Egypt, underground.


The thick rock blocks were pierced, and the solid walls were pierced under the unremitting excavation of the archaeological team and collapsed with a burst of fine roars.

Bunches of light were irradiated through the cracks into the realm that had been occupied by darkness for three thousand years. What came out of the darkness was a stench that had fermented for three thousand years, and a gust of wind blew out as if there was some kind of resentment in it.

The captain of the archaeological team took the lead and led the team members into the broken cave.

Through the crack, the bottom suddenly opened up.

While it has long been known what lies beneath the rock blocks, no one expected to see such a well-preserved chamber here.

The archaeologists were all amazed at how completely the secret room was sealed, making it feel like a palace. The surrounding walls are engraved with patterns and complex ancient characters, filled with characters that all archaeologists could not decipher.

Bunches of searchlights were thrown into the dark space, and countless dust particles flew irregularly in the light beams.

When the dark and hard face appeared in the area illuminated by the light, and the majestic, dark, and cold pupils like a king, some archaeologists couldn’t help but exclaim.

It wasn’t until more lights were cast that they could see that it was a coffin.

A coffin in the shape of a jackal, which looks like a sculpture. Because the craftsmanship was so sophisticated, including the expression and eyes of the wolf’s head, it was so lifelike that it gave people the illusion that it was alive.

The coffin was leaning against the earth-brown wall, and it looked like a jackal with its arms folded, restrained by its body. Thick golden chains extended from the surrounding walls and floors, firmly binding the coffin.

It seemed that the person who buried this coffin in this secret room was not even at ease with the dead in the coffin, and he had to add such thick chains to seal it to be at ease.

The archaeological team leader stepped forward, turned on the lamp, and carefully looked at the golden chains that bound the coffin. When the chains were pulled by him, they rubbed against each other and rubbed against the shell of the coffin, making a “cracking” sound.

He couldn’t help but be amazed at the strength of the material used for this chain – it seemed that even after thousands of years of erosion, there wasn’t even one trace of rust on this chain. It even looked like new, except it was covered in a lot of dust.

This reminded the captain of alchemy in ancient Egyptian legends.

Because he was in this generation of archaeology, he naturally heard some related rumors. According to legend, people in ancient Egypt discovered the forbidden secret method, which could produce alchemy materials that would never be corroded.

It was said that the ultimate tool born from that secret method is called the “Millennium Items”, which has the terrifying power to allow the holder to rewrite the law of the world.

Of course, that’s just a legend.

But the archeology team leader has never seen such a weird tomb. Judging from the size of the secret room, the craftsmanship, and the quality of the materials, he felt that the owner of the tomb should have been a high-ranking official during his lifetime.

But such a weird coffin in the shape of a jackal, and this burial posture standing on the wall and tied up with five flowers, really touched his blind spot of knowledge.

Then something even weirder happened.

Just as they walked into the tomb and approached the coffin, a golden door on the side of the coffin… unexpectedly opened automatically.

It was as if the owner of the tomb was welcoming their arrival.

The next moment, all of them saw the diamond-like pyramid-shaped pendant placed upright in the middle of the secret room behind the door.

In the middle of the pendant was placed what looked like a red eye. The scarlet light lit up from those eyes and was clearly reflected in the pupils of everyone in the archaeological team. It was like a magnet that firmly attracted everyone’s sight, and they couldn’t move away for a long time.

Two hours later.

The off-road vehicle passed through the long wilderness and drove over under the scorching sun under the 40-degree high temperature that was enough to roast a person.

The vehicle stopped outside the camp that the archaeological team had already set up. The door of the back seat was opened, and protruding from the door was a pair of tanned but slender and well-proportioned long legs.

Isis Ishtar got out of the off-road vehicle and shook violently when she got off. She was still wearing the white robe, and the golden corset tightly bound her slender waist.

From the distance from the bulge of the chest to the waist, it could be seen that the legs under the robe were really long.

Her younger brother, Marik Ishtar, came out of the passenger seat. Although he looked dark, he was actually completely cleansed.

As soon as the siblings got out of the car, someone from the camp immediately greeted them with smiles on their faces.

As the leading figure in the dueling world, Isis’s social status would naturally not be low if she played cards so well.

In fact, in addition to being the descendant of the Tomb Keeper clan, Isis also served as the director of the Egyptian Archaeological Bureau, and she even had considerable influence on the modern Egyptian government.

Playing cards well, having a gentle and considerate personality, having a plump body and a big heart, she would naturally be popular wherever she went.

The two siblings were soon greeted by the archaeological team and arrived at the top of the tomb, and soon saw the strange coffin and the pyramid-shaped crystal.

“Sister.” Marik squatted down beside the coffin, “There are words engraved on it… ancient priest’s words.”

Isis also leaned forward: “What did they write?”

“The King of Light and the King of Darkness…the battle of fate.” Marik wiped off the dust covering the complicated characters, and frowned, “The end of the battle…the King of Darkness will be buried by the King of Light. When the light is filled, the King of Destruction will awaken.”

He raised his head: “It seems to be something like a prophecy, sister.”

Isis frowned slightly: “The King of Darkness and the King of Light…”

“Sister, could it be…”

“Indeed. According to the history guarded by our clan, the pharaoh who controlled the ultimate power of darkness did have the title of ‘King of Darkness’.”

“That is to say, the King of Darkness refers to Yugi Muto… No, is it the nameless Pharaoh?” Marik said, “The King of Light refers to…”

“Seto Kaiba, the person who controls the white dragon who possesses the power of extreme light.” Isis nodded, “I can only think of this possibility.”

“Then the ‘King of Destruction’ mentioned here…”

“I don’t know.” Isis shook her head, “But if that’s the case, then the prophecy will end with the death of the Pharaoh and the destruction of Seto Kaiba. The King of Destruction… Anyway, it feels a little bad.”

“The higher-ups said that these are going to be exhibited in Domino City.” Marik frowned, “Maybe we should find a way to stop it?”

Isis thought about it for a while: “Let’s take it easy for now. Just before I came, someone from Domino City contacted me and said that he would come and have a look. We may have to prepare to receive it.”

“Oh?” Marik thought for a while, “Is it Seto Kaiba?”

Isis shook her head: “It’s the Duel King Yuei Vu.”

Marik’s eyelids twitched, and his expression suddenly became strange.

……It seemed to recall some unbearable past.

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