I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 555: God of Destruction VS Wicked God

The magic boots fell to the ground, and the magic power spread under the magician's feet crushing the floor tiles to pieces. His robe undulated gently, and the green magic ring fluttered around it.

The mage stood still on the ground, his robes fluttered, and the magic cyclone moved around. He looked up at the frightened demon god without fear, and the magic field released from his body briefly dispelled the Wicked God's fearful breath.

[Quintet Magician, ATK 4500]

Priest Mahad's pupils shrank slightly, and his eyes on the ultimate magician couldn't help but become a little complicated.

He was the only one present who could most accurately perceive how powerful the magic power is in this mage's body.

Mahad was known as "the strongest magician in the world", and even had to seal part of his own power because he couldn't withstand his own strength. But even so, he never imagined that there would be such an astonishing magical power, that kind of extremely destructive and unrestrained surging magical power, really touched the realm of God with magic!

"When did the Pharaoh have such a powerful magician spirit?" he wondered.

"The effect of Quintet Magician!" Yami Yugi shouted. "If this card is Fusion Summoned using 5 Spellcaster monsters with different names, all cards on the opponent's field will be destroyed! Because Quintet Magician is the ultimate magician of Level 12, this effect is also effective for Wicked Gods!"

Bakura's face darkened: "Damn, just some tricky things…"

"Go, Quintet Magician!" Yugi shouted, "Quintet Magical Burst!"

The magician's face was as resolute as steel, and he stood still for half a step. He chanted the spell silently, and the two staffs crossed in front of him.

The earth-shattering magic power was mobilized from all directions as if the magic power fluctuations of the whole world were summoned and gathered together. The five magic circles were lit up one by one. They rotated rapidly, and a large amount of magic power circulated in them. The power was devastating but never dispersed. The destructive power was extremely strong, and at the same time, the degree of sophistication of the magic power control was amazing.

The five-fold magic circle was driven at the same time, and the magic power fluctuated like a volcano that has been accumulated for many years and erupted in one breath!

Facing someone else, Bakura might say, "You can only destroy cards, but I have no cards on the field, only slabs." However, considering that his opponent was the greatest grandmaster of BISS, he knew such a trick wouldn't work.

With an attack power of 4,500, if this "Quintet Magical Burst" was successful, Quintet Magician's subsequent attack would undoubtedly turn the table in one fell swoop!

At that moment, Bakura's pupils shrank, and he shouted: "Quick-Play Spell – My Body as a Shield! When the opponent activates a Spell/Trap Card or monster effect that would destroy a monster(s) on the field: Pay 1500 LP, negate the activation and destroy that card!"

【Bakura, LP 3000 → LP 1500】

The payment of half of the life value was accompanied by the pain of the soul being taken out of the body, but Bakura didn't care about the pain at all, instead, he looked up and laughed.

Golden lightning burst out from the stone slab he flipped and violently collided with the spell impact of the five-fold magic circle. The golden electric light and magic fluctuations overflowed, like a laser blade cut off the load-bearing pillar, blasted the steps under the throne, and scratched the surrounding resplendent walls full of holes.

The lightning strike dissipated the fluctuation of the magic power, and even continued to go towards the Quintet Magician on Yami Yugi's field, as if they were going to turn this ultimate mage into ashes in one go!

However, Quintet Magician flipped his wrists, and a purple magic formation immediately unfolded in front of his staff, firmly catching the lightning bombardment like a shield.

"The ‘Quintet Magician' is the most advanced mage, and he will not be destroyed by any card effects." Yami Yugi said.

"Oh? You did have some skills." Bakura snorted, "But in this way, you still haven't been able to deal with my Wicked God."

Jonouchi clenched his fists: "But in terms of attack power, the magician of Yami Yugi is even higher! After all, Quintet Magician has an attack power equivalent to that of the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, but ‘The Wicked Dreadroot' is only comparable to Obelisk!"

(Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon / Obelisk: …)

Bakura's mouth curled up: "Is that really the case?"

[Quintet Magician, ATK 4500 → ATK 2250]

The dark fluctuations were released from under the Wicked God, invisibly intruding into the realm of the magician. The looming black mist surrounded Quintet Magician. The mage swayed slightly, and could only barely use his magic power to resist.

