I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 629: The Great Evil God Zorc

The strongest Wicked God has returned again, and this time he appears directly against the eldest brother among the Egyptian Gods. It quickly transformed into the same posture as the Winged Dragon, with a pitch-black body, red eyes, and the same breath of flames coming from its mouth, but what was overflowing from the corners of its mouth was pitch-black and deep black flames.

[The Wicked Avatar, ATK 3801]

"Has the ultimate Wicked God returned again?" Yugi said, "He is such a haunting guy."

Bakura paused stiffly, looked down at his hands, and snorted.

"It's almost time."

As he spoke, his eyes flickered, he raised his head and let out a long, high-pitched roar…but it didn't sound like his voice, or to be more precise, it didn't even sound like something a human could make.

That majestic voice sounded as if it came from ancient times, traveling through time and space, coming from the other side of the unknown realm.

Then the body of the Bandit King disappeared.

His body looked like it had been torn apart from the inside, the darkness swelling like a balloon. The churning darkness shattered the human skin like a meat grinder. It quickly expanded and became huge, revealing its white claws and sharp teeth like steel knives. The devil's horns were stuck on top of his head, and his huge black feet left deep pits on the ground.

The devil stood among the ancient capital, with dark clouds above his head. Both the Egyptian God and the Wicked God looked so small in front of him.

He and Zorc's illusion merged into one and turned into a real entity!

"Hahahaha! Finally! After so long waiting and so much preparation, I finally got this body again!"

The great evil god Zorc laughed heartily and his voice was like a bell.

The desperate oppression of the great evil god of the underworld seemed to come with the rolling black clouds in the sky, and even Yami Yugi felt the heavy pressure.

Fortunately, they still have Winged Dragon on their side. Although the crispy chicken was weak compared to the opponent's dark counterpart, its existence still helped the two masters share a lot of pressure.

He couldn't help but be surprised: "This is your… but… Millennium Items …"

"Ah, that's right. I haven't been able to collect the Millennium Items yet, so I can only obtain this body for a short time in this duel."

Zorc's voice was muddy and low, and even his speech was completely different from the previous Bakura.

"But soon. The moment you fall, I will break free from the shackles of this Shadow Game and bring endless darkness to this world!"

The great evil god Zorc pointed his thick finger forward.

"The annoying Egyptian God, I will eliminate you first!

Go, Avatar! Crush the Winged Dragon! "

The black winged dragon opened its mouth, and the majestic energy gathered to form a huge black sphere behind it, with countless lightning tumbling and jumping.

Electric current erupted out surrounded by black flames, and the scene looked like a volcano from the depths of hell ejecting black flames high into the sky. The black electric current was like writhing little snakes, neighing neatly and sharply.

Not to be outdone, the Winged Dragon roared, its golden body burning hot. Unfortunately, it was no match in terms of attack power. The Egyptian God's domain was shattered into pieces, and the golden firebird fell with a long mournful cry, like a falling meteor.

【Yami Yugi x Yuei Vu, LP 1698 → LP 1697】

The Egyptian soldiers and civilians who were watching near the royal capital were stunned again for a moment.

Unlike the previous two gods, the Winged Dragon's status in the hearts of these ancient people was more noble and unshakable. To them, The Winged Dragon of Ra was equivalent to the sun itself, the basis for the continuation of their lives and even the maintenance of the world.

And now the sun has been extinguished.

Then the next would be this world.

"Soon, as long as you two are defeated, my true body will wake up and the world will be swallowed by darkness!" The great evil god's voice sounded like thunder, "Everything will be over!"

As he spoke, the Great Evil God waved his thick arm, and two more stone slabs appeared in the backfield.

Yes, that's right, even if he became such a huge figure, he still had to be patient and continue playing cards…

But even though it has the ability to destroy the world, without the Millennium Items now, he was still bound by the rule of this Shadow Game, and even if he wanted to hit someone before the winner was decided, he simply couldn't.

The Wicked Avatar retreated to the graveyard again, which seemed to mean that he had ended this round.

But that didn't stop him from talking.

"It's almost time to give up."

