The High Priest of Darkness slammed into the ground, and the white mask was shattered into pieces. Blood spewed out of his mouth like an arrow, leaving a black and red mist on the floor.

He sat up with difficulty, his vision blurred. Dripping blood gurgled down from the top of his head, mixed with black impurities. Black veins and black blood were all over his face, making his original appearance difficult to recognize.

"Perhaps my father has really made mistakes." Yugi stepped forward and said in a calm voice, "But no matter what the sin is, I will bear it and move on."

After a short pause, he turned his head to look at the Dark Magician who was still floating beside him, and added: "Together with an irreplaceable companion."

The Dark Magician bowed slightly: "It's a great honor, Pharaoh."

The High Priest of Darkness was already at the end of his life, the blood in his whole body was almost being dyed black, and he might stop breathing at any time. Now hearing what the master and servant said, he was so angry that he couldn't open his mouth.


He screamed in anger, and black blood spread all over his body. His skin and flesh melted and disappeared, and even his priest's robe dissipated with the "hissing" white smoke.

In just a moment, the High Priest of Darkness melted from head to toe into white smoke and dissipated, leaving only a golden eye that rolled to the ground.

The Dark Magician once again bowed to the Pharaoh, and without saying a word, he turned into a black shadow and disappeared.

Facing this disappearing shadow, Yugi couldn't help but feel filled with emotion.

Although this was just a fictional world built by the power of Shadow Game, some things really happened.

For Yugi who has traveled to the future three thousand years later and experienced countless battles, he clearly knows that Mahad has definitely kept his promise and has been guarding him for the entire three thousand years.

"Thank you, Mahad." He secretly said in his heart, "I will not let your efforts so far be wasted. No matter what Bakura is planning, I will defeat him and win this Shadow Game."

During their duel, the battle on the other side had already come to an end.

Seto, who was controlled by the High Priest of Darkness, had no mind of his own. He was just like a puppet being manipulated, and his combat effectiveness was not even half of his usual strength.

Besieged by many priests and a group of players, Seto's spirits were quickly defeated. At this time, he had also fainted on the side and temporarily lost consciousness.

Kisara stepped forward immediately and carefully lifted Seto up to check on his condition.

After finally defeating the BOSS, the screwball players took the time to gather around. Everyone was so excited when they saw Kisara…as if she was their own wife.

It's a pity that she was worried about Priest Seto right now, so she didn't have time to care about them…

"Who is this girl?"

Priest Karim was walking forward, but Yugi stopped him with his hand: "She is not a bad person, it doesn't matter."

The memory of Yami Yugi continued to awaken. At this time, he also remembered Kisara's identity and the indissoluble bond between Kaiba and the White Dragon.

Sure enough, there was an inexplicable connection between Kaiba and the Blue-Eyes White Dragon three thousand years ago.

Unfortunately, Yugi was also convinced that if he mentioned this to the current Kaiba, he would definitely roll his eyes and wave his hand.

"You wanted to talk to me about these supernatural things again, but I told you I wasn't interested!"

Then maybe the president would even take out a Duel Disk on the spot.

"Compared to this, I have developed a new tactic! Come on, Yu ↑ Gi ↓, let's fight to the death!"

Thinking of this, Yugi couldn't help but twitch his lips and reveal a smile.

After experiencing so much in the world of memory and gradually understanding his past, he became more and more attached to his second life in modern times.

Even the president's voice that made people's heads ache when he heard it, "Yu ↑ Gi ↓, come to duel soon!" actually made him miss it a little now.

After all, the time he could stay in this world was running out.


Priest Seto's eyelids suddenly opened.

Kisara was stunned for a moment, and then a happy smile appeared on her face: "Lord Seto…"

Unexpectedly, Seto's arm was like a pitch-black rope, and he suddenly grabbed her white neck.

"L…Lord Seto…" Kisara closed her eyes in pain, feeling that her breathing was cut off by the power.

The chirping screwball players suddenly screamed.

"What the hell are you doing, President?"

