I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 672: Get Up And Duel Me!

When he got up from bed in the morning, Yuei Vu was not surprised to learn from Mokuba that "Kaiba dug up the Millennium Puzzle".

In his message, Mokuba gave him a concise summary of last night's situation, including their encounter with the mysterious boy called "Aigami".

Mokuba also mentioned that Kaiba played a game of cards with Aigami last night, but it was a pity that the game did not end in the end. At the end of the duel, Mokuba collected all the pieces of the Millennium Puzzle and ran away with it.

The president, who was concerned about Atem in the underworld, was anxious to go back and put together the Millennium Puzzle. He just said, "We will decide the outcome tomorrow, Aigami!" then turned around and ran away.

In order to put together the Millennium Puzzle, the president actually didn't even finish playing the most addictive card game on weekdays. This may also show the extent of his dedication to Atem.

However, Aigami also escaped a disaster because of this.

Although the game of cards was not played to the end, many viewers of the animation felt that if the president hadn't been anxious to go back and put together the Millennium Puzzle to see Atem, he would have defeated Aigami in this temple. The whole movie would have ended right there.

After reading the news, Yuei Vu got dressed and got up. When he went out, the vampire maid, who had completely transformed into a domestic shape, had already prepared breakfast. She was standing at the dining table with a sweet smile on her face. She bowed deeply when she saw her master coming out, her big and white balls bounced accordingly.

…It was in sharp contrast to Chika-chan's Little Red Riding Hood-like figure.

At this time, you may ask again, why Little Red Riding Hood?

Because as everyone knows, Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother was eaten by the big bad wolf… (crossed out) (1)

If Yuei Vu expected it right, Kaiba would definitely go to the company's newly built space station to build blocks today.

That thing was really a black technology product. In the past year, Kaiba not only built a space station in the sky but also built a space elevator that could directly enter the space station from the ground.

It was said that a person sitting in that elevator could rise from the earth's surface to the space station in just six seconds without any additional safety measures. If the physics-defying degree of it were known, Newton would probably shed tears of sadness.

But it may be hard for you to believe that Kaiba spent so much money and almost single-handedly pushed all human technology forward by a generation within a year, just to… put together the Millennium Puzzle.

It took Yugi Muto eight years to put together the Millennium Puzzle, but the president could not wait that long, so he built such a space station.

Yuei Vu didn't understand the principle very well, but according to the president's description, it seemed that the cosmic environment was conducive to the construction of the Millennium Puzzle.

Yuei Vu planned to take a look at the space station today, while still thinking about whether there was any way to stop the president from dragging people out from the underworld to play cards.

But before that, he had one more thing to do today.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the restaurant in Domino Central Square.

"Happy birthday."

Chika touched Judai's little head and handed him a beautifully wrapped small gift box.

"A gift for me!?" Judai's eyes widened, "Can I open it?"


So Judai couldn't wait to open the gift box and was pleasantly surprised to see an exquisite figure of "Elemental HERO Sparkman"

"Oh oh oh, it's Sparkman!" Judai danced with excitement, "Thank you, Sister Chika!"

Chika nodded slightly, indicating that he didn't need to say it.

After all, he is Yuei Vu's student.

Little Aster next to him came over enviously: "This is so handsome! Can you show it to me?"

"Okay!" Little Judai is quite generous to his friends.

Ever since they met last time, Little Aster has been pestering his father for three days and a half, saying that he wants to go and play with Judai. It just so happened that Mr. Phoenix had something to do in Domino and needed to stay for a while. He was also very happy for his son to communicate more with the Duel King's disciple.

As a result, the two children became inseparable.

"Yuei Vu also prepared gifts for you," Chika said.

Little Judai's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this, and his expectant eyes immediately turned to Yuei Vu.

Yuei Vu smiled mysteriously, and naturally, he did not disappoint the little jellyfish. He took out two thick teaching aid books, each hand held one, and smiled kindly at Judai——

——Cute little jellyfish, what you had lost? This "Question-Solving Guide" in my left hand, or this "Exam Express" in my right?

Judai: The smile gradually faded. JPG.

The boy took two steps back uneasily and muttered softly: "Neither of them belongs to me…"

Yuei Vu nodded with a satisfied expression.

"What an honest child. Then as a reward, I will give you both books!"


The little jellyfish was holding two teaching aids in his hands, and he was lying on the chair with his whole body feeling bad.

Of course, Yuei Vu was not a devil. Children's learning must be focused, but appropriate incentives are also necessary.

In addition to the books, Yuei Vu also prepared other birthday surprises for Judai.

"Excuse me…which one of you two is Yuki Judai?"

A voice that was familiar to all of them sounded from behind. The two children turned back and shouted "Ah" almost at the same time.

"Mr. Yu…gi!?"

Muto Yugi stood behind the two children with a smile and waved to them.

Following closely behind him was Jonouchi and a group of inseparable friends.

Little Aster suddenly stood upright as if by reflex, his back as straight as a tight string, his little face flushed.

Mr. Yugi! It's Mr. Yugi!

I actually met Brother Yuei Vu and the legendary Mr. Yugi at the same time!

What a double happiness!

The kid was already introverted. When he saw his idol getting nervous, he opened his mouth for a long time and couldn't say a single word. However, the crefree Judai didn't have this problem at all. The little jellyfish took Yugi's hand and started chatting, chattering.

Yuei Vu also greeted Yugi and his group of friends.

At this time, they were about to graduate from high school, and each had a lot of things to do, so they didn't contact each other for a long time. This time, in order to give the student a birthday surprise, Yuei Vu contacted Yugi to meet him.

Especially Yugi, there were really a lot of things to be busy with these days. He was selected as the outstanding student representative of the school, and the school was planning to arrange for him to speak at the graduation ceremony.

To be fair, just because Yugi's attendance rate was probably only higher than Kaiba's, it was simply magical that he was chosen as the "Outstanding Student Representative". After all, it was known that he spent almost the entire last year playing cards, and he didn't even visit the school.

… Maybe it's because no one among the teachers and students in the school could beat him at cards.

Seeing the two children happily surrounding Yugi, Yuei Vu patted him on the shoulder: "Then I'll leave the rest to you."

Yugi was stunned for a moment: "Yes, yes… Yuei Vu, do you have anything else to do?"

"Well, President Kaiba is a little bit…"

Yugi suddenly understood and showed an "Oh, I understand" expression, but did not continue to ask any more questions.

Obviously, he didn't know yet that Kaiba had dug up the grave and unearthed the Millennium Puzzle.

Low Earth orbit, Kaiba Corp's space station.

In the sealed container, countless lasers crisscrossed each other, and the world's most advanced computer was running at full power, calculating and simulating. One hundred thousand synthesis mode simulations were performed every 0.1 seconds, and the golden fragments scattered rapidly were trying to assemble.

Seto Kaiba crossed his arms and stood outside the transparent container, his firm eyes staring unblinkingly at the pieces of Millennium Puzzle being assembled.

Soon, Yu↑gi↓!

Get up and duel me!

TL's note:

1. In Chinese, "grandmother" sounded like "milk bag".

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