin Fubuki, who was once known as the "King" in this academy. His ace monster happened to be the legendary rare card "Red-Eyes Black Dragon".

In today's world, which god's signature was the Red-Eyes Black Dragon?

This was quite a coincidence.

It's really hard to stop thinking about the relationship between these two siblings and the "legendary horse bone"…

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