"Hahaha! This is another ability of ‘The Wicked Dreadroot'!" Bakura said with a smile, "As long as The Wicked Dreadroot exists on the field, the attack power and defense power of all monsters on the field except itself will be halved!"

"Nani!?" Jonouchi was shocked, "Isn't this too cheating? Doesn't it mean that you must have an attack power of more than 8000 to defeat it?"

"Exactly! So the Wicked God is invincible, no matter what you do, it will be useless, hahaha!!!"

"The other me…" Yugi Muto bit his lip, worried.

Yami Yugi gritted his teeth and thought quickly about countermeasures.

He didn't expect that even the effect of the Quintet Magician was stopped. Moreover, Quintet Magician was already the pinnacle of Spellcaster monsters in terms of attack power, comparable to the Kaiba's Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon. If even he could not resist the Wicked God just like this, no one else could.

But there was still hope.

He still didn't give up.

"I activate the effect of the Spell Card ‘Shuffle Reborn' in the GY!" Yami Yugi shouted, "Banish this card from my GY, then target 1 card I control; shuffle it into the Deck, then draw 1 card!"

"This card…so that's it, the card that was discarded to the GY together with the ‘Dark Magician'?" Bakura quickly understood.

The Spell Card in the tomb area of the Duel Disk popped out, and after Yami Yugi took it away, it pointed to the "Quintet Magician" on its own field.

"I return the ‘Quintet Magician' to the deck and draw a card!"

"Hey, is this really okay, my dear Pharaoh?" Bakura sneered, "It's rare to call out the strongest magician. If you return it to the deck, there will be nothing left on your field."

While speaking, the Quintet Magician turned into a magic beam and flew back into Yami Yugi's deck.

In this way, his field was completely empty and undefended, and he had to face the endless coercion of the Wicked God himself.

Yami Yugi ignored it, drew the card, and then moved his eyes.

This time is the real last fight!

"Quick-Play Spell – Spell Textbook!" Yami Yugi shouted, "After this card is activated, I must discard all other cards in my hand!

After that, I can draw a card from the deck, and if it is a Spell Card, it can be activated directly without cost. If not, it must be discarded to the GY. " (animation card)

Although it was an animation card with no real-life counterpart, its effect should be similar to "Destiny HERO Diamond Dude" from the description. If a Spell Card was drawn, the effect of that Spell Card could be activated and the activation conditions and cost could be skipped.

In fact, the high price of "discarding all cards in the hand" was indeed worth such an effect.

This was an extremely dangerous gamble. If he couldn't draw a Spell Card cannot be drawn, his defeat could be directly declared.

"Hahahaha! It seems that you are really at the end of the road, Pharaoh! Are you going to bet all the winning or losing on this one card draw?" Bakura laughed.

Yugi ignored it, just closed his eyes, and rested his fingers on the deck he and AIBO built together, and accompanied them through countless ups and downs.

He firmly believed that this deck had a heart.

To this day, this deck has never betrayed him even once.

This time the card draw will bet on his past three thousand years ago, his future, and everything he has gained from his rebirth in modern times!


Yami Yugi drew out the card, and the cloak flew up, and the trajectory drawn was like an unsheathed sword, cutting open the dull space.

His pupils shrank, and he raised the card in his hand.

"The card I just drew is ‘Magical Stone Excavation'! According to the effect of the ‘Spell Textbook', it can be activated directly without cost!

Then there is the effect of ‘Magical Stone Excavation'! I can add 1 Spell Card from the graveyard to my hand. What I'm going to add to my hand is-

——Card of Sanctity! "

"Nani?" Bakurara was startled, "Did you actually recover the strongest card to supplement your hand at this last moment!?"

"Spell Card ‘Card of Sanctity' is activated! Both players draw cards until they have 6 cards in their hand!"

Bakura continued to speak stiffly: "Fuck, but even if you add more cards to your hand, the situation still remains the same…"

But he subconsciously swallowed it after he had spoken halfway.

Because at this moment, he met Yami Yugi's gaze, which was like a cold sword blade, sharp and flickering with cold light, which made people dare not look directly at it.

"This duel will end within this round… so do the grievances between us, Bakura!"


Bakura began to feel a little anxious.

"The effect of the ‘Watapon' in the hand!" Yami Yugi shouted, "If this card is added from my Deck to my hand by a card effect: I can Special Summon this card!

Come on, Watapon! "

The snow-white fluffy little cotton jumped out onto the playing field, with big blue eyes flickering.

