I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 703: Time Is Stubborn

"People of your time may feel that history is fragile. Someone may tell you that time is like a delicate work of art, beautiful, but fragile. Even the smallest change may cause huge consequences."

"But they were all wrong."

"Time is far less fragile…even very stubborn, you could say."

"You try your best to hurt it, try to reshape it. You flap your wings as hard as you can, trying to overthrow known history through a chain reaction of butterfly effects.

But the fact is that you tried to change the past and rewrite established history. However, when you go back to the future, you're always faced with the same situation… and your own failure. "

What Z-ONE was narrating was obviously his own experience – he traveled through time and space to rewrite history again and again, but he was unable to rewrite the ending of destruction no matter what.

But at this time, his voice was still very calm, as if he was just a bystander and the protagonist of the story he was narrating had nothing to do with him.

Yuei Vu opened his mouth to say something but was immediately interrupted.

"You don't have to explain anything to me or try to convince me of anything." Z-ONE said coldly, "You are powerless to change the facts I said, just like you are powerless to win this duel.

You will disappoint all those who have expectations for you, and the ending of the story will always be like this. "

Yuei Vu simply stopped talking.

He, the "pseudo-world protagonist", was not good at Talk no Jutsu – that was a talent that only the real protagonist could control. He didn't think he could convince Z-ONE to change his mind. The other party's determination might be beyond anyone's imagination.

Then there was only one thing he could do.

Focus on playing cards.

​And he had no room to hold back.

"My turn!"

Yuei Vu put his fingers on the deck.

Strength spread throughout the body, and an impulse surged along the blood vessels like a galloping army. He felt a dormant "force" awakening and saw a looming blue storm in front of him.

Duel Skill: God's Anger, activate!

Once per Duel, when the LP is below 1000, instead of conducting your normal draw, add 1 "Obelisk the Tormentor" (original) from outside the deck to the hand!

A card was pulled out from the duel disk with strong wind pressure. The strong pressure made it difficult to breathe.

Z-ONE watched his movements calmly as if everything was expected.

"Open the set card."

Yuei Vu waved his hand and turned over the trap card that was Set on the field from the deck through the opponent's "Red Reboot" effect in the previous round.

"Trap Card – Reckless Greed. Draw 2 cards and skip the next 2 Draw Phases."

With two cards in hand, Yuei Vu inserted both of them into the Duel Disk without thinking. .

"First, I set two cards onto the field, and then activate the Spell Card ‘Card of Demise'. I can draw cards until I have 5 cards in my hand."

"Have you given up on the next two Draw Phases and decided to go all out?" Z-ONE said, "I have also been to such a time – desperate and ruthless.

There have been times when you succeeded, when you won cheers and hope. "

He changed the subject.

"…But you can't afford to fail – even just once."

Yuei Vu still didn't answer: "Open the set card: Spell Card ‘E-Emergency Call'. Add 1 ‘Elemental HERO' monster from the deck to the hand. I added ‘Elemental HERO Stratos' to my hand.

Then open another set card, the Spell Card ‘Foolish Burial'! Send a monster card from the deck to the graveyard. I sent the ‘Makyura the Destructor' to the GY. "

Watching a monster card being sent from the deck to the graveyard, Yuei Vu's deck was quickly shuffled. Z-ONE still has no reaction.

"Summon ‘Elemental HERO Stratos'!"

[Elemental HERO Stratos, ATK 1800]

"The effect of Stratos – When summoned, 1 ‘HERO' monster from my Deck to my hand. I add another ‘Vision HERO Faris' to the hand."

Next was the unfolding of combo engraved in the DNA of every HERO deck player.

"I discard a ‘HERO' monster in my hand and special summon ‘Vision HERO Faris'!"

[Vision HERO Faris, ATK 1600]

"By the effect of Faris, I placed ‘Vision HERO Increase' from the deck in the Spell & Trap Zone." Yuei Vu showed the card drawn from the deck, "Then I tribute ‘Vision HERO Faris', special summon the ‘Vision HERO Increase'."

【Vision HERO Increase, ATK 900】

"The effect of Increase will special summon ‘Vision HERO Vyon' from the deck!"

[Vision HERO Vyon, ATK 1000]

Z-ONE's eyes slowly swept across his field: "Three heroes are here…are they really coming?"

"Activate the Quick-Play Spell ‘Quick Summon' from my hand!" (animation card)

Yuei Vu inserts the card into the Duel Disk.

"Based on this effect, I can Normal Summon a monster from my hand."

This Quick-Play Spell was used by Yuki Judai in the anime. Although it was very similar to the Spell Card "Double Summon" because it was a Quick-Play Spell, this card could even allow you to summon monsters during the opponent's turn or Battle Phase, so it was better than "Double Summon" in every aspect.

"I offer the ‘Elemental HERO Stratos', ‘Vision HERO Increase', and ‘Vision HERO Vyon' as sacrifices!"

Three heroes were entangled in white whirlwinds, and one after another turned into blue beams of light and rushed into the sky.

