I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 755: Awakening Darkness

The LP value returned to zero, and Kagemaru and the machine were knocked away. The shadow emperor's blow seemed to set off a violent wind in the room, violently overturning the crawling robot, dragging a long string of sparks along the ground, sliding out, and hitting the wall behind heavily.

The physical impact of the Shadow Game destroyed most of the robot's systems, and the joints of the robotic arm were also broken. The metal shell was damaged in many places, with broken wires exposed, and the scrapped circuit board was crackling with sparks, like the scream of a machine.

The life-support capsule was overwhelmed and ruptured in the impact, and a large amount of water gushed out. The figure hiding behind the glass cover finally revealed his true appearance. He was sitting sideways in the broken glass cabin, his head drooped and motionless.

It was an old shadow, naked, with skin as dry as cracked bark. Judging from the appearance alone, it can hardly be called a human being, but a skinny mummy.

Yuei Vu recognized the other party's identity at a glance.

It’s unmistakable, this guy is the BOSS in the early stage of GX, the immortal Kagemaru.

“Finally, we met directly, Chairman Kagemaru.”

Yuei Vu turned off the duel disk system, and the image of the shadow emperor disappeared behind him.

He stepped forward and said slowly: "In a duel between Shadow Duelists, one victory equals one condition. I think you should also know the rules. So I will go straight to the point and ask directly."

He suddenly paused when he said this and realized something was wrong.

Yuei Vu quickly stepped forward and stretched out his hand to check Kagemaru's breathing, but there was no movement.

Damn, I didn’t accidentally hit him to death with too much force, right?

Thinking about it this way, the chairman had only one breath left. It was normal that his old body may not be able to withstand the impact of the dark duel.

This time it’s a little bit more troublesome.

Although Kagemaru may indeed be the mastermind behind the scenes, and killing him directly may eliminate the trouble behind him, Yuei Vu was still quite concerned about Kagemaru's previous words, "You don't even know who I am."

Is it just a bluff?

It was a pity that the dead could not speak, and some unsolved doubts may have to be taken to the grave by Kagemaru.

Yuei Vu called Mokuba and asked him to arrange for professionals from Kaiba Company to come and clean up the mess. This island was not small, and it seemed a bit strange that Kagemaru was alone in such a large sanatorium. A thorough inspection by a professional may reveal some unexpected findings.

Mokuba agreed to his words and said that he would arrange for the team to go there immediately.

Yuei Vu hung up the phone and was about to leave, but his eyes were accidentally attracted to the scrapped robot that Kagemaru had just used.

Seeing that the paralyzed robot system seemed to have not completely collapsed, and the screen was still flickering on and off, Yuei Vu thought and came to the console of the machine and looked through the records.

This machine was directly connected to Kagemaru's life-saving capsule. It was directly responsible for Kagemaru's life support system. In other words, there should be relevant records in the system.

Yuei Vu’s guess was right. But at this time, he had no idea what he would see in the system's records. Those contents briefly froze him in place, and his mind was filled with doubts.

It was clearly recorded in the life support system that the owner of this system, Chairman Kagemaru in front of Yuei Vu, breathed his last three months ago.

He was long dead.

Yuei Vu frowned.

So who is the guy who just dueled with me?



A man suddenly opened his closed eyes, and suddenly he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

A woman next to him immediately stepped forward to help him: "Sir, are you okay?"

The man gave her a cold look.

That was a woman wearing a standard secretary outfit. Her appearance was not particularly outstanding, but she was still good-looking. Her soft lips were covered with thick lip gloss, her slender legs were covered with black stockings, and her feet were wearing high heels. Her lethality to ordinary men was definitely not weak.


Without saying a word, the man slapped the woman on the top of her head. The woman's pupils shrank in horror, and she felt everything in her body being sucked out like a flood, pouring into the man's palm.

She opened her mouth, perhaps to beg for mercy, but her tongue was as stiff as a rusty iron rod and her vocal organs refused to work.

Within a few seconds, the woman's eyes lost their luster and she collapsed limply to the ground.

The man took a deep breath and seemed to have regained his composure. He looked down at his hands and snorted angrily.

“The human body is really troublesome. It is weak and vulnerable. A duel of this level can cause such severe trauma.”

He paused and narrowed his eyes.

“Duel King Yuei Vu, even using my remote-controlled puppet as a medium, can actually cause damage to me. It seems that I still underestimated him.”

In the original GX animation, Kagemaru may still be the final BOSS in the Three Sacred Beasts arc, but it was obviously not the case here.

Three months ago, this man found Kagemaru. Through a duel, he defeated Kagemaru with absolute crushing power and killed the chairman of the Duel Academy. From then on, Chairman Kagemaru became his puppet.

Kagemaru's company was kept in the dark. They all thought that their own director was crazy, but no one thought that someone else was already giving the orders.

This giant company has long been a toy in the hands of this man.

And this man, or to be more precise, the mind inside it, since this body was nothing more than a puppet.

The true one that occupied this body at this time was a more powerful and older being named…


This was a monster from three thousand years ago. It was extremely powerful, unparalleledly evil, and wielded a terrifying darkness. Its power once even became a nightmare for the ancient Egyptian priests!

This thing was the final BOSS that ran throughout the entire "Yu-Gi-Oh GX" manga. It had a dominant level of tyrannical strength and was nearly unrivaled among all the characters that appear in the manga.

At this point, you may have to ask, since this Tragoedia is so awesome, how was it sealed three thousand years ago?

This was a bit funny to say.

Three thousand years ago.

Tragoedia, who was hiding in the host's body, was arrested by the ancient Egyptian priests and taken to the Egyptian palace.

In fact, it had the ability to break free easily. It could kill these priests at any time if it wanted to, but it just didn't do that.

Tragoedia said that he would pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger, and he would ambush the priests, and then suddenly break out when they got to the palace.

In short, it’s just to show off!

The priests summoned the "Winged Kuriboh" spirit. Winged Kuriboh has the ability to take out the heart of an evil person and put it on the "Millennium Scale" to test the evil.

Tragoedia sneered as Winged Kuriboh took away his heart, triumphantly imagining the shock when the priests measured his strength level.

Later, it was indeed installed in place. When the priests saw the test results, they couldn't help but scream, shouting that there could be such evil resentment in the world!

Tragoedia was very satisfied when he saw the panicked expressions of the priests and felt that his purpose of showing off had been achieved. Then, when it was about to show its might and kill all the priests on the spot, it suddenly realized a fatal problem.

Fuck! My heart is still with that spirit!

Tragoedia's strength was greatly reduced after losing his heart. Although it rushed towards the Winged Kuriboh angrily, it was quickly suppressed by the combined efforts of the priests, and it has been sealed for three thousand years.

Cause of death: Pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger, but pretending to be a pig too long and really turning into a pig.

After the seal, the priests were still frightened. Someone was wiping cold sweat and said: This monster was unusually powerful. If it were in its complete state, we would definitely be no match.

Fortunately, his brain didn’t seem to work very well!

But three thousand years later, an archaeological team excavated the stone slab sealing it from the underground tomb.

This powerful monster finally saw the light of day again!

This time it has learned the lessons of three thousand years ago, and it would never capsize in the gutter like before.

Tragoedia: This time, there was no Pharaoh and no guardian priest in the world.

This world will be my possession!

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