"Oh, I feel like it's just a little more and I can win, nanone."

Chronos squatted on the ground and drew circles.

Principal Samejima smiled and patted his shoulder: "Okay, Chronos-sensei, your performance is already good enough. After all, your opponent is Mr. Yuei Vu, and you have already played very well."

"…That's right, nanone."

Although Professor Greed sometimes seemed a bit evil-minded, he was still a very simple person. As a professor, he sometimes acted like a child, which was inexplicably cute.

"The principal is right." Yuei Vu put away the duel disk and nodded, "I will write you a recommendation during the next election."

"Really?" Chronos's eyes suddenly lit up, "That's great, nanone! With this, getting promoted to principal with a higher salary won't be a dream…"

"Huh?" Principal Samejima raised his eyebrows.

Good guy, are you already thinking about the chair below my butt?

"Ah, no, I mean…" Chronos realized that he had said the wrong thing.

Principal Samejima thought for a moment and said: "Chronos-sensei, after thinking about it, you may have been in our school for a short time. Being rated as excellent so quickly may not convince the public. Personally, I think you should postpone it for two years, leave the opportunity to other teachers first…"

"Nani, why is this happening!?" Chronos felt like he was struck by lightning.

The so-called life may be full of ups and downs…

"Ahem, let's get down to business." The principal, who managed to keep the chair under his butt, quickly changed the subject, "Mr. Yuei Vu, you said you have a task for us this time, right?"

"Well, I need to tell you something first."

Yuei Vu took out a photo from the inner pocket of his jacket, and the heads of the principal and professor came together.

That was a group photo of Yuei Vu and a very cute girl. She was not tall, and her small head could only reach Yuei Vu's nose. But due to the proportions of her body, her legs appeared very slender and the shape of her legs was perfect.

She had eye-catching long silver hair, and her face was slightly stiff in expression, but her cheeks were rosy, with a slight green temptation, like an unripe apple.

In the photo, she had her hands wrapped around Yuei Vu's arms and her head resting on his shoulder, like a small pendant.

"Oh, it's Miss Chika." Principal Samejima nodded while holding his chin.

Chronos also nodded: "You two look very affectionate, nanone."

Yuei Vu glanced at the photo in his hand, realized something was wrong, and took it back into his coat at the speed of light.

"Sorry, I took the wrong one. I was talking about this one." He took out another photo.

Chronos x Samejima, who was inexplicably fed dog food: "…"

However, Yuei Vu acted as if nothing had happened.

This was the secret technique he learned from President Kaiba——

——As long as I am not embarrassed, the embarrassed one will be others.

"Ahem." Principal Samejima took the photo, and Chronos' head poked over.

This time it looked like an ID photo. In the photo was a little boy wearing a black jacket. He had eyes as pure and flawless as flowing clouds, as clear as day, had perhaps the purest and brightest smile in the world, and had an unforgettable jellyfish head.

"Oh? Isn't this Judai?"

After all, Principal Samejima had met Judai in the dojo back then, and he was quite impressed. Although they hadn't seen each other for many years, he still recognized him at a glance.

But Chronos didn’t know Judai yet: “This boy looks like an idiot, nanone.”

Principal Samejima glanced sideways at him and said leisurely: "This is the disciple whom Mr. Yuei Vu personally selected. His name is Yuki Judai."

"Mamma Mia!" Chronos exclaimed, "Mr. Yuei Vu, I don't know…"

"It's okay." Yuei Vu waved his hand magnanimously, "You are telling the truth."

After all, he does look like a typical passionate idiot…

"So, Judai should be almost… fifteen years old this year?" Samejima began to recall, "It's almost time for him to enter school."

It’s interesting to say that although Yuki Judai has not yet entered school, he was already a legend in Duel Academy.

This was thanks to Ryo Marufuji, who entered the school two years earlier than him.

The skills Judai showed in the Cyber Dojo back then really shocked the kid Ryo Marufuji, who had not yet mastered the art of divine drawing at that time. Since then, Marufuji Ryo has regarded the jellyfish head, who was two years younger than him, as a powerful opponent on the road to cultivation, an opponent worth pursuing.

Not long after that, Ryo Marufuji mastered the skill of divine drawing to a great extent, and he was so good at playing the 502 secret skill. When needed, he could accurately draw out three Cyber Dragons and one Fusion spell from the forty-card deck with just one draw. Its accuracy was enough to make most card players exclaim that the deck was not shuffled.

With such a talent, Ryo Marufuji naturally attracted widespread attention not long after entering the academy. Soon he became the leader of the entire school, favored by countless teachers, worshiped by all students, and was even given the title "Kaiser" to match his current status.

Of course, these were all titles placed on him by outsiders. Rto himself has never been proud of it. Instead, he only said to everyone who praised his talent that it was nothing.

"There are always people better than you in the world", this is the truth he liked to talk about most. He often told everyone that there was a junior boy outside who was born with an unparalleled talent. Starting with Heavenly Hand was a common occurrence. Drawing a divine card against the wind was like eating and drinking. It was destined to fight back in desperate situations.

"I think he should be about the same age." Marufuji said with emotion a few days ago, "It should be almost time to enter school."

But Ryo Marufuji had a delicate mind. He knew that Judai might come to this academy one day, and his excessive reputation might become a burden to the other party. Therefore, he never mentioned this junior student's name to anyone once.

Therefore, although few people in the academy have heard of the name "Yuki Judai" rumors about him have been everywhere in the world.

"Speaking of which, this month is the freshman selection exam." Principal Samejima thought, "Did Judai also apply for our school?"

"That's right." Yuei Vu said.

"That's easy to say." Principal Samejima felt that he understood, "I will go and say hello to the admissions department later and ask them to take special care of you."

With Yuei Vu’s status in this school, it was human nature to use a back door to create convenience for his only student. Principal Samejima said that it was completely understandable.

When the time comes, I will ask the teachers in charge of the assessment to go easy…

"You may have misunderstood, Mr. Principal." Yuei Vu smiled, "Actually, I said that what I wanted to ask for was that Professor Chronos would personally serve as the examiner of Judai."


Both of them looked confused.

Chronos was the top professor in the entire academy, and he also belonged to the practical type. Logically speaking, elite teachers like him would not serve as examiners for freshmen, as that would be too cruel to the freshmen.

"And there is no need to configure a deck dedicated to examiners." Yuei Vu said, "Just use the deck you just used, teacher."

Chronos blinked, thinking that he might have heard wrong.

​Using his Ancient Gear deck against students?

Why don’t you ask students to prove the limit theorem of a sequence in the primary school entrance exam paper?

People are looking for a relationship just to go through the back door. When you are looking for a relationship… you are probably not using Rashomon, right?

"It's okay…" Chronos responded vaguely.

"By the way, you should also take these cards. You might be able to use them when the time comes."

Yuei Vu handed Chronos a few cards. Chronos took a look and found out that they were something like "Chthonian Polymer", "Non-Fusion Area" and the like…

Chthonian Polymer (Trap Card): Activate only when your opponent Fusion Summons a Fusion Monster. Tribute 1 monster to take control of that Fusion Monster.

Non-Fusion Area (Continuous Trap): Neither player can Fusion Summon.

"What Judai is best at is Fusion Summoning. These cards should have their use." Yuei Vu said seriously.

Chronos: "…"

He wanted to ask: Is this jellyfish head really your apprentice?

Why do I feel like you want to torture him to death…

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