I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 574: Dark Law the Cure Master of Card Addiction

"Yuei Vu-san! It's Yuei Vu-san!" One Hammer Deal No Counter-Offer was so excited that he happily waved behind Bakura to try to attract the other party's attention.

But Yuei Vu ignored him for the time being.

"Have you finally come in person, Duel King?"

Bakura thought for a moment, and seemed to feel that the probability of being blocked all the way here was not very high, so he simply jumped off the horse and stood in front of Yuei Vu.

It's really not an option to escape like this all the time. Now his stronghold was also lost, and the six-year-old who was originally planned to test Yuei Vu's depth was also sent away as cannon fodder. If he continues to hide like this, he would only become more and more passive.

Why don't I just give it a go and take the chance if I'm not sure?

Thinking of this, Bakura's eyes became gloomy and cold again, his eyes swept back and forth in front of Yuei Vu like a cold dagger.

Calm down, in fact, there is no need to be so afraid.

First of all, it is still unknown whether the other party is the clone of Holactie or not—in fact, this inference is completely based on my own imagination.

Secondly, so what if it is really Holactie?

I, the Great Evil God Zorc, only had a fragment of my soul left and survived in this half-disabled state. Even if she really left a fragment or something, Holactie would not be much better.

Otherwise, what kind of tactics and hide-and-seek will the other party play with me? If the real power had fully awakened, wouldn't she have blasted this Zorc into scum?

The more Bakura thought about it, the more courageous he became, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, and say to Yuei Vu with a ferocious face: "Hmph, so what if you personally act out?

Don't think I'm afraid of you! No one can stop me from waking up, if you want to stand in front of me, even you will be buried in endless darkness! "

Yuei Vu: "?"

What is this guy talking about?

It's really incomprehensible…

But Yuei Vu also had this intention here, and he didn't intend to let the other party run away.

"Duel!" x2

【Yuei Vu, LP 4000】

【Pair Liang, LP 4000】

"Then I will go first, draw!"

Yuei Vu glanced at this starting hand, after a little thought, he chose to give priority to earning cards.

"Summon ‘Elemental HERO Bubbleman' in defense position."

The turquoise water burst out, and a large number of transparent water bubbles were thrown into the air. The Elemental HERO in water-blue armor and a cross-sectional helmet landed and his blue cloak flew in the blisters.

[Elemental HERO Bubbleman, DEF 1200]

"When Bubbleman is successfully summoned, if there are no other cards on the field, I can draw two cards." (animation effect)

"Next is the Spell Card ‘HERO's Bond'." Yuei Vu continued, "If there is a face-up ‘HERO' monster on the field: Special Summon 2 Level 4 or lower ‘Elemental HERO' monsters from my hand.

Special summons ‘Elemental HERO Blazeman' and ‘Elemental HERO Shadow Mist'! "

Both the pillar of fire and the dark mist erupted, and the flaming hero in red tights squatted halfway to the left half of the court, and the sight under the golden eyepiece seemed to be burning blazingly. And Miss Shadow Mist, who was wearing close-fitting armor, fell to the right half, crouching down and adopting a defensive posture.

[Elemental HERO Blazeman, DEF 1800]

[Elemental HERO Shadow Mist, DEF 1500]

"The effect of Blazeman – If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: I can add 1 ‘Polymerization' from my Deck to my hand. Then the effect of the Shadow Mist – If this card is Special Summoned: I can add 1 ‘Change' Quick-Play Spell Card from my Deck to my hand."

During the conversation, two cards popped out of the deck with a "click", and were pulled out by Yuei Vu into his hand, displayed briefly, and the deck was quickly shuffled at the same time.

"I add ‘Fusion Substitute' and ‘Mask Change' to my hand."

"Full of momentum as soon as you come up, huh?" Bakura curled his lips.

"Activate the Spell Card ‘Fusion Substitute'!" Yuei Vu revealed the two monster cards placed on the duel plate together with the "Fusion Substitute" in his hand, "I fuse ‘Elemental HERO Blazeman' and ‘Elemental HERO Bubbleman' on the field!

The fusion condition is 1 ‘Elemental HERO' monster + 1 WATER monster!

Born from the abyss of extreme cold, with the power of absolute ice and snow to freeze everything——

——Elemental HERO Absolute Zero! "

The heroes of water and fire rose from the ground, and the beams of light swirled and intersected and merged into one. The majestic cold air erupted from the magic vortex, and the flames of Blazeman were quickly extinguished, sweeping away like freezing atoms, sweeping away the ultra-low temperature that froze everything in the world forever, and the noble white hero rose from the frozen abyss with arms folded.

[Elemental HERO Absolute Zero, ATK 2500]

"Set a card, I end my turn."

With a wave of Yuei Vu's hand, an extra card appeared in front of him.

"Then it's my turn!" The stone slab fell in front of Bakura.

"At this moment, open the set card!" Yuei Vu raised his hand, "Quick-Play Spell – Mask Change: Send 1 ‘HERO' monster I control to the Graveyard, then Special Summon 1 ‘Masked HERO' monster from my Extra Deck with the same Attribute!

I send ‘Elemental HERO Shadow Mist' to the GY, transform!

A knight born from the abyss, the incarnation of the law of darkness! Coming here–

——Masked HERO Dark Law! "

The black mist swirls around, and the dark power engulfs the shadow mist girl, forming a wild black armor covering her body. A cold light flashed in the hero's eyes, as if there was a hidden weapon hiding his life. He landed in a half-squat, and the dark cyclone was released from his feet. The hero's domain expanded rapidly, and the invisible law bound the audience.

[Masked HERO Dark Law, ATK 2400]

Now the players who were watching the live broadcast over there immediately exploded.

"Fuck, this is too much!"

"Start directly with Absolute Zero and Dark Law, does Yuei Vu-san want to unfriend the Great Evil God that much?"

"The Great Evil God died on the spot…"


Yuei Vu continued: "The effect of the ‘Elemental HERO Shadow Mist' sent to the GY by the ‘Mask Change'. Once per turn, if this card is sent to the GY: I can add 1 ‘HERO' monster from my Deck to my hand, except ‘Elemental HERO Shadow Mist'."

The card in the deck popped up and he slowly pulled it out.

"The card I added to my hand is ‘Elemental HERO Stratos'."

The Shadow Mist's effect of retrieving "Change" Quick-Play Spell Card and the effect of retrieving "hero" monsters were very powerful, but only one of them could be used per turn, only once that turn.

Here, Yuei Vu has already used the effect of searching for "Mask Change" in the last round, so he deliberately set it on the field, and then activated it to transform Shadow Mist in the Standby Phase of Bakura, triggering another effect of her to search for Stratos.

This could maximize resource utilization to a certain extent.

"The effect of Masked HERO Dark Law, I believe I don't need to explain more?" Yuei Vu smiled slightly.

When Dark Law was on the field, all cards sent to the Graveyard by the opponent were removed from play.

For Zombie deck which was extremely dependent on the resources of the GY, it was almost equivalent to a direct sentence of death.

And Bakura… Bakura's expression at the moment looked a bit like he swallowed a catty of nails upside down.

Masked HERO Dark Law just stopped there, not only cured the three-thousand-year-old card addiction of the Great Evil God Zorc, but even made him want to change into a physical duel…

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