[Watapon, ATK 200]

"Spell Card – Multiply!" Yami Yugi immediately played the next card, "Tribute a monster with 500 or less ATK, and split that monster into any number of Tokens.

I took the ‘Watapon' with 200 attack power as a sacrifice, and Special Summon five Tokens! " (animation effect)

The cute little Watapon split quickly, forming five small Watapon that filled the field in front of Yami Yugi.

"Five monsters…could it be!?" Bakura's pupils shrank.

Suddenly he realized a terrible thing.

This turn, Yami Yugi …hasn't used his Normal Summon yet!

"I take three ‘Watapon Tokens' on the field as sacrifices!"

The three Watapon Tokens in the center turned into golden light and flew into the air. They penetrated the temple, flew into the night sky, crossed the space, and rushed into the condensed black clouds in midair, and within a short while, blue thunder blasted down from the sky!

"The scorching wind blew the earth, and suppressed all things with absolute divine power! Come down——

——Obelisk the Tormentor! "

The symphony of wind and thunder reaches its climax! Huge beams of light mixed with the thunder and hit the back of Yami Yugi, and the pharaoh's cloak flew violently under the blue light curtain. A burly blue giant stood up behind him, his scarlet eyes seemed to be burning with flames that burned everything, and the cyclone of the God of Destruction tore the domain of the fearful Wicked God into pieces in an instant!

[Obelisk the Tormentor, ATK 4000]

"God of Destruction…" Bakura snorted softly, "So your Egyptian God finally appeared. But even if he is a God of Destruction, he must submit to the power of the Wicked God!"

The Wicked Dreadroot was not to be outdone in the face of its corresponding Egyptian God. It took a step forward and roared like a demonstration. The wide bony wings behind it stretched out suddenly, and the pitch-black force field instantly suppressed the Egyptian God!

[Obelisk the Tormentor, ATK 4000 → ATK 2000]

"The power of a god can affect other gods in one turn!" Bakura shouted.

Yami Yugi didn't take it seriously at all: "I took the remaining two ‘Watapon Tokens' as sacrifices, and Obelisk's final ability was activated! Hyper God Energy!!!"

Obelisk's huge blue palm grabbed two fluffy white balls on the field, and the two Tokens quickly turned into pure energy, turning into blue light balls that wrapped Obelisk's body. With both fists, power poured into the temple of the God of Destruction.

"When Obelisk is angry, his ultimate ability will awaken!" You said, "Sacrifice two monsters on the field, and Obelisk's attack power will increase infinitely only in this round!"

[Obelisk the Tormentor, ATK 2000 → ATK ∞]

"Attack power…infinite…" Bakura swallowed and seemed to be a little bit timid at last.

"Are you ready to bear the real wrath of God, Bakura!?" Yugi yelled, "Obelisk, attack! Put an end to this Shadow Game!

God Hand Crusher! ! ! "

It's just a punch, but it's a punch that contained boundless power!

With the mighty blue impact, the Wicked God's domain was instantly defeated. The dense darkness was fearful of avoiding it under the divine radiance. Before that punch even got close, the Wicked God's skeleton shell screamed like it was about to burst under divine power.

"It's not that easy!" Bakura yelled loudly, "Activate Trap Card – Absolute End! In this round, all the attacks of the opponent's monsters will become direct attacks on our players!"


Everyone was shocked.

"Let Obelisk, who has infinite attack power, attack him directly!?" Jonouchi raised his arms to block in front of him, and shouted at the top of his voice against the rush of divine power, "Is he crazy?"

"No, Bakura still has a set card!" Yugi Muto shouted against the roar and gust.

"The last set card!" Bakura roared, "Quick-Play Spell – Contagion of Madness! It can only be activated when an opponent's monster declares a direct attack. Inflict damage to the opponent equal to half that monster's ATK at the same I take Battle Damage!" (animation card)

"What did you say!?" Yugi shrank his pupils.

Half the ATK of the attacking monster, Obelisk, at this time, was…

….. infinite!

Boom! ! !

The sacred light erupted from the center of the hall. The priests immediately showed their Millenium Items and summoned protective shields to defend themselves. The terrifying impact swept across the entire palace hall. The floor cracked and shattered under the manic airflow.

【Bakura, LP 1500 → LP 0】

【Yami Yugi, LP 2000 → LP 0】

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