Zorc made a cold sound – the sound was as loud as the speakers surrounding him from all directions at the same time. For a moment, it was impossible to tell whether it came from the head above him or the head below him.

"It's not…finished yet."

Yami Yugi difficultly took a step – ordinary people facing such a huge evil god may not even be able to continue talking.

"Hmph, is there hope as long as there are cards in the deck? I'm tired of hearing this." Zorc said coldly, "Stupid Pharaoh… and you too."

His scarlet gaze deliberately glanced over Yuei Vu.

"My power is unlimited, and the one who gives me eternal power is the foolish humans themselves!"

"What?" Yugi raised his eyebrows.

"If you want to feel your own existence in the dark, you must look for your own shadow. Lingering in killing forever because they don't know the meaning of darkness, these are human instincts.

Because of this, I am always invincible! "

He said this arrogantly, but in fact, when he said this, Zorc peeked at Yuei Vu again intentionally or unintentionally.

Because when it came to "always invincible", the great evil god actually felt a little guilty in his heart…

Unfortunately, he couldn't see any reaction on the latter's face, and he couldn't figure out what the situation was.

"And you? You are the one who needs to repent the most, Pharaoh." The Great Evil God could only continue to deceive, "Your existence itself represents darkness. The things your father created, the power you possess, the justice you represent, and the kingdom at your feet are all perfect proof!

There is no darker corner in this world than the land you rule. That is why I came to this land and brought about the destruction of this world.

The culprit of all this is actually you! Stupid Pharaoh! "

Even though Yami Yugi knew that Zorc was deliberately attacking his own weakness and trying to expose his weaknesses, these words were still like sharp arrows, piercing his heart again and again.

Yes, why doesn't the Great Evil God appear elsewhere but here? In Egypt?

It happened to be in this place during my time as Pharaoh.

The birth of the Millennium Items and the country's prosperity and strength, were all these really obtained in exchange for sin?

And is my father – the father in his gradually awakening memories who, although sometimes strict, had the warmest embrace in the world – really the sinner who brought about the deepest darkness?

As if he could see the wavering in Yami Yugi's heart, Zorc couldn't help but be overjoyed and hurriedly struck while the iron was hot. But just as he opened his mouth to continue speaking, he suddenly heard a voice from the side: "Shut up."

Zorc was furious.

Who? Who dare you speak to this great evil god like that!?

Turning around, he saw it was Yuei Vu. The Great Evil God opened his mouth angrily, but somehow he didn't say a word and closed it again silently.

Our great evil god was surprisingly obedient. If you told him to shut up, he would shut up.

It seemed that he was somewhat well-behaved inexplicably…

"Maybe what Zorc said is true." Yuei Vu turned to Yami Yugi beside him and said, "Maybe you are indeed the dark pharaoh, and maybe the Millennium Puzzle hanging around your neck contains evil power.

But so what?

Hmm… To quote President Kaiba, are you standing here dueling because of that indifferent past? "

Yami Yugi was stunned: "Yuei Vu…"

"Yuei Vu is right." Yugi Muto also shouted from the side, "Didn't we make an agreement before we came here? Another me?

It doesn't matter whether you were a good person or a bad person, a wise king or a tyrant in the past. The way we all met, and everything we have experienced in modern times, will never change! "


There was a feeling of emotion in the heart of Yami Yugi. He closed his eyes gently, tightened the chain hanging the Millennium Puzzle on his chest, and made up his mind.

Yes, the past… doesn't matter anymore.

Now I have the future in my hands!

"My turn, draw!" Yugi glanced at the drawn card, and then immediately chose to activate, "Spell Card – Spider Web! Select 1 card in the opponent's Graveyard that was sent there the previous turn, and add it to my hand.

The card I chose was ‘Spell Books from the Pot’!

Then activate the Spell Card ‘Spell Books from the Pot’! Both players draw three cards from the deck. "

Yugi put his finger on the deck, and before he could draw a card, his eyes flickered slightly.

He felt it.

In the card below… I can feel the encouragement from Yuei Vu!

This is the power of the bond between us!


Three cards were drawn into his hand, and Yugi quickly glanced at them from the corner of his eye.

It's true!

That was the card that Yuei Vu handed to him before the duel!

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