I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 674: Aigami’s Heart is Tired and Wanted to Retire

Domino Center Restaurant.

"Muto Yugi."

Aigami stood somewhere hidden on the edge of the circular corridor on the second floor of the restaurant, leaning against the metal fence, looking coldly at Muto Yugi at the table below.

For them, Prana, Muto Yugi was another obstacle besides Kaiba.

If the Pharaoh returned from the underworld, they would lose the ability to dimensionally ascend. So one of the biggest threats to them was Kaiba who stubbornly insisted on digging graves to play cards, and the other threat was Muto Yugi, the container of the Pharaoh in this world.

Even if Kaiba really put the thousand-year-old bricks back together, it would be useless. The return of the Pharaoh must have a container that existed in the present world. Muto Yugi was a necessary factor in reviving the Pharaoh's soul, and it would never be successful without him.

Logically speaking, if Aigami could find a way to eliminate Yugi, then no matter what Kaiba did, the Pharaoh would never come back.

So this was what Aigami was planning in his heart.

As for whether he could beat Muto Yugi?

Ha, what a joke!

He is nothing more than a vessel for Pharaoh. Who doesn't know that he got the title of Duel King by hiring a substitute leveler?

How can I, Aigami, lose to this guy?

Maybe I can't beat the substitute leveler, can I still not beat the one who hired the substitute leveler?


It had to be said that Aigami, as a BOSS, was not only poorly informed but also had no clue about his positioning. He obviously did not know what kind of terrifying existence he was preparing to challenge.

In two hours of the movie, if President Kaiba's daily torture of AI Bot was not counted, there were a total of four card games, three of which included the BOSS Aigami.

Then Aigami lost two of these three games, and in the other game, he pulled out the screws and ran away when he was about to lose. With this level of record, it was even comparable to his senpai, Mr. Ma, the villain in Battle City.

The key was that he also inherited the common characteristic that Yu-Gi-Oh villains always had. In the movie, this guy fought Kaiba and Yugi separately, and in the end, he was not even satisfied and wanted to fight Yugi and Kaiba team up together. His arrogance was comparable to that of the thousand-year-old BOSS Darzt who was now buried in a grave.

But as the saying goes, "Join the dark side to become three times stronger". After being evilized, Aigami fought in a 1vs2 battle and even defeated President Kaiba in the process. He should be considered as winning half the game, a record that was better than Mr. Ma back then.

Marik's dueling skills and face art were both classics handed down from generation to generation, and have been unshakable for countless years.

Aigami was brewing a conspiracy in his heart and was playing with the "Quantum Cube" that was missing a corner. The eighth Millennium Item exuded a dim orange-red light in his hand, making his face look sinister and dark.

"Wow, brother, your clothes are exactly the same as Mr. Yugi's!"

Aigami, who was staring down gloomily, was startled. He quickly turned around and saw the innocent jellyfish-headed child with innocence written all over his face.

Aigami: "!"

Isn't this kid the one who was next to Yugi just now? When did he…?

Aigami was a little wary.

He remembered that this kid seemed to be the student of the Duel King named Yuei Vu, and he was the champion of the last KC Cup, so he was worth paying attention to.

"Kid, why are you here?"

"I came here to find the toilet." Judai looked around confusedly, "But the toilet doesn't seem to be here."

"The toilet is over there." Aigami pointed him in the right direction.

"Oh, thank you, big brother!" Judai smiled brightly, "But big brother, where did you buy your clothes? They are exactly the same as Mr. Yugi's!"

Aigami: "…"

However, he still showed a gentle smile: "You are talking about these clothes because this is a school uniform. Mr. Yugi and I are students of the same school."

"Wow, big brother, what is this?"

Judai noticed that Aigami was holding a cube with one corner missing. His eyes lit up and he reached out to touch it.

Aigami quickly drew back his hand to avoid it, and steam appeared on his forehead uncontrollably.

It felt like a naughty kid from elementary school came to the house, and he looked surprised when he discovered your treasured limited edition figure.

This Quantum Cube is a Millennium Item!

A 3000-year-old artifact!

Can you afford to pay for the damage?

