
Yuei Vu held the Millennium Ring in his hand, and a roar that seemed to come from the void sounded in his ears. The voice sounded full of fear, unwillingness, and rage.

Considering that this was something lodged in the Millennium Ring, Yuei Vu thought that this should be the Great Evil God Zorc or at least something related to him.

To be more precise, this was not the Great Evil God Zorc himself. After all, Zorc has died and was blown to pieces by Holactie the Creator God of Light. There was no trace left, just like the filth in the toilet that was washed away by the power of the Toilet Cleaning Spirit.

It's just that a powerful existence like Zorc transcended the concept of ordinary creatures. Its body was destroyed and its soul was crushed to pieces, but there was still some evil obsession left.

Just like the stubborn Legendary C.

A little bit of obsession has lost its original power, and it is impossible to resurrect the great evil god Zorc from this bit of obsession. But even so, it was the dark resentment of the Great Evil God. Combined with the powerful divine power of the Millennium Ring itself, it was still a force that could not be underestimated.

If you left it alone and let it taint the hearts of others with its deepest evil thoughts and find a new host, it still had the potential to become a terrible disaster, just like what it did to Aigami in the final battle in the movie.

It's a pity that it now fell into the hands of Yuei Vu.

Yuei Vu heard the thunderous voice blasting unwillingly in his ears, roaring with fear. He felt that the beast trapped in this golden ring was desperately attacking the cage that bound it again and again, and his reaction was like saying

Fuck, why are you here again?! !

Holactie, you are so boring! I'm already dead. Why are you still so stubborn about me?

It seemed that the remaining consciousness in the Millennium Ring retained the memory of the Great Evil God Zorc during his lifetime.

That's why it reacted so violently when it encountered Yuei Vu.

Yuei Vu straightened his arms and moved the Millennium Ring in his hand a little further away from him.

A mass of darkness visible to the naked eye was released from the ring and twisted into a dark abstract entity. It was not big in size, but it vaguely bore the burly outline of the former Great Evil God Zorc, and even the black dragon capital under its crotch was lifelike.

Aigami behind him sat down on the ground, raised his head, and froze when he saw the black figure.

How could something so dark and evil exist in the world?!

Only then did he realize that he had underestimated the evil thoughts in the Millennium Ring and the power of the great evil god. Even though the main body no longer existed, it still had this hellish and terrifying power.

This was the full force that Zorc's evil thoughts could unleash. It bared its teeth and claws, showing its evil fangs, as if it was going to use up everything it had left to fight its old enemy to the death.

"It's so noisy." Yuei Vu said impatiently, "You were very noisy when you were alive, but now that your ashes have been scattered, you can still jump around like this. Aren't you tired? Be quiet!"

The twisted black shadow in mid-air froze instantly.

It was angry, full of hatred, and wanted to tear Yuei Vu into pieces. At that moment, it did have the idea of "going up and fighting until death."

But as soon as Yuei Vu's voice sounded, his mind was filled with images of the infinitely powerful posture of the Creator God of Light in the memory world, the "Light of Creation" that dispelled all darkness in the world. Immediately afterward, it relived in its mind the moment when its own body was reduced to ashes and the miserable appearance of the dragon's head and neck vertebrae under its crotch being broken and cracked.

The Great Evil God Zorc was fearless and would never back down.

Unless absolutely necessary.

The black shadow froze for a while, then quickly disappeared and disintegrated, then shrank back into the corner of the Millennium Ring, as if it was dead and no longer moved at all.

In fact, there was really nothing Yuei Vu could do to deal with the remaining evil thoughts in the Millennium Ring. This thing was invisible and intangible, and the Millennium Ring could not be destroyed. It was really impossible to deal with it if it just shrank into the ring like a turtle.

The ancients used only one method to deal with such things, and that was sealing.

Either dig an unprecedented deep pit in a remote place and bury it, or seal it with some indestructible sealing technique. However, as we all know, the villains who were dealt with in this way would sooner or later come out by various chances and continue to cause trouble, and they would usually be even more awesome than when they were sealed.

So Yuei Vu decided to keep the Millennium Ring with him and watch it first. It was much more reliable than sealing it in any corner.

But in this way, the big crisis at the end of the movie should no longer exist.

At the end of "Dark Side of Dimension", Aigami was swallowed up by the darkness of the Millennium Ring and went berserk, triggering a large-scale disaster. But now that the Millennium Ring was in Yuei Vu's hands, naturally, nothing could happen.

Now there was one problem left to deal with.

Mani had fallen to the side unconscious. Yuei Vu put away the Millennium Ring and turned his gaze to Aigami beside him.

When Aigami met his gaze, the alarm bells in his heart rang loudly, and he held his breath for a moment.

He personally felt the power of Zorc's evil thoughts and saw with his own eyes that just one look or one word from Yuei Vu scared the shit out of him, causing him to retract into the Millennium Ring and shut himself up.

Duel King Yuei Vu was so terrifying!

"Aigami, right? I'm looking for you." Yuei Vu said, "I heard that my student received a lot of care from you before."

Aigami: "?"

Is this because the younger one is beaten so the older one comes out?

But the problem is…

I was the one who got beaten!

The apprentice beat the man up outside and went back to report to the master. The master shook his head and said your posture was wrong and not harsh enough, let me show you the correct posture for hammering.

How can this be true?

"I heard that you are very powerful, a rare strong man. Even President Kaiba seemed to have almost been defeated by you."

Aigami: I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense.

He pulled out the Obelisk from the floor. How can I beat him?

"Anyway, you've piqued my interest."

The Duel Disk on Yuei Vu's arm unfolded, the system was activated, and all the indicators were lit in sequence.

He agreed to Sera's conditions and would do his best to prevent President Kaiba from digging graves and disturbing the sleep of the deceased, so that their Prana could successfully ascend, and the Millennium Item "Quantum Cube" would be left to Yuei Vu.

Yuei Vu didn't intend to kill Aigami, but just taught him a lesson.

In the movie, Aigami failed at everything he did except causing trouble. Without him, there wouldn't have been so many troubles. Moreover, this guy was suspected of still harboring hatred for Shadi's death back then, and he might even cause harm to Bakura in the future.

So in order to prevent the next series of possible mishaps and teach Aigami a lesson, Yuei Vu decided to confiscate his crime tools directly.

In layman's terms, the Cubic deck.

In the world of Yu-Gi-Oh, how can he continue to play without a deck?

"Bullying a ten-year-old child is something only a coward could do. Do you dare to try it with me?"

Aigami felt that he should refuse. The recent continuous blows made him feel a little unconfident when facing the legendary duel king.


"It's what I asked for." Aigami began to say harshly, "Then I'll let you see how terrifying the Cubic monsters are!"

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