I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 585: Don't Touch My Favorability!

"… Seto?" Yami Yugi looked at Seto, who launched a sneak attack from behind and gave him a physical faint with the Millennium Rod, with a look of disbelief.

The karma between him and Kaiba spanned three thousand years, and countless duels were drawn by fate. Could it be that the truth of this fate was actually like this?

Priest Seto…was a traitor who wanted to usurp the throne?

The strong fainting feeling made it difficult for him to move, and he couldn't use his hands and feet. Seto walked around to the front, reached out, and took away the Millennium Puzzle around his neck.

When Seto bent down, Yami Yugi found that his eyes were empty, as clean as a piece of blank paper.

Like a marionette.

Yugi immediately understood what happened, and turned to Akhenaden angrily: "What did you do to Seto!?"

"Don't worry, he just passed out."

The old man turned his back to him when he spoke, and his back was stretched very long under the flickering firelight. Seto stepped forward numbly, and handed over the Millennium Puzzle to the old man, who took it with his skinny hand.

Yami Yugi noticed that there were black lines all over the skinny back of the hand under the white robe as if every blood vessel was protruding under the skin, outlined clearly by ink.

"Seto is my son." The old man said slowly, "You sit on the throne, rule this country, and enjoy the supreme power and status, but you never know what all these are exchanged for.

Slaves are equal to the royal family? All have the same right? Stop being funny! How can a naive child like you be qualified to inherit this country that was built by sacrificing everything in the previous generation? "

Yami Yugi looked confused.

He kind of wanted to say that he couldn't understand anything other than the sentence "Seto is my son"-while he was still shocked by the shocking fact-

But the pain in Yami Yugi's head also intensified at the same time.

More memories were recovering, like a flood breaking through a dam and pouring into his mind, with countless scattered memory fragments engulfed in it.

"My son Seto also has the royal blood running in his veins, and he is a hundred times more qualified than you… no, a thousand times!"

Yami Yugi was a bit out of rhythm. But he noticed a change in Akhenaden's voice, which was deeper and gloomy than before. There was also a strong dark energy overflowing from his body, which is clearly what he felt on Bakura in the past.

Yami Yugi suddenly comprehended.

In this Ultimate Dark RPG game, Bakura…has placed a chess piece beside me!?

"That's right, I signed a contract with the darkness behind the Bandit King, and gained power far above other priests!" Akhenaden roared, "The days of your rule are over, Pharaoh! Soon, this country will soon have a new ruler!

Seto will become the strongest pharaoh in history and rule the world as the patron saint of this country! "

Akhenaden narrowed his eyes and turned to look at the girl curled up in the corner.

Seto walked up to Kisara mechanically like a puppet with a blank face. The firelight cast his tall and straight body into a mountain-like burly shadow, enveloping the girl in it.

He unscrewed the handle of the Millennium Rod, revealing the sharp spikes hidden in the staff, and the alchemy materials shone golden under the light of the fire.

"Lord Seto…"

The girl shrank her body, lowered her head, and her silver hair fell like a waterfall.

She didn't intend to resist.

Kisara still remembered her first meeting with the young Seto.

That was when she was very young.

Rejected by the villagers, regarded as a heretic, always hungry and bullied, such a bleak life used to be all she had.

And Seto in her youth was the first ray of light that tore through the darkness and shone into her life.

When she was captured by human traffickers, locked in a cage, and anxiously waiting for a crueler fate, Seto appeared. The brave young man rescued her from the traffickers by himself, and his heroic figure has been lingering in her heart ever since.

For Kisara, that was the most precious memory in her life so far. Throughout her bleak life, she has been trying her best to track down the back of the boy back then.

So many people called her a heretic, said she was an ominous existence, that she thought so herself. She felt that she was a lowly person to the bone, just trash on the side of the road. Yet Seto was the only one who was willing to lend her a helping hand, giving her the only ray of light she had.

Now Seto was the noble priest of this country, but she was still as humble as before.

If I died at his hands, it would be fine to become a spirit that stays by his side forever… There is nothing wrong with that.

In the endless darkness, he gave her a ray of hope.

She was willing to give back to him a world illuminated by eternal light.

Seto slowly raised the pointy tip of the Millennium Rod in his hand, and the cold wind swayed the torch, like a symphony of urging death.

Yami Yugi was trying to shout Seto's name loudly to no avail. Akhenaden laughed wildly as if he had seen his son rule the world under the protection of the white dragon…

The sound of the wind suddenly intensified, and the flame in the brazier seemed to be drawn by an invisible force, like a scorching shell hitting Seto's right hand head-on.

The Millennium Rod that was split into two pieces was blown away by the impact of the flames, and rolled to the side. Akhnadin's laughter stopped abruptly and turned into an angry question.


Akhenaden turned his head, and saw a green hero hovering in mid-air with his arms around him, condescending, the dragon head equipped on his arms overflowed with flames as he breathed out, and the pure white feathers slowly fell.

Elemental HERO Flame Wingman!

Immediately afterward, he saw a strange man with strange behavior besides the Pharaoh standing at the entrance, cursing: "Damn! That old bastard Akhenaden is so cunning, he actually acts in the middle of the night. Our mission almost failed because of his slyness!"

"That's right, if we fail this mission, you won't be able to read the file!" The voice of Native Noragami sounded, "Not only can we not get the reward, but we may also lose Yuei Vu-san's favorability! "

Other things can be tolerated, but the loss of favorability cannot be tolerated!

Several screwballs came one after another, summoning monsters to attack Akhenaden one after another.

Old bastard! Don't think about touching the favorability we have worked so hard to get!

"You guys!" Yami Yugi was so moved when he saw this group of screwballs.

Although these people dress weirdly, behave incomprehensibly, and sometimes like to talk nonsense, their brain circuits are puzzling…

…But at the critical moment, they are unexpectedly reliable.

"You're just junk, don't try to spoil my plan!"

Akhenaden was angry. His eyes froze, his arms crossed, the veins on the arm exposed under the white robe bulged, and the blood surged violently as if it was going to explode out of control at any time.


A powerful shock erupts centered on Akhenaden! The old man's robe was twisted into pieces, the magic power surged, the darkness raged, and the dark whirlwind swam quickly in this confined space.

That was a power far beyond the level of a priest.

This power came from…

…… Great Evil God Zorc!

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