Of course, he just roared in his heart, but he definitely couldn't say that with his mouth.

Calm down, be calm. Aigami said to himself.

He's just a child, just fooling around. I can't behave childishly like him.

Aigami continued with a kind smile: "This, this is an antique. It used to be from Egypt. This is a treasure I got from a very important person to me."

"Huh?" Little Judai noticed a golden eye embedded in the missing edge of the Quantum Cube, "This eye…"

Aigami's heart tightened.

Indeed, this Eye of Anubis was the symbol of the Quantum Cube as a "Millennium Item".

Each of the seven Millennium Items in the past would be decorated with such an eye symbol. The temple where the battle ceremony took place a year ago also had such an eye, called the "Eye of Truth", which witnessed the final showdown between the Pharaoh and Yugi.

Judai stared at these eyes for a long time. His big eyes suddenly widened and his small mouth slowly opened, as if he thought of something terrible.

Aigami was secretly shocked.

Did this kid notice the connection between the Quantum Cube and the Millennium Items?

It was really hard for Aigami not to be nervous. The identity of Duel King Yuei Vu was a mystery. Rumor said that he could control the Three Egyptian Gods, and he was even responsible for the defeat of the Great Evil God Zorc. Aigami still can't figure out the details of this duel king.

Although the person in front of him was a child, he was after all the Duel King's only apprentice.

Maybe he also hides some secret?

Aigami's eyes sharpened, his expression gradually became sinister, and there was a cold murderous look in his eyes.

This child cannot be kept!

Aigami's thoughts flashed, and the golden light spots representing the power of Prana gradually appeared on his forehead. He was going to activate the Quantum Cube and use the power of Prana to banish this naughty kid to another dimension.

But suddenly he saw Judai pointing at the cube and laughing loudly: "Hahahaha! These eyes are so funny, so funny, so stupid.

Hey, brother, why did you fall? "

"Ahem, I'm fine." Aigami smiled awkwardly, "Yeah, it's quite funny."

Aigami: Heart is Tired and Wanted to Retire. JPG.

"By the way, big brother," Judai spoke again.

Aigami weakly responded: "What?"

He was trying to figure out how to send this troublesome kid away without getting suspicious.

How about directly rewriting his memory and making him forget about himself?

Prana had the "super consciousness" that transcended ordinary people. It could give other people wrong impressions to a certain extent and achieve the effect of rewriting memories.

But for some reason, he always felt that there was an instinctive voice in his heart telling him that this child was not simple and that he had better not do this, so he did not take action.

Aigami was just thinking about it when he heard Judai ask again: "By the way, big brother, what are you doing here? Why do you peek at Mr. Yugi?"

Aigami almost fell down again.

"Ahem, kid, are you mistaken? I didn't peek."

"Ah!" Judai's pupils shrank, as if he suddenly thought of something, and took two steps back, "Are you…?"

Aigami: "!"

Damn it! This disciple of the Duel King, did he notice that something was wrong?

The Aigami's murderous thoughts reappeared, and the school uniform clothes moved automatically without wind. The Quantum Cube energy in his hand gradually became active, and orange-red light gradually emerged from the inside.

"You're a fan of Mr. Yugi!"

Aigami: "…"

Judai put his hands on his hips proudly: "Actually, I am a fan of Mr. Yugi too. I can take you to see Mr. Yugi, big brother."

Judai said, looking directly into Aigami's pupils that seemed to be emitting golden light, and seemed to suddenly feel dizzy before his eyes. He staggered back a few steps, holding his dizzy head. He felt the world spinning for no reason, and his body crooked and fell to the side.

Aigami had a gloomy face, and a golden light shone on his forehead.

This child cannot be kept!

I must send you to another dimension today!

Aigami thought so, and the power of the Quantum Cube was activated. The comatose Judai was gradually covered by a burst of pale golden light, and it seemed that he was about to be exiled away from this dimension.

Aigami's expression suddenly changed at this moment.

He saw a half-human half-demon figure that had feminine features appear in front of him and stared at him coldly.

"I don't know who you are." Yubel said coldly, "But whatever you are doing will stop here."

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