I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 616: The Immortal Wicked God

Bakura's face was full of astonishment.

How long has it been since we last met? Why has Yugi printed so many new and discordant cards?

The intensity of the effect was getting more and more outrageous!

If it were someone else here, who was unprepared to encounter the combination of Dark Magical Circle and Magician Navigation, they might have died completely by now.

But he, the great evil god Zorc, was no ordinary person!

"Continuous Spell – Card of Safe Return!" Bakura waved his hand and played the animation's unique card-earning artifact, "Whenever a monster is resurrected from the graveyard, I will draw three cards!

Then I'm going to activate this card…Come on! Field Spell ‘Zombie World'! "

The black mist was like rolling waves, and the aura of immortality occupied the entire duel venue. Dark red eyes flickered in the depths of darkness, countless lines of sight lit up, and the dark wind carried the wails of ghosts and monsters.

This was the paradise of the undead, the forbidden land of the living, and the world of the zombies.

"As long as this card exists, all monsters on both sides of the field and in the graveyard will become Zombie." Bakura sneered, "So I can call this guy from the graveyard!

I banish ‘Mezuki' in the graveyard and activate its monster effect! By banishing it from the GY, target 1 Zombie monster in myGY; Special Summon that target! Of course, because of the ‘Zombie World', all the monsters in my graveyard are Zombies. "

Bakura raised his mouth, raised his head wildly, and opened his arms.

"Return from the underworld, and descend as the undead! The incarnation of the ultimate fear, the trembling god——

——The Wicked Dreadroot! "

"It's actually a Wicked God!? But when did it enter the graveyard…" Yugi quickly came back to his senses, "That's right, the stone slab that was discared as the cost to activate the effect of Perditious Puppeteer…"

The realm of the undead was turbulent, and the dark cyclone wanders unscrupulously. The giant covered with white bones drilled out of the underworld and broke into the realm of immortality. His body was entangled with death energy, and his eyes were scarlet like blood.

[The Wicked Dreadroot, ATK 4000]

The Wicked God's power exploded in the Zombie World, like invisible drumsticks violently beating the boundaries of the Zombie World. The black hurricane blew the bystanders back involuntarily.

"Unexpectedly, under such circumstances, the Wicked God was summoned in an instant!?" Jonouchi was surprised.

Yugi Muto also said: "Bakura seems to be stronger than the last time he fought in the palace!"

Indeed, this feeling was especially experienced by Yuei Vu and Yami Yugi who were on the field. At this time, both of them could clearly feel that the pressure of being a duelist emanating from Bakura was obviously much stronger than before.

Is it because the resurrection of Zorc is closer?

"First is the effect of the ‘Card of Safe Return', I draw three cards!" Bakura shouted, "Then there is the effect of Dreadroot! Except for itself, the attack power and defense power of all monsters on the field are halved!

Devil's Howling! "

[Dark Magician, ATK 2500 → ATK 1250]

[Magician of Dark Illusion, DEF 2500 → DEF 1250]

"Go to hell, Yugi!" Bakura waved his hand, "The Wicked Dreadroot, attack the Dark Magician!"

The Wicked God waved his huge arm, and the white bone spurs on the back of his hands cut through the black fog. The air flow cut out blew away all the ghosts and ghosts lingering around him, leaving him shivering in fear in the corner of the undead realm.

In the first round alone, one blow dealt nearly 3000 points of damage, which was enough to take out most of the LP of Yuei Vu and Yugi!

But Yugi, of course, also had counter methods!

He quickly drew out a card and stuffed it into the grave area of the dueling board——

——Arrival, the fourth Egyptian God! Kuriboh!

"Kuri Kuri!"

Kuroboh jumped out lightly and nimbly, spreading its arms and legs to block the path of the Wicked God's attack. The God of Fear blasted Kurioh into pieces with just one punch, but even the surging punch and impact couldn't penetrate the barrier it left behind.

"Oh, is it Kuriboh again?" Bakura didn't care, "Good, it's really boring if you are defeated so easily. Then my Battle Phase is over.

But my turn is not over yet! "

He raised his hand, and hit one of the three stone slabs that he had just drawn with the effect of "Card of Safe Return".

"Activate the Spell Card ‘Painful Choice'!" Bakura sneered, "This card can select five cards from the deck to show to the opponent. The opponent chooses one card to add to my hand, and discards all the rest to the graveyard."

Appeared, Painful Choice (refers to the opponent)!

"The cards I want to choose… are these five!"

Five slabs appeared in front of Yuei Vu and Yuei Vu one by one, clearly showing——

——The Wicked Eraser, Doomking Balerdroch, Zombie Master, and the remaining two copies of Mezuki in the deck.

So far, Yuei Vu has basically understood Bakura's tactics.

"Use the ‘Zombie World' to change the Type of the Wicked God in the GY to Zombie, so that the Wicked God can be resurrected directly from the GY every turn without the need for sacrifices?" Yuei Vu narrowed his eyes and said solemnly.

"Worthy of being the Duel King, you can understand quickly." Bakura smiled, "Okay, the five cards I want to choose are all displayed, you can choose one."

Yuei Vu and Yami Yugi looked at each other, and Yami Yugi signaled with his eyes that he would give this opportunity to Yuei Vu.

After all, it would be Yuei Vu's turn next, and he was more suitable for this choice.

Yuei Vu didn't refuse, he raised his hand and hit one of the stone slabs: "Doomking Balerdroch."

If Doomking Balerdroch entered the GY, it would automatically jump out at Yuei Vu's turn. Moreover, this thing also had the ability to negate monster effects and banish a monster card during the opponent's turn, which was extremely disgusting.

"Then I'll add ‘Doomking Balerdroch' to my hand, and send all the remaining four cards to the graveyard."

Bakura shrugged indifferently, followed by a tug at the corner of his mouth.

"However, in fact, no matter what choice you make, there are no differences… Spell Card ‘Graceful Charity'! Draw 3 cards, then discard 2 cards!"

Yuei Vu frowned.

Did they all go to the graveyard for him in the end?

Zombie was a deck that became stronger the more resources there were in the graveyard. Even though it has only been one turn, Bakura has already earned tons of resources.

No wonder he had the confidence to dare to face off against two Duel Kings.

"Set two cards, I end my turn." Bakura said, "Of course, at the End Phase, The Wicked Dreadroot will return to the graveyard to sleep. Leave, for now, Dreadroot!"

The Wicked God turned into a black mist and shot back into the alchemy Duel Disk of Bakura. The majestic and domineering body disappeared in just an instant.

The moment the body dissipated, everyone present felt relieved and let out a sigh of relief, as if a huge boulder of a thousand kilograms had fallen from their hearts.

"Hey, this way the Wicked God will be temporarily out of action." Bakura said with a smile, "This is a great opportunity to attack. You two Duel Kings must seize it."

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