The LP value was reduced to 0, and the chaotic sword energy transformed from the virtual image broke through the body of Deep-Eyes White Dragon and hit the girl head-on.

Kisara staggered back two steps, lost her balance, stretched her calves outward, and sat down on the ground with a snap.

A standard duck sit.

The image of the monster disappeared, Yuei Vu put away the Duel Disk and stepped forward slowly on the asphalt road.

"Are you okay?"

Yuei Vu asked, wondering if he might be too rough.

After all, a gentleman must be gentle with girls.

"I… I"m okay."

The girl tried to stand up, but after some effort, her little butt sat back down. She stuck out her tongue in embarrassment and pointed to her smooth and delicate calves.

"It's a little numb, I'd better sit down for a while," she said. "I don't think I have much time to move anyway."

Only then did Yuei Vu remember that she was still a spirit.

As mentioned before, spirits had to consume "force" to materialize in the real world, so they generally had a time limit for their activities.

For example, the Dark Magician Girl materialized by her own "force" when she first met him. But now that she has been with Yuei Vu for so long, the "force" in their master and servant's bodies often exchanged and flew with each other. Her existence strengthened Yuei Vu's strength as a duelist, and at the same time, Yuei Vu, as the master, could also feed back more "force" to her.

So now, by squandering resources from her master, the Dark Magician Girl could be active for much longer than before.

As a special spirit like "Blue-Eyed Girl", Kisara's "force" was naturally much stronger than that of the Dark Magician Girl, so she could exist in physical form for a longer time.

But no matter how long it was, there was a limit.

For the embodied spirits, apart from flying around and fighting with people, playing cards with people may be the most labor-intensive.

After playing cards with Yuei Vu for so long in the middle of the night, the blue-eyed girl was already exhausted. Her little head was feeling dizzy now, and she just wanted to go back and have a good sleep…

"You are indeed so powerful. No wonder Seto always pesters you for duels." Kisara said.

"You're not bad either."

"I can't do it anymore, I'm still far from it. Duels and stuff like that are the biggest headaches…"

Yuei Vu wanted to say: No, you are already very good. Look at my magician girl, her skills are far inferior to yours…

Kisara shook her little head, "Finally, I have one more thing to ask you."


"Well." She lowered her head and whispered, "Well… don't tell Seto about me yet, okay? I… I'm not ready yet… "

Girl, it was better to deal with it sooner rather than later. It was better to start as early as possible.

If you don’t believe it, just look at Kaiba. When I asked him to go to Egypt to play cards with us, he refused to go. Now that Atem was gone, he was digging graves and building space stations like crazy all day long, insisting on dragging people back from the underworld…

It's a textbook example of "arrogance ruins your life".

"Okay." But Yuei Vu still agreed.

The girl showed a delighted smile: "Thank you, you are indeed a nice guy…"

Nice Guy card +1.

Before she could finish speaking, the second half of her sentence was interrupted by the sound of tires rubbing against the street, and a blurry afterimage cut through the night. The headlights swung like an unstoppable sword, and the tires that stopped suddenly threw the water on the road far away.

Yuei Vu had to raise his arms to block the dazzling headlights. When he turned around, a luxury car was already lying domineeringly in front of him.

The on-call bodyguard Isono jumped out of the front seat and opened the back seat door. Seto Kaiba got out of the car, his soft black boots stepping on the hard sidewalk, and his windbreaker was lifted up by a gust of night breeze.

Yuei Vu felt that this may be President Kaiba's special power. Whenever he needed to show off, there was always a just-right breeze blowing by, as if he brought his own blower wherever he went.

This reminded him of some superheroes carrying invisible speakers on their shoulders. Every time they made a grand entrance, the BGM would sound before anyone could even reach the stage.

Just now, Miss White Dragon was still hesitant to see the president, but she didn't expect that the president would come himself so unexpectedly. Now the fun is great…

Just as Yuei Vu was thinking this, he saw President Kaiba crossing his arms with a cold look on his face: "What are you doing in a place like this?"

Yuei Vu skillfully used the "turn your head to look at the scenery" technique, as if saying: I just went out for a walk at night, and I definitely didn't do anything strange…

…especially not secretly playing cards with your wife!

Then he glanced back from the corner of his eye, only to find——

——Fuck, where is Miss White Dragon?

Didn’t you just say that your legs were numb and you couldn’t get up? How do you sneak so efficiently?

Yuei Vu couldn't help but doubt that she was not the spirit of a white dragon, but a white rabbit. She ran too fast.

"Ahem." Yuei Vu coughed slightly, "President, what are you doing here so late?"

It stood to reason that no matter where you were in the world, summoning the "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" would immediately attract the attention of President Kaiba.

But the Duel Disk used by Yuei Vu was donated by a kind-hearted person named Pa who did not want to be named in the future. As long as the Internet was disconnected, Kaiba would not notice his duel.

Kisara also did not use the Duel Disk manufactured by Kaiba Corp – to be precise, she did not use any technology to create a Duel Disk. The thing in her hand was conjured by herself. It might be similar to the one used by Yubel, a metaphysical prop that would not leave any traces.

In addition, the corner chosen by Kisara was also very particular. It happened to be in a blind spot that could not be covered by the surveillance video, and it did not look like anyone was passing by.

So Yuei Vu estimated that either they were secretly playing cards here and were accidentally captured by the Kaiba Corp's satellite, or the president had an amazing sixth sense…

"You haven't answered my question yet." Kaiba asked, "Why haven't you gone back yet?"

If it were normal, Yuei Vu might even just ignore Kaiba's question, but for some reason, he felt a little guilty today.

He looked away and responded casually: "I…uh…forgot something in Kaiba Land."


"…Duel Disk."

As soon as the words came out, Kaiba and Yuei Vu's eyes fell on the Duel Disk he wore on his arm.

Yuei Vu: "…"

A sudden visible silence.

This dialogue in this scene gave Yuei Vu a strange sense of déjà vu.

Ten minutes ago, an almost identical conversation took place in the exact same place. It's just that Yuei Vu was the one questioning at that time, and Kisara was the one being questioned.

As a result, only ten minutes had passed, and he was the one being questioned, and the person questioning him was President Kaiba…

Could it be that this is the so-called "karma may be late but never miss"?

"Ahem, other Duel Disks." Yuei Vu tried to ease the embarrassment, "President, you know, I don't have any other hobbies except collecting all kinds of Duel Disks…"

Well, this was so ridiculous that he didn't even believe it.

"You were dueling here just now," Kaiba said.

As expected of President Kaiba, it seems that his focus is on "Yuei Vu secretly playing cards with others behind his back."

Yuei Vu wavered between the options of "Should I just sell this white dragon girl" for a few seconds, and after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

That's all, at worst, I'll go to the company to play cards with the president all night.

It's just that President Kaiba probably won't let me go back to sleep tonight…

Just then Kaiba's cell phone rang.

Kaiba took out his blue-eyed white dragon-shaped mobile phone and answered it directly: "Mokuba? I have something to do here. If you have anything to do, I'll call you later… What did you say!?"

The president's expression suddenly changed, and he lost his composure instantly.

"That guy's fragment…found!?"

Kaiba seemed to have forgotten the passerby named Yu in an instant. Without saying a word, he jumped into the car and closed the door: "Isono, drive!"


The car's engine roared loudly, its tires dragged a long line of water, and disappeared at the end of the street in the blink of an eye.

Yuei Vu: "…"

Okay, think on the bright side.

At least I could sleep well tonight.

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