"President, are you planning to kill your wife to prove your way?"

Yugi was also shocked: "Seto! You…"

Seto stood up slowly, holding the girl who was as light as weightless with one hand and lifted the Millennium Rod with the other hand.

This time his eyes were no longer empty, but instead, there was deep and boundless darkness!

"No, you're not Seto." Yugi suddenly realized, "Akhenaden!"


"Seto" – or actually Akhenaden – said coldly, "You destroyed my body, Pharaoh, but it doesn't matter. I have implanted a fragment of my consciousness in Seto's mind.

It doesn't matter if I die myself. Seto will extract the Ka in this girl's heart, and after obtaining that power, he will still become the king of the world! "

The priests at the back instantly became tense again, and no one dared to express their anger. Only the screwballs were still noisy.

"President, please put my waifu down first…"

"Brother Fae, you have eaten magic mushrooms again. Sister Yuehua, please give him a golden shower…"

"I think Brother Fae might be happy instead…"

"Although humans are free to have whatever fetish they like, I still think you should go see a doctor…"

Seeing that at this moment, this group of idiots were still arguing about something that had no meaning… and no one bothered to listen to him, the High Priest of Darkness couldn't help but get angry.

These monkeys…are they trying to make fun of me?


The power of the High Priest of Darkness exploded with the help of Seto's body, and the illusion of the Doomking Balerdroch emerged in mid-air. The overbearing power blew players and priests away.

Only the moment Yugi raised his arm, the Dark Magician quickly flashed out of his Duel Disk, and released a defensive circle with his five fingers, blocking the attack of the Undead King for his master.

Kisara was almost suffocated by Seto's grab. Although her little mind didn't quite understand what happened specifically, she could still roughly feel it with her extraordinary talent.

Lord Seto… is in darkness.

Once, when she was in prison and her future was shrouded in dark clouds, it was Seto who brought her light and freedom.

Now, it's my turn to become Lord Seto's strength.

Kisara bit her thin lips and closed her eyes tightly. The seal deep in her body was released, and surging power burst out from her delicate body!

The sacred white light enveloped his whole body, and when it was released into the air, it gradually solidified. The white dragon flew in the air, its broad wings spread to both sides, its head raised high, and its perfect lines were vividly displayed.

Blue-Eyes White Dragon!

"White Bride!"

“Damn, you’re still as beautiful as the day I lost you!”

The players were frantically taking screenshots, and the priests were equally dumbfounded.

This girl… actually has such a god-level Ka hidden inside her body!?

"Seto" also raised his head, looking crazy: "Perfect, so perfect! As long as I have this power…"

But before he finished speaking, the silver-white dragon turned into countless white light spots and disappeared out of thin air.

It came in a hurry and left in a hurry, like a flash of light.

No, she didn't disappear.

The white light was like a bunch of sharp swords, cutting through layers of darkness, and stabbing straight into the depths of Seto's pupils that were dyed black.

She actually rushed directly into Seto's mental world!


The last fragment of Akhenaden's consciousness was entrenched in his son's heart, when facing the white dragon that suddenly crossed his face at this time, he was only shocked to the point of shattering his three views.

The power of this Ka can even affect the mental world!?

The sacred white dragon roared in the void, and boundless light was released centered on that noble body, instantly tearing the darkness entrenched in Seto's heart to pieces!

This was something she had long made up her mind to do.

Because he was the only person in this world who had given her light.

So she had to do everything in return to give him a splendid world.

The last scream of the High Priest of Darkness was also swallowed, and the remaining consciousness was also disintegrated and shattered under the brilliance of the white dragon.

The darkness in Seto's eyes disappeared.

He lost consciousness again, leaned over, and fell to the side…

…then he happened to fall into Kisara's arm.

The girl's arms were fair and pink, slender and soft, and looked like they had little strength, but they were able to bear his weight steadily.

Although somewhat different from Mahad, the girl also made a similar promise to herself.

From now on, forever and ever, she would be by this person's side.

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