I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 613: The Final Chapter of Ultimate Shadow Game

Rolling black clouds engulfed the sky, and the leaden black clouds completely blocked the bright midday sun, not even a trace of light coming through.

As if suddenly, darkness was everywhere. They were released wildly and expanded unscrupulously, swallowing the blue sky inch by inch with the capital as the center, until all corners of the entire memory world were covered by shadows.

The villain has not appeared, yet the atmosphere of this scene was set, and the background was like being dragged directly to the set of the end of the world.

The palace bore the brunt of the attack, and the entire palace trembled. The earthy brown earth cracked in the violent shaking, and some houses began to collapse.

No one was not afraid of earthquakes, especially for ancient people. In the eyes of the ancients, this kind of natural disaster was the proof of the wrath of the gods, and it was the way gods punished this sinned world indirectly.

Soldiers and slaves fled in panic from the collapsing palace, and some did not flee at all, but knelt down and called the names of the gods they believed in, praying for protection.

There was a sound of… ridicule from heaven and earth?

The voice was deep and majestic, echoing dully in the space sealed by the sky and the earth. A black and burly phantom appeared between the sky and the earth, with red eyes, sharp teeth, and a white bone spur that is unique to demons protruding from the mouth.

He was so unbelievably large, as if the sky was too low and low for him, that he had to bend his back as he towered above the earth.

(A certain great evil god: I am not a hunchback!)

Of course, the most eye-catching thing was the majestic black dragon head under his crotch. It was really long and black, and the invisible hellfire was constantly spewing out from its mouth…

He appeared from the direction of the palace treasury.

The news of the duel between Priest Simon and Bakura has already alarmed other people in the palace. Yami Yugi, who just finished dealing with the High Priest of Darkness, was leading the priests towards the treasure house at full speed when the great evil god came out.

When he rushed halfway, he was taken aback when he saw Zorc's huge black shadow appearing.

Is this… the true form of the great evil god inside Bakura?

But didn't he say that the victory condition is to collect all the seven Millennium Items? Don't you need seven Millennium Items to be resurrected?

But at this moment, the seven Millennium Items were still in the hands of me and the priests. Why could Bakura still summon the main body of the Great Evil God?

Have the victory conditions changed?

Yami Yugi was surprised, but the players beside him were even more surprised than him, but their focus might be rather strange.

——Fuck! So big!

He is worthy of being a great evil god, such a dark and rough evil thing!

The screwballs snapped screenshots, causing another uproar in the forum.

Simply outrageous!

When they arrived, Priest Simon was no longer here.

The palace treasury was in a mess, the surrounding area was blown into darkness, and countless precious treasures were torn apart. Half of the walls had collapsed, and piles of cracked masonry piled up all over the ground.

But Priest Simon has disappeared.

Of course, Yami Yugi knew clearly that this just meant that there was one less NPC in his camp, a fictional person in this fictional world. But when he thought of the old priest's identical face to Grandpa's, how he got along with him these days, and his amiable appearance, he still couldn't help but feel sad.

Did something like this happen three thousand years ago?

Did Priest Simon in the past sacrifice his life and soul for this country and myself?

This was the old man's own choice, and it was also his last stubbornness.

Dedicate himself till death.

That's probably what happened.

The body of the Great Evil God Zorc stood tall not far from the palace. If got closer, you would find that his lower body was translucent, and his whole body protruded from the golden tablet laid flat on the ground.

He has not regained his true body, not yet.

Yami Yugi took the lead and walked up.

The Great Evil God seemed to have sensed his approach and gave a deep laugh. Two beams of red light shot out from his scarlet eyes and fell on the ground to form a human image.

It was Bakura, the host of Great Evil God Zorc, still standing there in his big red robe, with that mocking, even impatient smile on his face.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, Lord Pharaoh." Bakura yawned, "You guys are so slow."


Yugi ignored the obstruction of the priests behind him and stepped forward. He glanced at the huge black shadow and frowned: "What's going on?"

"As you can see, I decided to show off my cards." Bakura sneered, "This is my true body, my true posture!"

After the words fell, before Yugi could answer, the screwballs behind him interrupted.

"Lord Great Evil God, Brother Fae said he is not convinced and wants to compete with you."

"Good fellow, the heavy sword has no edge but is ingenious and incompetent. If I were to strike a blow with this big guy, I'd be afraid that it would break both sides with just one sword, right?"


The word "angry" appeared on Bakura's forehead again.

Motherfucker, it's this group of mentally retarded monkeys again!

Just as annoying as their master!

But Bakura tried his best to ignore them and only snorted coldly.

"As long as my true self is resurrected, not only everything in this memory sandbox but even me in reality will wake up with the power drawn from this Ultimate Shadow Game!"

"What did you say?" Yami Yugi frowned, "Are you saying that this Shadow Game we are playing will still affect the outside world?"

"That's right." Bakura proudly said, "Soon, I will finish here what I couldn't finish three thousand years ago, and I will kill you—this time to make sure that your soul is wiped out without leaving any fragments behind.

Next, my true self will be resurrected in this world, and then the whole world will turn into purgatory and become my possession! "

After a pause, he patted his forehead and remembered something.

"Oh, right. And your little friends in this world, especially your container." Bakura grinned sinisterly, "I won't forget to treat them specially."

Yugi's pupils shrank, and then he narrowed his eyes, his face became solemn, and his vision quickly became cold and stern.

"It's over."

Some players have begun to realize the seriousness of the problem.

"Bet a pack of spicy strips, the great evil god is already dead."

"The Pharaoh: Don't you dare to make fun of AIBO?!"


Yugi remained calm and said calmly: "But you haven't collected all the Millennium Items yet, and you haven't been resurrected, right?"

This was what Bakura himself explained before. The resurrection of the Great Evil God Zorc required the collection of seven Millennium Items. Unless the rules were changed, there was no way for him to be resurrected.

"That's right." Bakura didn't deny it, "Although it's approaching the time of resurrection, I couldn't snatch seven Millennium Items from you, so I really can't resurrect… Hehe, but haven't you already gathered the seven Millennium Items for me?"


Only then did Yami Yugi realize a problem.

While he and his priests gathered here… they also carried seven Millennium Items with them. Plus the stone tablet was dragged out of the treasury by Bakura, all conditions have been gathered at this moment.

"Okay, the final chapter of this Ultimate Shadow Game has begun!" Bakura jumped off the rock, opened his alchemy Duel Disk, and shouted, "Come on, Lord Pharaoh! The final Shadow Game between us, the bet is those seven Millennium Items!"

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