"According to the effect of the Spell Card ‘Spider Web', the card I added to your hand from your graveyard is the ‘Card of Demise'." Yuei Vu said, directly inserting that card into the Duel Disk,

"Then activate Spell Card ‘Card of Demise'. I can draw cards until I have 5 cards in my hand."

Yuei Vu drew five cards. Seto frowned and reminded: "But as a risk, after five rounds, all the slabs…all cards you have in your hand must be discarded."

Obviously, Seto originally wanted to say "slab", but then he thought that the opponent didn't have any slab at all, so he had to imitate Yuei Vu and used the concept of "card".

Although Priest Seto may not understand what the word "card" meant, he has roughly guessed that the term may refer to the small pieces of paper in Yuei Vu's hand. It seems to have replaced the slab they used.

Yuei Vu couldn't help but want to complain a little. Such an almost negligible risk of "discarding all the cards in your hand after five turns", every time President Kaiba used this card, he deliberately emphasizes it, acting as if it is an extremely huge price…

At the same time, Seto was also very concerned about one thing, that was, after his stone slab was turned into something called a "card" by the opponent, it seemed that this guy could directly use the magic sealed in it without magic seal or chanting!

Seto was surprised at the beginning of the duel, and his reaction was a bit like——

— Nani? This person can perform ninjutsu without making hand seals?

Dueling in this worldview is indeed a rather magical thing. People on the ground and people on the bottom of the sea, people on earth and people from outer space, people from modern times and people from ancient times, all of them may have different languages and cultures, but they could definitely communicate with each other in playing cards.

What's more interesting was that everyone used different equipment, terminology, and even standards for judging LP and the monster's attack power. However, they could still have fun playing cards across servers…

"Here I come, Kaiba… Uh, no, it's Priest Seto."

Seto: "?"

"Spell Card ‘E-Emergency Call'." Yuei Vu said, "Add 1 ‘Elemental HERO' monster from the deck to the hand."

What? You said why there is an "E-Emergency Call" in the Gladiator Beast deck?!

Of course, it's for recruiting the invincible Prisma!

"I added ‘Elemental HERO Prisma' to my hand, and then normal summon it!"

The prism hero with a bright body appeared on the field, and his crystal clear body reflected the luster of gems.

[Elemental HERO Prisma, ATK 1700]

"The effect of Prisma." Yuei Vu said, "Once per turn: I can reveal 1 Fusion Monster from my Extra Deck, then send 1 of the Fusion Materials whose name is specifically listed on that card from my Deck to the Graveyard.

This card's name becomes the sent monster's until the End Phase. "

Yuei Vu showed a purple card.

"The fusion monster I want to show is ‘Gladiator Beast Gyzarus'. Then I send the fusion material ‘Gladiator Beast Bestiari' from the deck to the graveyard. In this turn, Prisma's name becomes ‘Gladiator Beast Bestiari'.

Reflect Change! "

Prisma shot flashes all over his body, and Bestiari's figure was reflected on his body.

"I return Murmillo and Prisma who is treated as ‘Bestiari' to the deck!" Yuei Vu said, "Contact Fusion! Come again——

——Gladiator Beast Gyzarus! "

The hero and the gladiator beast turned into two beams of light and shot into the air, and the surging force landed vertically with the storm. The king in heavy armor turned around and came again, bringing absolute momentum to dominate the battlefield!

"Gladiator Beast Gyzarus's effect! When this card is Special Summoned, up to two cards on the field will be destroyed!"

Gyzarus spread his wings, and the red spikes shot in the green storm!

"It's this monster again!" an Egyptian soldier exclaimed.

Even they remembered that in the last round, it was this flying monster that swept across the lineup of their priest in one breath, and dealt a powerful and effective heavy blow!

But this time Seto was already on guard against Gyzarus: "The same trick will not work again! You have triggered my trap at this moment!

Fiendish Chain, bind my enemies! "

The slab turned over, and countless dark green chains shot out from the yellowed slab! The thick chain made a crisp metal impact sound, and Gyzarus and his wings were bound together in a "crash", unable to move a single bit!

This time, the players were stunned: "It's the fucking Fiendish Chain!"

"Did there be Fiendish Chain in Egypt 3,000 years ago?!"