Black clouds appeared under the steel dome of the venue, and the clouds seemed to have been split open by an extremely sharp weapon, with scars running through the sky. The dull thunder sounded like a dense explosion, and a powerful existence was approaching rapidly from the space behind the clouds.

The giant shadow fell down, smashing the floor into pieces like a heavy hammer – Yuei Vu was very sure that the president would not make him pay for this.

The blue giant stood tall and triumphant, its scarlet eyes seemed to reflect a crumbling and broken world.

[Obelisk the Tormentor, ATK 4000]

People around Yuei Vu have long known that he can summon the Egyptian God, so no one is surprised. Even Z-ONE, who was directly facing the mighty power of God, just raised his head indifferently and faced the overlooking view of the Egyptian God, without any loss of composure.

Looking at the audience, only Aigami, who was left aside and was obviously not serious about the supplement, exclaimed: "Obelisk! Impossible! How could it be possible for the Egyptian God who has returned to the underworld with the Pharaoh… …!?"

That Kaiba guy can pull out the Egyptian God from the floor, but at least that was the tomb of the Pharaoh. Where did you pull out this one?

"Obelisk, the legendary Egyptian God who represents the pinnacle of duel monsters." Z-ONE said, "But there are some things that even gods cannot change.

Obelisk's attack power is only 4000, which is not enough to break through the power of Crimson Nova Trinity the Dark Cubic Lord. "

"I know." Yuei Vu said, "Activate the Spell Card ‘Beyond Destiny' from my hand! Select a ‘Destiny Hero' from the graveyard, and special summon a ‘Destiny Hero' with a level less than half of the selected monster from the deck.

I choose the level 6 ‘Destiny HERO Malicious’ in the graveyard, and special summon the level 1 ‘Destiny HERO Disk Commander’ from the deck! "

[Destiny HERO Disk Commander, ATK 300]

"Then there is the effect of the Malicious in the GY!" Yuei Vu said, "Banish this card from my GY; Special Summon 1 ‘Destiny HERO Malicious' from my Deck.

Show up! Destiny HERO Malicious! "

[Destiny HERO Malicious, ATK 800]

"There are two monsters on the playground!" Yugi said.

Jonouchi's eyes lit up: "With Obelisk's ability…"

Obelisk the Tormentor has two special abilities. But the ultimate ability "Hyper God Energy" either required other Egyptian Gods as sacrifices, or Obelisk himself needed to be extremely angry to use it.

In the previous battle against the "Millennium AI Bot", because the opponent was using the phantom of the Egyptian God himself, Obelisk was very angry, so he could activate this ability at will. But the current Obelisk has come out to breathe twice after a long time since the Pharaoh left this world. He seemed to be in a good mood, so he did not meet the conditions for activation…

​But it didn’t matter.

"I sacrificed two monsters, ‘Destiny HERO Malicious' and ‘Destiny HERO Disk Commander'!" Yuei Vu raised his hand, "Activate Obelisk's special ability!

Two monsters are used as sacrifices to destroy all the monsters on the opponent's field and inflict 4,000 points of damage to the opponent's player! "

The Destiny HEROes turned into blue light and charged it into the giant god's huge fist. The Egyptian God raised his fist, and the shaking air roared. The Egyptian God punched out, and the ground where the punch hit exploded, and a wave of high heat was thrown out of the cracks like dark blue lava, cheering, as if a grand celebration was going on in hell.

The storm of divine power raged and swallowed up the opponent's half. The Cubic Evil God shook violently under the mighty power, and it had to insert all its sharp blades into the floor to keep its body from being blown away.

The divine power of destruction hit its deformed steel body hard, and all the eyeballs in its body bulged out. The soft whip-like steel arms were pulled straight by the huge force, and the solid shell of the body let out a slight scream.

Z-ONE still didn't make any move, until the power of God's fist was like a mountain, and the waves like the ocean swamped him completely.

Soul Energy MAX! ! !

【Z-ONE,LP 400 →LP 0】

Yuei Vu saw the steel-gray shell being submerged by the waves like a conch and Z-ONE's LP value dropped rapidly, all the way until the number became "0", a cold number without any fluctuation.


The duel venue suddenly became quiet. Yuei Vu heard himself breathing heavily, and he could also hear his heartbeat, which was so violent that it felt like his heart was stuffed into his ears.

But it looked like it was really over. In any case, Z-ONE's LP has returned to zero, and he loses. This was an irresistible law of duel, unless…

Yuei Vu's pupils shrank slightly.

He saw the slender and strong arms tearing open the smoke screen, and a Cubic monster with a round body stood on the field. The chain of light extends from the back of the monster and is directly connected to Z-ONE whose LP has returned to zero, as if the monster and its owner were bound together as a whole.

[Duza the Meteor Cubic Vessel, ATK 1600]

"I activated the Trap Card – Relay Soul." Z-ONE said coldly, "This card can only be activated when my Life Points become 0. Special Summon 1 monster from my hand. As long as the Special Summoned monster exists on the field, I won't lose.

But if that monster leaves the field, it will be my defeat in the duel. ” (animation effect)

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