I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 638: Drink More Hot Water

Not interested in the president's subsequent brutality against AI Bot, Yuei Vu said hello to Mokuba and left Kaiba Corp first, returning to the card shop.

World Link Online is undergoing maintenance, and all the screwballs have gone offline collectively. Naturally, the card shop was no longer as busy as it used to be. Although business was booming here every day with Yuei Vu as the "Duel King", it always felt like something was missing.

But maybe it's because we arrived early today and there were not a lot of people in the store yet – after all, not everyone was like President Kaiba who got up before dawn to play games. When Yuei Vu walked in, as usual, there was only Chika-chan alone in the store.

Chika seemed to be out of energy today. Yuei Vu opened the door, and the first thing he saw was Chika lying on the counter without energy, with her beautiful long silver hair spread to one side.

Noticing Yuei Vu entering the door, she steeled herself, stood up from behind the counter and waved hello to him.

…It's a bit like being out for a day and being greeted with "You're back" when you come home.

"What's wrong?" Yuei Vu walked to the door and asked, "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Chika-chan's face was pale, her soft lips were dry and white, and there was no color on her face.

"It's nothing." She shook her head, "It's a little uncomfortable… but I'm okay."

Yuei Vu seems to understand a little bit.

Could this be… the girl's time which visits every month?

Is it just that serious? Chika-chan's pale face looked like she was suffering from some serious illness, which seemed quite bad.

The passerby with the Yu- prefix might be a good player at cards, but this kind of thing involved a bit of a blind spot in his knowledge. After much thought, the sentence "drink more hot water" went back and forth in his mind, but in the end, he held it back.

He saw that Chinka-chan did not have the habit of drinking hot water. She usually drank cold water directly. Logically speaking, she should drink more hot water…

How about…drinking more lava?

"Have you had breakfast?" Chika asked, "If not, I can get you some."

"Eat at the company." Yuei Vu replied casually.

In this state, he was honestly too embarrassed to ask her to go to the kitchen to do some dishes for him.

Chika, who was lying on the counter, immediately raised her little head: "The company? At President Kaiba's place? Did you go there so early?"

You don't just spend the night there, do you?

"Well, some tests of the new system." Yuei Vu answered casually, without saying much on the topic, "If you feel uncomfortable, why don't you go and rest first? I'll just watch here."

"No, it's not that serious." Chika shook her head stubbornly.

The screwball players were not here at the moment, and to be honest, Yuei Vu had nothing particularly important to do. After thinking about it, he went to the convenience store on the opposite corner and bought some brown sugar and ginger, preparing to stew some brown sugar water.

Classic plot – When the girl's time visits, drinks brown sugar and ginger water.

After all, that’s what it says on TV, so it shouldn’t be wrong, right?

The salesperson at the convenience store was also a pretty young girl, and she could be considered a little fan of Yuei Vu. However, it was not surprising. In a city like Domino with a strong dueling atmosphere, he had many fans.

Who made him to be both a good card player and a handsome guy?

The girl was quite enthusiastic: "Yuei Vu-san~ You came very early today!"

Because it was basically opposite the card store, they were considered a neighbor. Yuei Vu came to this convenience store from time to time and became familiar with it.

After finding brown sugar and ginger, Yuei Vu put the things on the counter. The cashier girl suddenly showed an expression of "discovering big news".

She quickly lowered her voice: "Yuei Vu-san, how far have you progressed?"

"No, this is…"

"Don't worry, Yuei Vu-san, you know me, I have the tightest mouth." The girl smiled, "I understand. I won't go around telling people nonsense."

Understand? You understand nothing.

And how would I know if you are tight-lipped or not?

Yuei Vu didn't bother to explain. After paying, he picked up his things and went out directly. The cashier girl waved goodbye to his back from behind and said some blessings with unknown meaning.

When Chika-chan held the steaming cup of stewed brown sugar water with both hands, her little head was confused for a moment.

Did he buy it specifically for me?

Did he stew it for me?


She looked up at Yuei Vu in surprise, only to find Yuei Vu sitting on the side with his legs crossed, holding the newest "Duel Generations" magazine in his hand, flipping through the book with a nonchalant expression, as if this matter had nothing to do with him…

But Chika felt that it didn't matter anymore.

He has me in his heart!

The girl jumped for joy. The glass of sugar water held in her white hands was still untouched, but she felt that it didn't hurt that much anymore.

Chika sipped the sugar water, carefully approached Yuei Vu, and said softly: "Thank you, I feel much better."

…that's a lie.

In fact, even if you drink sugar water… to be honest, it doesn't really help.

But she really felt better now.

"Well…that's good."

A passerby with the Yu- prefix was still concentrating on flipping through the magazine without raising his head.

"Brother Yuei Vu!!!"

In the evening, the jellyfish-headed child came in excitedly and ran as fast as he could fly.

Judai's parents were as ridiculously busy as ever, and they were nowhere to be seen for three days. However, Little Jellyfish Head didn't seem to care about this. He liked to run to the card store whenever he had free time. He would come here almost every day after class to check in.

When Yuei Vu was around, he would pester Yuei Vu to play cards with him, communicate with him about his new playing experience, and test some of the new things he added to his deck that had unknown meanings.

When Yuei Vu was away, he stayed here for a long time, looking at new card packages, magazines, etc., chatting with sister Chika, and sometimes helping her when the store was busy.

As time went by, the relationship between Judai and Chika became closer and closer. This child now told Sister Chika about all kinds of interesting things that happened in school, including things like when he was late for class and failed to turn in his homework for examination.

Chika was also willing to listen to him and sometimes help him resolve some of his worries.

After all, he is Yuei Vu's student.

Isn’t it right to pay more attention to the life and mental health of Yuei Vu and his students?

Besides, Chika also liked this child. She thought the child was lively and cute, extremely talented at playing cards, and had some hidden aura of a king.

The child's eyes were still sharp. When he entered the door, he noticed that his sister was in poor condition: "Eh? Does Sister Chika have a stomachache?"

"Well…a little bit."

"Ah?" Little Judai became nervous all of a sudden, "Then…sister, do you want me to rub it for you? When I had a stomachache, my mother would rub it for me, and the pain stopped immediately!"

Seeing the seriousness on Judai's face, Chika couldn't help but feel a little moved. It's a pity that her ability to convey emotions through expressions was limited, so she just nodded: "Thank you, but no, it's okay."

"Oh." Little Judai nodded, "Then sister, please drink more hot water!"

Yuei Vu on the side took a cold breath——

——Kid, you said something I didn’t dare to say so easily.

You do have the potential of a Duel King…

Chika touched his jellyfish head: "I will, thank you."

Little Judai thought for a while and looked at the master cautiously: "Then… Then why don't you ask Brother Yuei Vu to help you rub it…"

Chika blinked her big eyes and paused.


Yuei Vu felt that he couldn't stand the magazine anymore, so he put down the book and coughed twice.

"Well, Judai, I remembered that you had a test at school today. How many points did you get this time? Can you show me the paper?"

Little Judai: "!?"

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