Fiendish Chain (Continuous Trap): Activate this card by targeting 1 Effect Monster on the field; negate the effects of that face-up monster while it is on the field, also that face-up monster cannot attack. When it is destroyed, destroy this card.

The corner of Seto's mouth curled up, not hiding the complacency and pride on his face.

He did have reasons to be proud of himself.

Fiendish Chain was one of the most difficult spells to master in the records of the Royal Library's classics. He should be proud that he can easily and skillfully control such a powerful trap at such a young age.

Yuei Vu was not panicked when Gyzarus's effect was invalidated, he just continued: "Battle! I use ‘Gladiator Beast Andal' to attack.

According to the effect of "Doble Passe", Andal can attack directly this turn. Go ahead, Andal's direct attack! "

The black bear turned into an afterimage and flew forward, its nimble body crossed layers of obstacles, and slammed towards Seto's face with a wave of its palm!

"Lord Seto!" The Egyptian soldiers exclaimed again.

"Small tricks!" Seto yelled, "What you triggered at this moment is another trap! ‘Spellbinding Circle'! Use the six-pointed star's spell to bind the enemy and restrict the opponent's actions!"

Spellbinding Circle (Continuous Trap): Activate this card by targeting 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; it loses 700 ATK, also it cannot attack or change its battle position. When it leaves the field, destroy this card. (animation effect)

By the way, in the animation, this card was Yami Yugi's. And President Kaiba's Blue-Eyea White Dragon was cursed by this spell more than once…

But Seto, who was a priest at this time, obviously also controlled the curse of restraint! The "Gladiator Beast Andal" who was sprinting halfway was trapped by the six-pointed star seal that appeared out of nowhere and stopped abruptly, unable to move at all.

[Gladiator Beast Andal, ATK 1900 → ATK 1200]

"Oh! As expected of the priest!" The Egyptian soldier blew again.

"I just said that the priest's spell is the strongest! It is no problem to deal with this level of attack!"

Even Set himself was a little bloated. He felt that even the attack up to this step was resolved without any risk, thus he deserved praise.

But it seemed that the man he was three thousand years ago was not as arrogant as the future president. Satisfied, he still nodded his head and admitted his opponent: "You are not bad either. Although you are a little short, your strength is strong enough. In our country, you can be considered one of the best.

You have also proved to me that you are not the kind of strong person who will get lost in power, and I can feel that you have no evil intentions. It is an honor, visitor from another land, that you have my recognition. "

"That's really flattering." Yuei Vu smiled, "However, the duel is not over yet."

"Huh?" Seto raised his eyebrows.

"Quick-Play Spell – Gladiator Beast United!" Yuei Vu revealed another card, "This card can only be activated during the Battle Phase. Shuffle into the Deck, from my hand, field, or GY, the Fusion Materials that are listed on a ‘Gladiator Beast' Fusion Monster, then Special Summon that Fusion Monster from my Extra Deck, ignoring its Summoning conditions!

I return the ‘Gladiator Beast Gyzarus' on the field and the ‘Gladiator Beast Bestiari' that was sent to the GY by the effect of Prisma! "

Seto: "!!??"

"The fusion condition is ‘Gladiator Beast Bestiari' + 1 ‘Gladiator Beast' monster! Here I call the name of the ancient king once again——

——Gladiator Beast Gyzarus! "

Gyzarus and Bestiari turned into two beams of light and sank into mid-air. It soon rolled up a more intense tornado in the sky. The king of Gladiator Beast broke through the whirlwind and descended again!

[Gladiator Beast Gyzarus, ATK 2400]

"Gladiator Beast Gyzarus's effect – When this card is Special Summoned: I can target up to 2 cards on the field; destroy those targets. I will destroy the ‘Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon'!"

Gyzarus flew into the air again, densely packed red spikes penetrated the body of the two-headed brontosaurus. Golden lightning burst out from many places on the solid body of the dragon, and its two heads screamed in pain at the same time. It fell from the sky and exploded on the ground into a gorgeous pillar of fire.


"Gladiator Beast Gyzarus." Yuei Vu raised his right hand, "Attack directly."

Gyzarus flew through the air, and the metal wings cut through the fire, as if the afterimage of the black shell exploded on Seto's face, drawing the curtain for this battle ceremony.

【Seto, LP 1600 → LP 0】

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