Old Yu-Gi-Oh viewers knew that although there were seven Yu-Gi-Oh series have been released so far, only three of them, DM, GX, and 5DS, shared the same world.

Some people said that this was what the original author, Mr. Takahashi, meant. He personally participated in the planning of these three Yu-Gi-Oh! sẻies and laid a hidden thread in the stories that ran through the three eras.

In DM, the great evil god Zorc mentioned the darkness of the human heart. Zorc himself was the incarnation of darkness, and it was human beings who gave him endless divine power. The feedback of all negative energy and dark thoughts would turn into a trend, which would eventually lead to the destruction of human civilization itself.

The 10000-year-old boss Dartz also mentioned this. He said that Orichalcos was a challenge to mankind. Ten thousand years ago, mankind was mired in inner darkness and was unable to extricate itself, resulting in destruction, and Dartz predicted that this would still be the case in the future.

Then in the GX era, Nightshroud, the last BOSS of the animation, also mentioned that humans would one day perish due to inner darkness. Nightshroud assimilated all human consciousness and made them fall into an infinite loop of illusions, claiming that this method was the salvation of mankind.

The prophecies of various villains and all the clues all point to the same ending. And in the future revealed in "Yu-Gi-Oh 5DS" many years after the story, all these predictions have become true.

At the end of the official history of mankind, the civilization of the earth has indeed ushered in destruction due to the growing inner darkness of future people, and the earth has become purgatory.

The weirdo who appeared in front of Yuei Vu and others at this moment was none other than Z-ONE, the last human being on earth who came from the end of history.

If placed in a story with an apocalyptic background, Z-ONE should have played the role of the savior. He had extraordinary wisdom, a compassionate mind, and the determination to do whatever was necessary, no matter what its cost.

He gave up his personality and body, and even his original name was lost in the long river of time. He once had great dreams, was full of passion and hope, and did not hesitate to share these with everyone around him.

He stood up bravely, even though he was bruised and fell, he climbed up from setbacks again and again and supported each other with his partners to move forward.

…but he failed.

He failed to save anyone. He lost his family, he lost his friends, he lost everyone.

He became the last human being left on earth.

A failed savior.

Walking on the broken earth, standing at the end of time that was full of desolation, all the wreckage and corpses that come into view were a silent mockery of the failed savior.

Dartz was right, and so was Nightshroud. Humanity was destined to follow the path of Atlantis. Generations of Duel Kings have continued to defeat the powerful enemies in front of them and save the world from crisis after crisis. In the end, they failed to save mankind from themselves.

So Z-ONE has returned from the end of time.

A savior who tried his best but was unable to do anything finally transformed into the ultimate villain throughout the three Yu-Gi-Oh! era.

"…I guess you and Paradox know each other." Yuei Vu broke the silence.

Z-ONE, who was sitting in the steel device, slowly spoke. The sound coming from under the metal device seemed to have been mechanized, cold, and metallic, sounding like a machine.

"Paradox mentioned you… I'm actually surprised that you could change his mind."

"It seems that you have communicated. I guess it must not have gone well." Yuei Vu said.

Z-ONE did not answer this question, but instead said: "This arena has been locked by the ‘Quantum Cube', and no one can get out of this dimensional field."

"…Give it back to me!" Aigami stood up with difficulty, "That's our thing…"

However, Z-ONE ignored him.

"You know the rules, Duel King." He said, "A duel, one condition."

But Kaiba took a step forward and stopped in front of Yuei Vu: "I don't know who you are, but your actions are extremely stupid! Before challenging Yuei Vu, you must first pass me."

"No, Kaiba." Yugi also didn't flinch, "I should be the one to do this duel…"

However, Z-ONE interrupted them: "I have nothing to do with you for the time being, Muto Yugi. Same for you, Kaiba Seto. At least not now."

The gaze under the steel gray mask went straight across the two of them and landed on Yuei Vu.

"…Okay." Yuei Vu thought briefly and did not refuse.

Kaiba narrowed his eyes, then snorted and retreated.

However, Kaiba cast a sidelong glance at Yuei Vu when he stepped forward, folded his arms, and said, "Pay more attention. This guy… is not an ordinary one."

Yuei Vu didn't look back: "Yes, I know."

He had long known that such a moment would come, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

Yuei Vu has long been mentally prepared for the opponent in front of him, ever since he defeated Paradox and sent the handsome blond boy back to the future.

Z-ONE was neither a person who gives up easily nor the kind of second-rate villain who could fully realize and change his past mistakes with just a few words. To make him believe that the future did not have to be changed through destruction, and to make him believe that there was still hope, you must provide actual proof, not empty words.

Parts popped out from the front of the device worn by Z-ONE and were pieced together to form a special Duel Disk style. The duel disk system was activated, the monster area was outlined by golden light in turn, and the electronic display showing LP also lit up.

But there was no card in the deck slot.

Yuei Vu clearly remembered that in the final battle of the 5DS, Z-ONE used a deck built with huge stone slabs to fight with Fudo Yusei. That was a deck called "Timelord". Its power came from the "Kabbalah the Tree of Life". It was a very difficult and powerful deck in the animation.

"Your deck…"

"As you know, I come from the future." Z-ONE said, "My original deck cannot be used in this time and space due to some unresolved problems."

Yuei Vu raised his eyebrows.

So what are you going to use to fight me?

Poker cards?

"As an alternative, let me use this first."

Z-ONE said calmly and raised his hand…or should be the mechanical arm of the device on his body.

The Quantum Cube in mid-air suddenly stopped as if it was caught. Cards flew out from inside the cube one after another, forming a neat queue, like a dancer entering the dance floor with neat steps.

One after another, they landed firmly on the empty Duel Disk in front of Z-ONE, quickly completed automatic shuffling, and then automatically flew out five cards from the top of the deck, floating in front of Z-ONE.

"My deck!" Aigami shouted from the side.

"Okay, now I have a deck." Z-ONE said calmly, "Come on."

Yuei Vu: "…"

This guy… is actually planning to use Cubic to fight me?

"Duel!" x2

【Yuei Vu, LP 4000】

【Z-ONE, LP 4000】

"I'll go first, draw!" This time it was Yuei Vu who got the first turn.

The first card he drew was a gift card from Mr. Phoenix. Yuei Vu chose to use it without much hesitation.

"Spell Card – Take Over 5! Send the top five cards of the deck to the graveyard." (Animation card)

Five cards entered the graveyard one after another, and Yuei Vu then drew the next card from his hand.

"Summon the ‘Elemental HERO Liquid Soldier'!"

[Elemental HERO Liquid Soldier, ATK 1400]

"The effect of Liquid Soldier – When this card is Normal Summoned: I can target 1 Level 4 or lower ‘HERO' monster in my GY, except ‘Elemental HERO Liquid Soldier'; Special Summon it. I special summon the ‘Elemental HERO Blazeman'."

[Elemental HERO Blazeman, DEF 1800]

"The effect of Blazeman – If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: I can add 1 ‘Polymerization' from my Deck to my hand. I added the ‘Fusion Substitute' Spell Card to the hand."

Yuei Vu showed his Spell Card and inserted it directly into the Duel Disk.

"Activate the Spell Card ‘Fusion Substitute'! I fuse the ‘Elemental HERO Blazeman' with ‘Elemental HERO Liquid Soldier'!

The fusion condition is 1 ‘Elemental HERO' monster + 1 WATER monster! Fusion Summon!

Born from the extremely cold abyss, freezing everything with the absolute power of ice and snow——

——Elemental HERO Absolute Zero! "

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